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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. I got the mode wrong btw, it's actually 'Reverse lift hill launched shuttle,' which would mean the respective should be 'Forward lift hill launched shuttle'
  2. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I just thought of something, i wonder how many people actually realize what 'Original Round Car Trip 2' actually means... (Original Round Car Trip 2 = ORCT2 = Open Roller Coaster Tycoon 2)
  3. I'd say this mode should be called 'Launch Shuttle (Forward-Incline),' based on the mode 'Launched Shuttle (Reverse-Incline)'
  4. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I saw this ride crash aswell, it must be RCT2's weight calculations doing it
  5. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Next In Line: @UTMAN, jansj12, Wuis, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab, Broxzier, Xvalogan, qbbq, imlegosMissed Turn: Enner New Coaster: Steel Knot. I noticed while building that project eggplant seems to not have a way to be fixed, the mechanic just keeps getting a path finding problem whenever he tries to find the exit. I noticed some other oddities, and i fixed one already, feel free to do some scenery work around Steel Knot BTW Community Park V2.62.sv6
  6. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Little bit of an update on the build's progress. Built the station and a little structure around the brake section in the middle
  7. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Right, i'll have to do some more work later, so far though... Oh, right, stats, Excitement: 7.28 (High) Intensity: 7.39 (High) Nausea: 4.36 (Medium)
  8. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    The ride, 'Keeper of the FrozenPlants' just crashed...
  9. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: imlegosNext In Line: UTMAN, jansj12, Wuis, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab, Broxzier, Xvalogan, qbbqMissed Turn: Enner
  10. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I'm in. Just wondering, but how would i post a screen?
  11. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I have come back from the dead! I think I'll start, gonna look around first before I decide.
  12. Well, don't be quite surprised. alot of us have fond memorys of this game. and now that there's people breathing new life into it...
  13. imlegos

    Group Park 2 Added a new impulse coaster, and that's pretty much it. Feel free to tidy that up though.
  14. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I'm back! I have been focused on other things. but i have returned and shall take my turn!
  15. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Honestly, i hope the slanted fences stay, but the paths get removed. i wonder if it would be possible...
  16. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Builds a large dueling coaster in a new area... i guess you didn't really decorate it, but still...
  17. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Never mind, nothing is coming to mind to work on for me atm
  18. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I'll take my turn now, i was a bit lost previously... too caught up in other things.
  19. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I'll check if i have this issue later
  20. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Forgot to announce my start, but anyway here it is: a new coaster: Pond SnakeChanged the name of both the trams and the gold course. (tram name is special, do not change it)
  21. Coil, this is a fairly old post. Multiplayer is already in the game, but still needs some fixing to work well enough to be useful
  22. imlegos

    Group Park 2 we go!I just added a new Junior Coaster. feel free to come up with a name for it.
  23. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I'll get to work i guess. Hopefully the map loads.
  24. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    We probably just shoulden't use coustom objects. ORCT2 dosn't seem to be able to read them.
  25. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    The export objects thing just dosn't seem to work properly. Not sure if it has to do with my rct2 files being all over my desktop or what...
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