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Everything posted by janisozaur

  1. Sure. # assuming is your origin $ git checkout develop $ git reset --hard origin/develop # you can also fetch and checkout (in detached HEAD mode) that specific commit: $ git fetch origin refs/pull/3179/head $ git checkout FETCH_HEAD
  2. I may have spoken too soon, as I have found a way to safely support (i.e. not crash or enter some infinite loop) such modified rides. Can you please check
  3. OK, I've loaded your 30-cars file and I'm sorry to say it relies on undefined behaviour – which will also likely be cause of your crash. I will have to create a change to limit that, from the initial look of things 16 is the hard limit.
  4. The only change to this part of code this year was labelling of some fields, so it has not been touched recently. I still don't know how do you make 30/31 cars?
  5. How do I test it? How do you make such long trains?
  6. Your post is not clear as to what exactly is your problem. Can you try explaining it again?
  7. Can't you use object selection window for that?
  8. You can use netfilter for the purpose of blocking by IP. It is beyond scope because we will not implement and maintain such code. It is purely a distraction and side-tracking for us, when there are better suited solutions already available. See also
  9. We only really pass the values you put in there to the system calls that handle network and give us sockets to work with. Perhaps the calls themselves are already capable of resolving IPv6, so maybe it works.
  10. Blocking IPs is beyond scope of OpenRCT2. There are other tools much better suited for this job. We plan to implement a more reliable, robust login system. See
  11. We expect c4 and have no support for v6
  12. @Manoman when you find the offender, please upload it so we can inspect it.
  13. what are you talking about? if you haven't had vanilla, you wouldn't be able to play openrct2.
  14. must be as there is no other assert on line 213.
  15. can you verify if your rides get same or different scores in vanilla?
  16. If you have to ask, it's not meant for you.
  17. I find this idea ill-conceived. We, the developers, don't really use this forum much, only occasionally come by to see if there are any issues, which we then pull into the issue tracker. It appears you're trying to replicate our issue tracker as a forum thread, while you're free to do so, given record of past actions I highly doubt anyone will maintain it. The forums, reddit and nedesigns are already high-maintenance in my opinion. You're welcome to browse through the issue tracker, this gives you the best and biggest picture.
  19. Yes it is. There are builds available occasionally here or on reddit.
  20. you probably are looking for something like this:
  21. It's also listed in the credits…
  22. I assume you mean headless mode. The only way to manage groups is in "headful" mode, but the permissions and default group get stored and loaded both in headless and non-headless mode.
  23. A likely reason is the server has some objects that are not available to client. You can perhaps overcome this by re-connecting for the second time, if that was the case, then the cache should have been rebuilt by then and you should be able to connect easily. Alternatively, you can send you friend a map you intend to host (make sure "export plug-in objects" option is on) for him at least once before you connect. I don't think there's anything else you could do on your end to alleviate this problem. See
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