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Everything posted by SensualEthiopianPolice

  1. it's the worst of both worlds
  2. It's giving me the vapors
  3. Oh good golly miss molly
  4. Wow... that was... exceptionally terrible...
  5. hello darkness my old friend
  6. The current easiest way to get an array of custom rides and scenery is to just hop around servers. If they utilize any custom stuff, it will automatically and permanently be added to your game
  7. I'm on a Country Teasers kick
  8. Welcome and godspeed
  9. what gave it away?
  10. eh why not go whole hog, let's scrap orct2 and make our own game
  11. It's not the best I've seen by far, but you've got the potential to really make some great parks. Keep at it, try new styles, follow examples, and I think in no time you can really be a real cream-of-the-crop builder.
  12. I'm pretty sure it's a bot
  13. A band I just found and am really diggin
  14. Actually, I think I'm gonna pass, I bought my self NL2 for my birthday and I want to get the hang of that. Claimed: -Queue: @imlegos, Redscope53, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRails, TCE, Wuis, BroxzierMissed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice The OpenRCT Group Park 4.17.sv6
  15. Claimed but give me a bit to work on it
  16. pretty dang good, although put some more variety on the castle wall to make it less flat
  17. I can 100% verify that Skylander is pretending to be nicman. He joined a server alongside a griefer who spammed the chat. When @Thewarf321 asked skylander a question, the spam immediately stopped for skylander to respond. Later, "nicman" joined right as Skylander was talking about him. I asked nicman a question about himself and he failed to answer. I know we all already knew it was Skylander but this is just more to the burden of proof.
  18. I suggested something a while back and got *Zero* response. And it wasn't a bad idea either. It was to have an option to release a train from the station when #X block brakes are clear, so i could space out my trains better and easier.
  19. I feel like that's probably difficult to program, and also going to cause lots of desyncs
  20. I just got back from a server that "nicman" was spam joining. I said hello but they kicked me and whitelisted the server. That's when I realized how bad a problem one person doing this is. That host didn't look like an active member of the orct2 community, the first time I had seen him too, and now if he ever hosts again, it's going to be whitelisted or private and probably won't change. If we ever want to be a community, we really need to crack down on trolling.
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