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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I'll claim the park sometime after the next 12 hours. In the meantime one of those in the Missed Turn list can claim the park. (@Philmon11@imlegos)
  2. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Looking forward to what @SuperVarken does with his turn.
  3. I think I just might make tunnels at the two ends so that people can't notice the vehicles moving along the edge of the map (like they do now). I'll look more into that hack, though. Thanks for the help!
  4. I recently made a post where I needed that. I need to make sure the cars that go across the highway do not go off the map (at the last tile) and go all the way to the other highway track. It's not exactly pretty to look at and breaks the illusion that actual trucks are going off the screen on the highway. Here's how it is:
  5. Really? If that's the case, they are timed damn well. I mean it's literally perfect. The train that goes in one portal is so accurately coming out of the other portal I'm more than impressed by the person who pulled that off. @X7123M3-256 You had your own news post for that feat:
  6. I'm just doing this to entertain myself at this point: The main idea was not to make a park, but just a block of land showing certain things. Yes, there is an edge of a (possibly huge) park in one corner though. Then there's the highway crossing the land with street lamps on one side. After that there's the railway track crossing through, and finally the Country House with it's own Pier and a Camping Area nearby (close to a huge Coniferous forest whose tiny portion can be seen in the form of the dense trees in that one spot). This is my first "Micro" Project, so it's not as great as I wanted it to be. Suggestions for the future would still be welcome. What's new: Bonfire is giving an orange-red light. Cars have headlights: (yes, I know one has a bigger lighting radius. I was too lazy to make them consistent) Restroom is lit up, and so is the Country House. I still haven't figured out how to make consistent lighting without it being placed a bit off center for every light origin. This is why some lights might be slightly more intense than others. I can't stress this enough: what I'm showing is purely for viewing purposes. If lighting is ever implemented into the game in any form don't take my recent posts as a suggestion of what I want from the developers. Basic lighting for Vanilla/Default lamps is all I ask and all I will ever keep my demand list limited to.
  7. Yay! I'm totally up for that idea, but I'm worried it might not work as intended on mobile browsers. If all is fine, here's some ideas on what I'd wanna see in the video: Night Time (of course ) Track Merging A tracked Attraction with a different vehicle type (Swans + Car Ride?) Well-Used Zero Clearance (like the Trams going over Paths)
  8. If you don't mind, could you explain how I could replicate this effect? I need to make a railway track behind my park that can actually run trains without looking weird. I also wanted to then use this concept to make a highway that runs Pickup Trucks and Vintage Cars in two separate lanes. Basically, I need to make a portal precisely when the ride track meets the edge of the park which is directly linked to the opposite edge (which, in turn is connected to an invisible station).
  9. Well, the tags are pretty offensive. I don't think it's appropriate for the forums. What are your thoughts?
  10. I should put my name on that ride. Or not. Papa Franku's shall remain the secluded Bordello it needs to be.
  11. They very rarely do, but that can be counted as a rare bug. It could be owned up to the AI being bad at detecting puke or actually making puke. I've always set up manual patrols in my parks and once in a few years a guest will puke at the very start of the queue line (some even go beyond that). Since it somehow is counted as being in the block that has the queue, the handyman never cleans it up.
  12. I agree. The rep system should only be there in the Problems and Bugs section, as in the ability to give rep, or receive rep. As for if the rep counter is only shown in said sub-forum, I'm indifferent to that change. Shouldn't make much difference, really. There's a lot of ways the rep system is unreliable other than someone simply posting fun stuff that like-minded people find rep-worthy. An example: Person A had a quarrel with Persons B and C, and when they decided to debate on this in a thread, B and C would keep giving rep to each other's post to let them know they support their stance. Person A's actions will eventually get B and C a good reputation when all they did was debate with A on something. [Any relation or likeness to any person/ entity in the above example is purely coincidental and are the work of fiction of the author himself. All rights reserved.] I don't wanna start a shit storm, please ;_;
  13. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Here's an idea to make it 'sorta' indoors: do it the way the Sims games do it. You know, the way one wall (the back one from a certain angle) is made completely, the other edges are slightly view able, roof is semi- complete etc. Think of a doll house. Almost all indoor rides on NED use this technique I believe. You'll have to decide which view it looks correct from though, since other angles will not give the slightest of view. If this was exactly you meant by "I'll inevitably tweak the exterior at some point down the line" pardon the second-guessing. Maybe I should present the idea more clearly:
  14. Well, that's one way of looking at it. Here's how I think about this: one might only be posting things in the Small Talk and Offtopic section or the Ideas section and still make about 100 posts. That would probably make them an Entrepreneur, and if other people like the ideas they post, or the things they post in Small Talk, they will garner enough rep to be considered an experienced member of the community. Even making jokes can put you up pretty high. If a newbie were to ask them a question, the answer might not be right at all. This also puts into perspective the huge gap between Apprentice and Entrepreneur, and the small gaps after that. But then again, something is better than nothing...
  15. I know this must mean absolutely nothing coming from me, but keep trying combinations you wouldn't think of. You never know what other things might go wonderfully well with each other and add more detail to your structures. You can always look up other people's work on NED to see how they did their detailing. You might figure out as you keep playing, really.
  16. You should include RCT1 scenarios.
  17. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I have an idea at least as to what I shall do with the trees now. Of course I'll edit them. Are you talking about the Cranium Shaker's color scheme?
  18. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @Wuis Thank you for adding trees to my coaster. Much appreciated!
  19. we're talking about the Mine Train in Freedom Park, right?
  20. @YoloSweggLord tbh I don't like the ranking system at all. But then again, I say that on every forum I've been on.
  21. I'd ask for making night visuals enabled on Title Screen, but it's a shame that Night time changes the entire game-palette dynamically and not just the view-port of the game. Would be hard to grow accustomed to sudden darkening/blueing of the UI while seeing the Title Screen.
  22. Well, if you want to know the directory in which the save files are located by default I'm sure that should be easy for you to locate using the save game window from in-game. I don't have my Mac with me right now so I'm sorry if I couldn't give you a definitive answer. Before you upload it, you'll also want to make sure the save file has custom objects embedded in it, and to do that check the box "Export plug-in objects with saved games" from the game options. Once that has been checked simply overwrite your save game before you upload it. If the option was already checked by default ignore what I just said. Sort of a given by now, but make an issue over at GitHub here: (with the crash dump file and the save file attached in the post), and not here on the forums.
  23. Oh wait, yeah. I'd expect him to use his most polished game engine for the mobile release. Plus, Locomotion was the one he poured the most heart into.
  24. I hope it doesn't grow so much as to force Chris to make a public statement of sorts on OpenRCT2. I know he is aware of OpenTTD's existence, and some say OpenTTD was what caused him to come back into the gaming scene with Transport Tycoon Deluxe Mobile.
  25. Could you upload the park file as well? I'm sure it will help if any custom objects are referenced in the dump file (although I don't know if it does) to actually have those files in front to check an issue.
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