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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. Well, if Chris releases the game early I think the Android Version of ORCT2 could use it's interface.
  2. I think the most likely route would be that of an integrated scenario downloader with a rating system, no. of downloads etc. that would showcase the scenarios made by the community itself where anyone and everyone can upload their own scenarios and get other people to comment on it, etc. Then, you'd have a sorting system that only gave you the best ones, the most popular ones, the diamonds in the rough, etc. I wouldn't expect this anytime sooner, though.
  3. Could it be that marketing in Netherlands was more than anywhere else at that time? Also, it does seem RCT3 is more known to people and what they call "old times". I don't know how, but I could never get nostalgic vibes from it, except the music. @SensualEthiopianPolice You forgot the Koreas again.
  4. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Hmm... I don't think it works on Boat rides. I made a Swans and set it to Crooked House Mode, and it didn't make it invisible. Is this because recently drawing functions were finished for several rides maybe?
  5. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @X7123M3-256 What is this "crooked house method", kind sir? Enlighten me to its use please.
  6. I don't have a Magic Mouse for my Mac, but the track pad works fine. Are you having an issue with the Magic Mouse only, or is it something that affects all means of input? I have a wireless Lenovo mouse as well, and even that gives me no problems. By the way, welcome to the forums.
  7. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    It's a shame Boats get stuck if left in an open area with no track going along it. For this reason, I had to make a track going through the water pool, then hiding it using the Tile Inspector. In the long run, making patrols is the best way to go. That way a certain spot will never have excessive amounts of puke building up on it through the years. I was completely surprised when I saw the path where the patrols weren't there. It was obvious when you look at it, everything around that path was completely clean except that one passage (which was full of puke and litter as far as the Peep's eye could see, lol). In fact, I was guessing the Hungry and Thirsty messages were causing the ratings to drop when it was only a single pathway's fault.
  8. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Seeing as imlegos really clogged up the waiting list, I'll just end my turn right here. This was mostly a turn where I added more custom content (even after I said I wouldn't ). The park file size is slightly large now. Firstly, introduced more CC: two color custom brick walls, a lounging chair, 1/4th awning roof, a flag pole, and a color custom archway) Used said CC to make Piscine Molitor: a swimming pool that shows the royal side of things. Oh wait, almost forgot to mention I used AE's Swimming Pool custom ride here. To be honest, I'm not completely satisfied with it, might make changes in the future. Added AE's Swingers beside the Pool building. Made a Junior Coaster to fill the area between Flight of The Iron Men and Piscine Molitor. The Cranium Shaker. Made the river-thingy I was gonna make. Couldn't really think of making anything that incorporated it into things, I like it not-congested. It comes all the way down to Piscine Molitor. Feel free to make any aesthetic changes to it, or even extend it in any direction you may like. Just keep the rock edges intact. Added patrolling around the area @Broxzier recently made. Seriously mate, make patrols wherever you make new path, even if it is a shortcut through an area. Made random Burger Bars in two places; made two restrooms in empty places to improve general feedback from Guests. Dark Matter got stuck in my turn again. Did a reset on it to fix the problem, but we're gonna have to look into why the ride gets stuck. Park Rating is back to 999 now. Slight fluctuations are still there, though. Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12 , Wuis, Broxzier, SuperVarken, ziscorMissed: Philmon11, Dan, imlegos The OpenRCT Group Park 3.30.sv6
  9. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I'll keep that in mind next time. I completely forgot to make a passage or two through that wooden wall, but had plans for it. Is something like this acceptable?
  10. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Alright, I think I'll only make a slight part of it just in case anyone else disagrees over it. Anyone can make any changes to the overall depth or width if they like.
  11. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Claimed. I have something that needs mass approval. Are we looking for a river in this park? I shallow brook with rock painted edges might look nice, like this (I was thinking of a river that crosses through the park and not stop at a point, but you get the idea): Please provide your inputs on this as soon as possible.
  12. I recently built a ride in Group Park 3 that's the perfect example of this. The mechanic was trying to go through the entrance path when he was needed to get to the exit. Then, if you'd leave him at the exit manually, once he fixed the ride he was occasionally having trouble getting to the entrance (in cases of restraint doors being broken). Basically, if Mechanics can get this much clueless while finding a ride that was specifically ordered for them to go to, it's pointless to salvage the code for Staff AI and use it for Guest AI. Instead of that we're gonna need entirely new code that is superior to the old AI. Aren't major changes going to be done once we have moved on to our own file format? I think this qualifies as being under that.
  13. Welcome to the forums, Nave! To make your own title sequences your first step is obviously to click Create inside Edit Title Sequences. After that, switch to the next tab where you'll find an Add button. Click it, and import any parks you'll be using for your title sequence. Once you've done so, you can now go to the last tab Script. Under here, your main button of use will be Insert. It essentially loads a park from the set of parks you imported earlier into your title sequence. After you've done that, there are some more commands that add specificity to your Title Sequence. Location is used to move the screen/view-port to a certain set of coordinates, Rotate will rotate the park around from the original orientation it was in by default when loaded up, and I don't think Zoom and Speed need explanations. Wait, however is an important one. It's the equivalent to 'doing nothing' in the Title Sequence. It can be used to stop the view-port at the current situation while the park plays around normally. You'll mostly use it when you need to switch over to a new park, but need to give some time to the current screen before moving on. You can move around the order these scripts are followed in but if you make these scripts step by step as needed they will automatically stack in the correct order. I hope this helps you! If these instructions still don't let you make a Title Sequence due to another issue (as unlikely as it is) I suggest you make a topic of its own in the Problems, Bugs and Feedback section.
  14. is a very generalized and unclear term. Newer builds within 0.0.5 are released almost every few hours, and have a unique string of numbers and alphabets to distinguish the certain build from the rest. You can find it out from the down-left corner of the game on the main menu.
  15. I looked through his uploads and found it. Maybe I'll edit my video someday. Maybe. His background isn't as nice to look at as the colorful RCT1 image. Plus, the nostalgia with the RCT1 image is too strong.
  16. I couldn't find a broad image for RCT2 as the background so I stole the one the original post's uploader used.
  17. I manually put together the entire selection from RCT2 using Audacity a long time ago and still have it. I actually want to add a link to YouTube since it makes it easy and convenient to play on this website due to easy integration into the post. Anyways, after attempts at doing this with YouTube's own editor, here's the video made with absolutely no help from their screwed up editor. Yesirree, this was made 100% with Windows Movie Maker 2.6: the standard for all video professionals. It took a long time to upload so this better be worth it. It's unlisted so shouldn't cause trouble (still illegal, I know). Ironically enough, my version starts off with the same music the previous post's video started off with (and ended up repeating on an endless cycle of boredom)
  18. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    imlegos y u do dis.
  19. @Broxzier Wait, what? I thought that would be the entire music selection used by the Fairground Organ Style. I should have played it once, lol. I'll upload the selection I made manually from game files and then add a link to it in the original video then.
  20. This should effectively bring life to this topic: It's either that or kill it indefinitely.
  21. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I noticed that mechanics are having a hard time reaching the exit of Flight of The Iron Men. They seem to head for the entrance instead, and I think that may be because I made crazy pavement using no Clearance Checks at the sides of the station. Remove the path, Broxzier. and I think that should fix it. Sorry I did not notice this problem earlier It seems that the problem is not simply caused by the path but by Zero Clearance in general. I know how to fix it entirely and I'll do it in my next turn.
  22. ziscor

    Mount Coasters

    I mistook your "correct spot to hold the mouse". I thought you meant to say click the physical mouse on a different spot, and that didn't make sense to me. I understand now, that make a lot more sense.
  23. Thanks for being critical of the title sequence. I understand that it has a lot of room for improvement. On the park building side, that's just the style I use for building parks. I try not to make the scenery or rides realistic, and I make sure that comes off in the parks. Your style is way different than what I intend to portray. With that said, I do need more practice in making parks in general since I consider myself very much a rookie. I understand the sequence looks to be very fast to you, and that's a problem I should think about. I know those parks very well so I forgot other people wouldn't know them that much intricately, and will miss out on certain details existing there. It's development was certainly rushed, and to improve performance I'll do what you did for your sequence. I'll delete the objects the park doesn't use, and perhaps make one large park instead, where certain shots exist. I took way too little time to make that sequence. I plan on making another, and I'll try to make it way better than this one! Again, thanks for reviewing that Title Sequence. That means a lot to me.
  24. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Built a Mini Suspended Flying Coaster around Trilby Railways/ Garden section. Named Flight of the Iron Men. This is the first 'coaster' I've built in this park. Noticed littering issues from the latest area Broxzier built, apparently there were no handymen deployed there. People were not exactly happy on the queue of Buckriders and Water Rush, so made some TVs and patrolled 1 entertainer on each. Expanded path ahead of Sherwood Heights, connected it to an extended path coming from the front of the aforementioned Garden section. Flattened certain paths outside notoriously nausea inducing rides' exits. That way I built benches so sick peeps immediately sit there. That seemed to reduce the "I feel sick" thoughts on my end. Not by much though. Guests still seem to have some trouble getting to the Elevator. Claimed: - Queue: @jensj12, Dan, Broxzier, imlegos, ziscorMissed: Philmon11, Wuis The OpenRCT Group Park 3.26.sv6
  25. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: - ziscorQueue: jensj12, Dan, Broxzier, imlegosMissed: Philmon11, Wuis
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