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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Well, there's that then. I tried making a spawn point, but guests aren't spawning at all. Is the spawn block corrupt or something? There are no issues about this on GitHub, except the very old June one where the end conclusion was that this needs more implementation. [EDIT: NVM. Glad it's fixed now. Also, after hyper speeding the game to June Year 24 the guest count flattened at 1470.]
  2. I absolutely loved that trailer! I felt guilty while watching it, since I used to play RCT basically like a Truman Show Simulator. Also, after watching it, I got why it was called 'Big Brother' trailer.
  3. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Well, I was wondering who fixed that problem with Ol' Timers, and assumed the game fixed it on it's own. The park rating is not at all low and is ideally somewhere around the 850th mark. I'm telling you, this has nothing to do with the park quality. There are only 2 lost guests every so often, and that is only because they didn't buy the map. We should shove the Information Kiosk right in front of new coming guests' faces, since they will probably get lost in the near future even more should they not obtain park maps. But that's not the problem here. Perhaps it has something to do with low guest generation based on user-defined difficulty from the park parameters?
  4. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I thought I bloomed them all with the cheat. The path came from, you guessed it, a server. I sped up the game to hyper speed to check if guest count would rise up again. Sadly, it didn't, and it went much worse. I have no idea as to why this park is not getting a lot of guests. It gets frequent awards, most guest thoughts are neutral or positive; is there any thing that is causing less guests to generate?
  5. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Done. I think I did a lot of things this time, so sit tight. Update log: Created a Mini Golf attraction by the name of Magical Gardens right outside the Kiddy area. Extended the Monorail track a bit Added a few handymen (with appropriate patrols), a mechanic or two, and two entertainers (such a shame that the frickin' Kiddy area had no entertainer in there ) Seeing that at the end of my turn the park crossed year 22 by a big margin, I found it best to renew all rides to bring more guests in, since the guest count is somewhere around 120. That is alarmingly low. Made some major tweaks to the Kiddy Area, like building fences and adding more variety of flower beds, and adding a check board terrain paint under the train track. Feel free to revert these changes back if you want to. Final thing, made another section by extending the path from the left of the Kiddy area (which meets the path built behind Ol' Timers). Said area contains two new custom objects: A restroom (I don't know why I wanted it, but it looks very nice to me. Remove it from the consequent turns if you'd like), and a custom path. I love this custom path very much. Please let it stay in the project. Additional Notes: Certain guests are wanting to get off Dark Matter. @Dan: You might wanna consider reducing the ride time on it by tweaking around a bit. Also, if I overstepped the per-turn building rules, I apologize. The OpenRCT Group Park 3.15.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @imlegos, Philmon11, Dan, Jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier, Ziscor Missed: CoasterMaster, CAVIAR, qbbq
  6. I did not say desync, Broxzier. I said disconnected.
  7. I have nothing better to do, so here it is:
  8. In this early stage of multiplayer development it is very much normal to get desynced. A way to know if the park uses CC is if you get disconnected instantly when you end up joining the game. This is because the game needs to update the object cache, and it does not happen as fast as to let you remain in the server, and hence you end up disconnecting. Parks like Starpointe are supposed to be for show only. It is definitely not a park to play in, lol. Never try to open any wrong rides. The game might crash severely. Also, workbenches are essentially blank parks that contain custom content in them, usually grouped up neatly. It is a very convenient way to acquire CC and a lot of people I acquired CC from on multiplayer usually played on workbenches before.
  9. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Also, I'm pretty sure the Export Objects with Save File option needs some investigating into. I have stumbled across this problem a lot in the past as well...
  10. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Stumbled across a problem instantly. Apparently a new object by the name of RMCT1 has been introduced by someone. @Broxzier, would you mind re-uploading the save file?
  11. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Officially claimed.
  12. I'm actually subscribed to the folks that that content maker did a shout out to.
  13. Where did you acquire your copy of RCT2 from? Perhaps CrossOver (I assume this is similar to Wine) alters the game when it makes it playable? You know, OpenRCT2 does not require you to have a playable copy of RCT2. All it needs are the game files, and I'd recommend you to copy over the Windows-friendly installed folder directly onto your Mac and then direct OpenRCT2 towards that folder. It never made any problems for me. You could also try to manually find out if the folder you are directing the program to actually does have the game files that are essential to ORCT2. If you've tried these things and had no help, maybe your copy of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 is corrupt. As YoloSweggLord asks, are you able to play RCT2 on Mac with CrossOver? I hope this helps you.
  14. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @Philmon11 Do you think a golf course would fit well in the Kiddie Corner? Else I'll make it somewhere near Ol' Timers. This is not to say that I'm taking my turn. @jensj12 or @Broxzier are free to claim it.
  15. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Push me into the missed turn list if you or Broxzier end up not claiming the park in the next few days. I have 0 ideas in my mind, and I didn't expect for my turn to come this soon.
  16. But didn't the forums and the automated build features die out a while ago? I remember getting redirected to this website as far back as November or October maybe. I still made an account here though, but that was only so that the launcher would log my play-time and let me access the store. I would always go to the .net domain because the builds that were uploaded there always had no tags in the bottom left corner of the screen except the build version and number (nothing like Appveyor etc., etc.). It's a silly reason, but it's also how I know was killed off a while ago. @craigywatt Another thing you can definitely do is download some parks from NEDesigns. Start off with Starpointe, since it has a lot of AE rides in it, and a lot of useful scenery.
  17. A great thing you can do is join servers that have custom content used in them. This way, you'll automatically download anything and everything the base game doesn't have. In fact, about 90% Custom Content I have came from a lot of servers that said "Custom Content" in their name. Sometimes you may be playing on a server and realize later that you actually downloaded some Custom Content without ever knowing it. So try to play multiplayer a lot if possible. You won't even need to download CC manually after a point in time, lol.
  18. Yes, it has been quite a while since the Store functionality broke. What has it been, like almost a year? PFCKrutonium's launcher should be rewritten to work with these forums (which are hopefully going to be named the official forums). The store was a very convenient thing to have, and if you devs have time now it may be nice to have it again someday.
  19. If you noticed, is not a domain used by this game community anymore, and all operations on there have been merged into here, except for the Launcher. I don't think the launcher works anymore, and you'll have to scout through websites for content by yourself. To ease your search, there is a topic on these forums that contain links to common websites that contain RCT2 downloads ranging from Custom Scenery to Scenarios to game altering programs: If you need help on installing said content, feel free to ask here
  20. If you could upload one specific save file here, it would make it easy for the devs to help you out. Also, which specific version are you running currently?
  21. If there is one thing I learnt here, it is that anything can be epic to any one. But seriously, am I the only one who has a fire blazing in my insides while I listen to Ride of The Valkyries? That thing makes me wanna go into battle or something. Or do a regular thing with an over-the-top dramatic effect; like eating a potato chip, or doodling something silly. Or both. Taking a crap is definitely the best use, though.
  22. The best part about this topic is that we have a lot of different variety in here. Started off as a mind soothing thing, but we have techno music, video game music, orchestral style pieces (like the thing Broxzier's 8 hour long playlist had) and something like Jazz/Funk. Almost like a, dare I say, Roller Coaster? Well, at least a roller coaster made with track merging and different vehicle types enabled from the cheats
  23. Maybe it's not your type of music. I don't look to music to find something new every time. Not every song has to give a different experience each time you listen to it. I listen to music primarily to relive the same epicness I felt the first time I listened to it, and I don't get bored of it. I'm up for any music I listen to, but your selection does have boundaries I guess. I look at Ride of The Valkyries in a different spectrum of light than I do something like Pyrates Beware (part of AC IV's OST) which has a lot going on in various sections. Might be a good time to put this here:
  24. That's very much your personal opinion, I guess. I like it when I want instant boosts of energy. How do you not feel that in it's tone? The reason I love it is because it has a simple melody that is easy to catch on. That's not to say there aren't subtle undertones throughout the music. The more complex a melody becomes the more forgettable it is. And the less likely you are of wanting to listen to it again. This is the justification I think of when people say '8-bit video game music is very memorable'. More memorable music will always leave a better effect on you than a musical piece that doesn't have a clear cut melody. There. That's my opinion. In any case, Led Zeppelin sure is epic as well. It stands right beside my Assassin's Creed OST folder.
  25. Unless you can give me something more epic than that, maybe I am telling you that.
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