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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. ziscor

    Mount Coasters

    A click is a click. Besides, I tried it tons of times after then, and it only works after a few seconds after I loaded the tool. Once it was working, it stopped working for a few seconds after I left the button. Then, it worked after a little while once again. Maybe I'm not doing it right, but that's fine. I'm not gonna use it any way.
  2. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I plan to claim it later today.
  3. ziscor

    Mount Coasters

    I tried it again; didn't work. Then tried again, and it did. Apparently it doesn't work 100% of the time. [EDIT: So I found out that it only works if you leave zoom to the highest setting for about half a sec or maybe slightly less. Before then the mountain tool works as intended.]
  4. ziscor

    Mount Coasters

    Sadly, it's fixed now. That, or I forgot how to do it anymore.
  5. I don't believe this is simply happening due to the outdated launcher exclusively. Just a hypothesis, but the reason this game adds objects every time you install a new build is that once this installation is done, those objects get taken out, only to be added in once you properly run OpenRCT2 for the first time again. Basically, let the console window do it's thing and the game will run correctly in subsequent launches. You need to be more patient with the loading times.
  6. How could you have the recommended version if it was the demo? A recommended version of the game is simply a copy acquired legally, mate. Fine print or not, you probably knew this when you downloaded the demo. That still doesn't answer the problem, though. The demo version should still work for you (even if it's not recommended). Like I asked before, can the demo version be run individually?
  7. ziscor

    Mount Coasters

    Polish it up more. Add some trees into it. Uneven the land a bit. Make more complex hills instead of these regular pyramids. All this will make it more realistic to the eye. Unless this isn't meant to have realism. In that case, ignore all I just said.
  8. @Kevdog3700 Already in the works, but thanks for pointing it out. @wolfreak_99 Is already working on his own branch of the game that might ease these problems before the changes come. Expect it this weekend
  9. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    If we can only have 4 stations, one at each of the mid points of sides of our park should be ideal, or in the future another monorail could be added, in which case the stations are already placed at the ideal spots.
  10. For cross reference purposes, here's the link to the issue I made just now:
  11. I was almost gonna say this is in Geometry Dash. The tone sounds like something I'd hear in a level from DBZ Legacy of Goku 2 or Buu's Fury. Amazing games.
  12. I'm sure anyone who has ever used the Day/Night cycle for some time knows this happens. I'll have to make an account on GitHub to do that, but this day was bound to come someday, I suppose...
  13. This issue has been happening for a long time now, and I see no open issues on GitHub about this. So when the game is currently in night time, it seems occasionally that when lightning strikes the color palette suddenly goes back to old, and when it might strike again (or if the rain goes away) the palette changes back to the night one. I'm sure everybody has seen this happen already, but why is there no issue open on this right now? Has it been closed because it needs more implementation? Closed issues have no info on that either.
  14. If you downloaded it off of here, I assume we're talking about the *highly not-recommended* demo version. Does it run individually on it's own? I ran it once and it played just fine with OpenRCT2. Try running this demo and then try OpenRCT2 again. By the way, you might wanna save some cash up for the official copy of this game; it's not that costly these days and often gets sales on GoG and Steam. If these aren't possible ways for you to acquire this game, buy it from any e-commerce website. It'll be slightly costly maybe, but it's worth it.
  15. This rapid change will soon simmer down once 0.0.5 is about halfway through it's development cycle. Probably earlier than then.
  16. In the future I'd love to see a broader palette for the game, when we are ready to take that leap towards a better file format perhaps.
  17. After trying Multiplayer once again after a month and having the same problem, I can say it's not affecting you alone. Perhaps the program has trouble connecting to the Master Server due to a bug? Whatever the problem is, it still shouldn't affect you this bad so as to prevent MP all together @MidnaGamer. You could keep trying maybe. An obvious solution would be to run the stable build (even though you won't be able to connect to the majority of servers due to difference in versions).
  18. ziscor


    Welcome to the forums. Andres, right?
  19. You must know this already YSL, but instead of this the servers will have icons in front of them that indicate whether Expansion Content is being used from either of the packs, and will be greyed out if it's not. I think this is far more practical than what you are proposing. If not icons, probably ticks or something.
  20. I'm sure this is already in the pipeline of things to come, but thanks for suggesting anyways!
  21. I'm starting to like Waterflame. I don't know if this will be to anyone's liking, but still wanted to post this to add more variety in here:
  22. That's not exactly what I was talking about. By the way, this is coming from someone who knows nothing about Firewalls. Firewalls usually prevent a direct connection to your computer from an outside source. If one was only interested in connecting to other people's servers, a firewall wouldn't prevent it by default. Hosting one, however means your computer is essentially the main server everyone gets their info from (technically not, since the Host and the Clients are both working with each other through the "Master Server", but you get the point). So the main problem a firewall can cause is hosting, not connecting to other servers in general. This is why most people are able to play just fine on Multiplayer here in OpenRCT2, but when one wants to host a server of their own they need to open ports, allow firewalls and what-not.
  23. Firewalls usually don't block incoming, only outgoing. It's worth a shot though.
  24. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Nice ride. @imlegos was gonna build a Junior there, though. Right?
  25. If you used WineSkin to install it, RCT2 must have clearly installed in a certain folder. You'll have to find that folder, and then do as we've told you. Try opening RCT2 and saving a file from within the game. If the usual explorer window (or whatever it's called in OS X) opens up, just check the folders everything is in. Or, you could just google where WIneskin applications get installed.
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