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Everything posted by janisozaur

  1. Which version are you using, where did you get rct2? Just by looking at it, without any investigation it may be a problem with your assets, can you validate your rct2 installation?
  2. why would you use rct1-import?
  3. I suspect when you start it within the debugger, your working directory may be set to something different than the exe expects it to be. Is there an option to set CWD? Can you set it to where openrct2.exe is?
  4. cannot reproduce.
  5. @WaxWeazle can I ask you to try running a debug build? You'll need a debugger, like this one: and a debug build, you can use this: Run the debugger, load the provided build and when it crashes, you should have a backtrace available. I hope so, as I'm not proficient with Windows.
  7. Initially I was thinking perhaps it could be running out of memory, but that doesn't seem to be the case, unless you are using window scaling. Only ~24MB is needed at your resolution. What platform are you using?
  8. There is a service set up, which checks if your server can be reached from the Internet. Only if that works, will your server get an entry on the "master server". As that fails, your server is unreachable which contradicts your argument about ports being open. Please verify your network setup.
  9. Please check if it still happens for you in develop builds, there was a ton of changes. If it still does, please provide additional info: What do you mean by "build tools"? The construction window for coasters? How does it not work? Does the window not open; does it have buttons disabled; are the buttons enabled but don't do anything; something else? Is it a multiplayer game? Is this bug reliably reproducible? Does it depend on game time or wall clock (enable debug tools, there will be new speed option available, 8x, should happen after 5-6 minutes)?
  10. there's your problem then. Edit: though in that case you wouldn't be able to run openrct2 properly,.
  11. @Lamborghini2670 your g2.dat file is broken. Please grab one from any recent build and replace local copy.
  12. Is the server you're connecting to public & live now?
  13. you have to enable cheats first in options.
  14. Just like it says, you need rct2 for the assets.
  15. Your group parks look nice and have a lot of attention to them. The rules posted in first post seem fairly strict, but in the end I know all such projects tend to relax them together with progress, in this case I would expect some late work to be submitted yielding some confusion which park should the next person in queue work with. How about you implement a system which would keep track of whose turn is it and make sure they can only submit in allowed slots? Ping @JarnoVgr @RuneLaenen @Broxzier. Also, while writing my thoughts down, another thing occurred to me, please see
  16. janisozaur

    Map Zoom
  17. We'll need some more information than "random crash".
  18. @RuneLaenen you're wrong, in the case described here it means we don't know the version. It is different kind of red. It is evident by the error being "unable to join" (as the user described in first post) rather than "Incorrect Software Version"
  20. I'm not quite sure what you are talking about, it works just fine.
  21. and disable uncap fps as well. @RuneLaenen there is only one or two game commands using vanilla code at this point and they account for very minor chunk of desyncs, if any at all. They stem from something else entirely. These two options I mentioned should provide the best a user can do for the time being, we're working on getting them fixed.
  22. are you using pulseaudio?
  23. the best user-facing setting you can change for now is disable auto-saves (both server & client)
  24. weird, works for me on arch. not sure what i can about that.
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