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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I was looking at the history of this project, and saw this on page 4. I find this slightly funny considering the current situation.
  2. ORCT2 with a vs. multiplayer... kinda sounds interesting, but not applicable atm.
  3. Should really just add a 'Re-Sync' button that causes the player to rejoin the server. This would be under the Multiplayer button.
  4. imlegos

    yo peeps

    A long time ago in a game not very far away OPEN ROLLER COASTER TYCOON Episode II Star Wars Title scroll
  5. Beginners tip: Holding CTRL over a placed object keeps it at that height level! Personal tip: Don't act like Joel on multiplayer.
  6. Tycoon 3 had icons for if a park required certain expansions to run, so we could probably have a WW and a TT icon for RCT2 that would display depending on expansion packs.
  7. imlegos


    Just don't act like him, especially on multiplayer.
  8. Or maybe it could have to do with the monorail, i don't think it can have a single CPT (Car Per Train).
  9. Invalid Header is just the game not being able to label the scenario descriptions properly in the Scenario Editor (In ORCT2 you can select a pre-written scenario description, though this notably seems to have a lot of bugged/unused headers). Invalid Ride Type seems to be a common thing as well, no idea what starts it.
  10. This game is 2002, Tycoon 1 is 1999...
  11. Every song in game is called 'Song' style Example: Fairground Organ Style, Modern Style, Pirate Style, Urban Style E.T.C. This is likely to reflect the idea that each song is to fit a style of ride. It's actually understandable that you got it mixed up since you style rides with themeing.
  12. Also, it's 'style' not 'theme'
  13. All the merry-go-round music is not done by Allister, there is also very few themes for regular game sounds from others. Pirates is probably one of like 2 or 3, not sure atm.
  14. imlegos

    Muting sound

    I think the point is multitasking, maining the game while having a movie or video on the side.
  15. I think the sound file exists in either the UCSE or the RCT1 scenario pack that Runlean shared a while back. All i know is that i got it without RCT1.
  16. In other news, we are linked on the Wikipedia page for RCT2... We are also directly referenced under the 'legacy' section. Also, we have two refrences, one from indieretronews, and github.
  17. Hey, so i was bored and started reading the wikipedia artical on Chris Sawyer, and saw this... "In March of 2016, Eurogamer interviewed Sawyer. He says he is working to convert RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 to mobile platforms." So, i guess Sawyer does care about RCT? But i guess the question is how he is able to even do this, since Atari owns the rights to the RCT franchise...
  18. imlegos

    Adventure Fields

    I just realized, how many POKeMON do we have on this site?
  19. Park lacks red, white, and blue even more now. Only one ride did it right.
  20. Strange, my laptop opens a seperate tab, whereas my desktop opens a gallery...
  21. I take it that site is nearly impossible to find now since, you know, Roller Coaster Tycoon World is going to be the fourth game in the series. We don't speak of the others. On another note, why can't we strike through?
  22. When i click it, it displays a full image. Not sure if that's because i'm on a laptop though.
  23. Have you tried putting the map on both games? Does it have CS?
  24. Maybe just have all the password servers sorted below the pubs? Like OTTD does. (2 sets of alphabetical, one without pass, one with.
  25. Noteable: Placing an entrance and exit in Zero Clearance can break it's path detection, causing it to not connect, thus unfix-able, This is fixable by replacing the building. Zero Clearance can also cause a staircase to be incorrectly displayed as a flat piece, this is fixable by reloading.
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