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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Also also, For some reason, Windows Media Player (Win10) can read .dat files properly. No clue why this is a thing, but it is.
  2. Also, ORCT2 does support css50.dat, which is recomended to be used as RCT1's theme, but can be used to add your own title music.
  3. Trigger's Toolkit has some audio tools, including translating every sound file in the game to a .mp3, and replacing audio files with those you would like to. Trigger is actually the one who created the ORCT2 steam stub, he also has a few other tools like a content gallery for viewing assets and a maze generator.
  4. The game currently has a message that displays in chat before the "(player) joined" message based client side... so i don't see how a MotD system would be harder. This could probably be a new restriction addable in the Multiplayer menu (This could be toggleable for those who run servers separate from their game, like WhiskeyStation) Changing it would also be a tab under MP
  5. If this was added, I hope it isin't as blinding as RCT3's lighting system. (Though, that probably was just me spamming lights everywhere). As it stands, ORCT2's night effect is much better then 3's is, even without all the real-time stuff like shadows, we can still see. Also, since it's just the game's color being changed, wouldn't a overlay bright enough to look normal past the changed colors work?
  6. So, you did Mystic Lake twice, where's the second?
  7. I beleive this disconnect could be related to internet stability. Especially considering how the ping is.
  8. You know, ORCT2 saves the files in My Documents rather then the C Drive now. This is deffinitly easier then RCT2's method, but i guess a in-game option to load/delete would be nice. I guess an example would be MineCraft's system, where you can click once on a world to get the options to load and delete below the saves window, then double clicking will instantly load it.
  9. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I'd say the junior at the entry is a fair size. I just seem to have a thing for entry juniors... Considering i built them both...
  10. Besides, the most efficent you could get at this game is memorizing the keyboard shortcuts to work with the precision of the mouse.
  11. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    We are not deleting tracked rides, except for subpar man. Because that ride is kinda lame.
  12. You do know we can just click the image, right?
  13. This is a cause of Zero Clearence overwriting the path piece with the ghost. I'm pretty sure it just requires relogging.
  14. Maybe that requires editing the game's data. In that case, there's custom scenery available for this, just look around for water CS. I think a piece of it may exist in a current NEDesigns workbench. You can add this in after using the ORCT2 debug object selection menu.
  15. Putting water on the corners of a River Rapids requires Zero Clearance, there is custom scenery that is made specifically for this, but just raising water works as well (One of the title screen parks demonstrate this, however for this to work properly, you need to place water over the whole thing). To actually do it you need to build the ride first, then fill with water. This also works with scenery objects, allowing you to build underwater. A thing to keep in mind is that you can make walls 2 thick, you can use this for extra detail like on Steel Knot's station seen in Group Park 2
  16. I've seen this problem, but I've mostly just brushed it off. The version i'm using is the latest launcher and the RCT2 install I have is Atari's Triple Thrill Pack. I've gotten this problem only in MP, but I have no idea how as whenever it happens I am doing nothing.
  17. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    I feel like i should note that toilets have infinite capacity, but only one guest can enter at a time. (This was found via cheating a ton of guests with high restroom)
  18. I think what qbbq is saying is that we should take inspiration from the way the park is laid out, with a main street leading to a central area with different scales of ride intensity in each direction.
  19. It's just that literally everyone always says something about the limit. It gets tiring hearing about it.
  20. The forums have a search function...
  22. Are people's first instincts not to check the options?!
  23. Actually, Mat, adding them to the base game was as simple as running the file with RCT2.Exe, This Does not work with ORCT2, and so you would need to add the seperate files to RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 > ObjData. However, sometimes this will work when opening a park with the "Export objects" checked.
  24. People should really check the keyboard shortcuts list in-game before asking this kind of stuff...
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