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Everything posted by janisozaur

  1. cześć
  3. There is a hardcoded sprite limit of 10000. Sprites consist of guests, staff, litter, duck, vehicle, balloon, fountain, money effect and some particles.
  7. Please report it at github next time and remember to format your issue properly.
  8. Please provide dump and sv6 files created by the game.
  9. I need to know following information: How do you run the game? Windowed or fullscreen? There are three option in total available, which one of them? Do you have any scaling turned on (system or in-game)? Does it happen always when you drag around or only when you hold mouse button clicked? Does clicking mouse buttons, then moving mouse cursor to edge fix it? Are there any parts of the screen that trigger this behaviour/some parts of the screen stay unaffected? Does it happen reliably in all or only in some builds? Does relaunching the game or switching scenarios have any effect on that? Your OS version & build information
  10. @wolfreak_99 you have even left a comment there. You're right in thinking I have not played online games, but this is only slightly helpful in figuring out proper way of authorisation of clients. I don't, however, contribute a lot to the core, gameplay experience for this reason. The no-network builds, you'll notice, are not pushed anywhere like the normal builds. They're not meant to be used by people (but at one point in time they provided support for XP, which is now done differently), but by us to verify we can still work without depending on curl & openssl, which are huge libraries themselves and take a special skill to get built, and then the complex networking code on top of it. They have served their purposed more than once, the initial Linux & osx builds, now ports to android/armv7, iOS and x86-64 are all possible specifically because we keep those builds around and it's so much easier to do.
  11. I'm proud to report #3699 has been merged
  12. He only resumed this after quite a long hiatus, there were some updates to the slides as well (like the screenshot with Android port). He mentioned there would be a video soon, but perhaps it's not available yet. I can't check myself right now due to slow Internet connection. The conference where this was presented was "signalconf", maybe searching for this will yield some results.
  13. He mentioned he'll have a new one uploaded soon, is it the new one already or the one from year before?
  14. @SensualEthiopianPolice I'm sorry to hear that. #3699 is nearly done, it should put an end to such issues. @wolfreak_99 I did not plan to respond to you, but seeing how everyone else has weighed in, I feel compelled to do so myself. We have not brushed things off, we are aware of the problems. We simply don't want to rush things and them improperly, so when users get the hang of things, we would meet with considerable backlash for changing things around. The few of us invested in OpenRCT2 project had a discussion on how to best address those issues and decided on the way we want to go and how to solve all of them. We initially wanted have a central authority for having accounts, most probably, but some folks came to gitter and complained about that. As you can see, we took their opinions into consideration. You offered your worked on IP-based banning, private messages and some other items, but then never really showed any will to contribute it. See if your memory fails. You accuse us of mocking you and being impolite, but I see it completely the other way around. You come to us and drop you whole life story, whine and moan (, then insult everyone (calling strangers on the Internet "dude", "bro", "koreans can suck it" and refuse to share your work anyway and still expect us to stay calm. We explained to you time and again, why we won't merge your ban system, yet you still insisted on working on that. That's fine, you can have your own version, we're open source project after all, it's simply shame that you don't want to upstream at least parts of your work; we expressed interest in other items you pitched. You have not made any quality work yet, as your only PR had to be fixed anyway ( It seems to me your personal issues take the best of you, which is a shame because we could use your contribution, but the way you fend off people makes it not worth our while. I'd rather make do without your contributions than having to deal with you. I'm glad you find my work useful, it is intended to be such. It was discussed and carefully designed with other members and developers to reliably fix most, or all, issues at the same time, while still being easy for the users and manageable for hosts. Let me straighten this up, however: I have no intention on working with you, I find you quite annoying and don't expect any help from me, at least not until you change your attitude. You're still free (and I encourage you) to open pull requests against upstream repo, when you finally have something share-worthy.
  15. I'm not sure who of our team has such hardware. Even then, most of us work on more pressing issues at this time, so the PR that was mentioned is your best shot right now.
  16. We use a simple check, roughly "if (last_used_version != current_version) { show_changelog(); }". The file with changelog is distributed nevertheless. It is also available at
  17. As part of #3699, user names should now be unique per server. If "john" joins, then another "john" joins, the latter will be assigned "john #2" name by the server. If then "john #2" joins, he will get assigned "john #2 #2" name. If yet another "john" joins, he will be "john #3". You get the idea. User names are not tied in any way to keys (other than on client side we use this to select which key to use), we do not provide any facility to register user names.
  18. For the umpteenth time, let me repeat: hw guids or uuids are useless in context of openrct2. You can forge anything you send to the server, including said ID. We wanted to implement a centralised authority for accounts, but met with substantial opposition to this idea, which resulted in us reaching for asymmetric cryptography as a way of identifying players. Please stop throwing such ideas around, they are useless and infeasible.
  20. loads fine, cannot reproduce.
  21. there's no "www" in "", though… @JarnoVgr what do you have in mind: something showing UI or just the in-game content, like the video in background of In latter case there's not much that you can easily tell is openrct2-only and even when you can, it takes to know the feature beforehand to tell it, while in former it may feel cluttered.
  22. @Broxzier most probably, as the backtrace indicates: 10 website.openrct2.OpenRCT2 0x0006d8ec RCT1::GetPreferedRideEntryOrder(unsigned char) + 4426
  24. @luca_starks this is coming from RCT1 import code, can you provide all the TD4 rides you have?
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