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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. I think i'll join, hopefully i will be able to get better at working realistically, i'd say a larger version of the NED workbench that Fluxtrance is using in his Westwood Resort would be interesting. As it stands, it's really small.
  2. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    There's 2 limits in the game, Scenery and Rides. Scenery should be obvious, and the rides limit includes shops, stalls, and other objects. The distinguishment between the two is the tabs they are built from.
  3. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    For whatever reason when i tried to build a giga, the game would crash...
  4. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Gonna have to pass me. I can't build what i wanted to build
  5. The RCT2 directory is where the game is located, in this case it's probably program files (86x) Steam Steamapps Common RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Triple Thrill
  6. The option reportadly is unfinnished at this time, the easiest way is to provide a download to the scenario and have people install it to their game.
  7. I use the cars cheat and put both it, an elevator, and a roto drop on coaster tracks feeding into the madness
  8. I was gonna probably post it there, but i didin't know where that was.
  9. I got bored earlier, and decided, 'Why not put a ton of rides on the same track?' and so this happened... That is probably around 10 rides using the same track. See if you can identify them all.
  10. I would say having a system for selecting patrol areas like 3's would be nice, but that would probably take a lot of coding.
  11. Guess there is that argument that i overlooked, heh.
  12. There are very few people who would say that RCT3 is better then 2, and there is absolutely no one who would say RCT1 is better then 2, especially when you take into account the remade scenarios from RCT2 Base
  13. You download the files and put them into the objdata folder under you RCT2 directory.
  14. Besides, the development are just better to use.
  15. This would probably mean either Program Files (x86) > Atari > Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 Triple Thrill Pack or Program Files (x86) > Infogram Interactive > Roller Coaster Tycoon. I'm not sure what the separate expansion packs would be filed under.
  16. Add server button in the server browser. You do it to the one you're trying to connect with.
  17. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Also, feel free to expand the path between Steel Knot and Burning Forest towards Burning
  18. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Actually, that was my first attempt at making a interesting looking Inverted. I feel the trees don't quite suit it though, so feel free to edit some of the land around it.
  19. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    And done. Added some scenery around Steel Knot. And built new ride: Burning Forest (Inverted Impulse) Excitement: 7.64 Intensity: 8.69 Nausea: 6.14 I also temporarily closed The Vilian (and before it crashed as well) Claimed: --Next In Line: UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab, przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, imlegosMissed Turn: Enner, Xbalogan Community Park V2.71.sv6
  20. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: imlegosNext In Line: UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab, przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbqMissed Turn: Enner, Xbalogan
  21. The question is i guess would it be possible to past Extreme Heights' 'Flaming Fury' in like it is in EH, or would it have to be either fully above or fully below?
  22. imlegos

    Group Park 2

    Normally i have the chainlift after some drops, but i never try and do a uphill section after. I am NOT claiming yet, i shall claim it when i get home (which will be later today).
  23. There is a way to bury a prebuilt, but it requires replacing each section after raising the ground it's placed on
  24. I should also note that hovering over the 'light' you can see which version the server is running.
  25. You can set the launched to either use development builds or stable builds in the options, you can also set it to update automatically.
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