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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Those are not the ones from the current title sequence. They might be leftovers from an earlier version, or you've added them yourself somehow. The parks from the title sequence are stored together with the sequence script in this folder: Documents\OpenRCT2\bin\data\title. You'll see that there are multiple files. The default one for OpenRCT2 is called openrct2.parkseq. This is just a zipped archieve with a custom extension.
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

  3. What enhancer do you use, Redscope? I'm using Youtube Plus myself.
  4. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    I don't think so. The vehicles type determines how the train behaves, and the same type is used for choosing the sprite.
  5. Make sure to provide steps to reproduce this issue, or it will be very difficult to debug.
  6. Hello Nightshade! I hope you'll be having a good time here on the forums.
  7. Does this happen when starting the game?
  8. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Nobody likes walking through castles. That's what park management throught when they created the new idea for the ride that just opened: Medieval Explorer. A ride that takes the guests in a powered car through the castle and a nearby village, while through some built-in speakers the guests are informed about its history. As fun as it sounds, park management completely forgot about the terrible weather, and more importantly, about the terrible condition of the castle. Weeds are growing everywhere! Claimed: Queue: jensj12, saxman1089, giraty, Broxzier Missed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Przemek, Wuis, TheMightyClem @jensj12 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.74.sv6
  9. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

  10. I'm pretty sure there's no virus...
  11. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    I'm on my phone, so I can't check, but aren't those trees from an expansion pack?
  12. It's because of the cliff. The location command of the tile sequence saves the coordinates of which tile it should focus, and when you click "get", it finds the edge of the surface element at the top of the cliff, but then when played it centers on the surface, not the edge. The best way to deal with this is to select a tile at the bottom, just next to where the cliff starts.
  13. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    No new rides or scenery, only added dirt underneath paths and rides all throughout the park. Claimed: Queue: saxman1089, TheMightClem, giraty, Broxzier Missed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, jensj12, Przemek @saxman1089 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.70.sv6
  14. Did it work before? Have you tried reinstalling it?
  15. I believe there are two crashes here, and both happen on the receiving clients, not the one placing them. One has something to do with the ride preview, it creates a map and a new ride with its own ID and everything, and the second crash is when it's being placed. The TD6 file is not being sent to the server, but it's needed in order to place the track.
  16. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    This has been addressed before, and in my opinion it ruins the surroundings. Half of its height should be enough. @cascadia Also, claiming!
  17. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    You've already built a coaster in your last turn.
  18. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Oh wow, now I'm glad to live in a town with only two syllables in its name.
  19. You can use the cut-away view instead, of a ride is in the way. Simply drag the slider so that you can still see the shop, but not the ride above it.
  20. You mention the launcher, which is the tool that updates for you automatically already. Perhaps you have selected to only use release builds. If you want to update after every merged change, you should select the development build instead.
  21. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    @giraty It's not just a random string of characters @Wuis Enjoy your holiday!
  22. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Built some scenery around the mine coaster, and opened it. Claimed: - Queue: Wuis, saxman1089,TheMightyClem, Przemek, jensj12, Broxzier Missed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, giraty @Wuis The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.61.sv6
  23. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    @imlegos Do you mind if I do some scenery work around the mine coaster?
  24. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Claiming! Claimed: Broxzier Queue: Wuis, saxman1089,TheMightyClem, Przemek, jensj12 Missed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, giraty
  25. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    @saxman1089 correct. Have fun!
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