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Everything posted by SensualEthiopianPolice

  1. Direct Democracy has never been a good system. It caused Brexit.
  2. You're literally asking for the impossible. You want a handful of devs to figure out how to make a computer create an objective score for something purely subjective. If they could do that, I doubt they'd be working on ORCT2.
  3. Server promotion!?! If you see any server called Sensual's Server or Sensual's Realism Server, that's probably me. It's not permanent but it reminds me of something worth mentioning. If I phrase this weird it's because I'm currently drunk my apologies to Allah. Anyway, here's my personal ground rules for hosting a server which may be useful to new hosters: 1. Groups should be as follows: -muted: no rights -spectator: default; chat only -user: build rides, ride properties, and some other stuff i can't remember -trusted: delete rides, terraform, scenery, cluster, staff -moderator: can upgrade people and kick -host: everything 2. Until your server is crowded and has several moderators, don't leave. Always have at least ONE person who can kick or give perms 3. When giving perms, give anyone who asks user perms (unless you know not to), give trusted once they build a ride or two with effort behind it, give mod if you already know them or they've been trusted for a while 4. Never give the default terraform or scenery 5. Jurassic World was a terrible movie 6. Not always, but most of the time if you host, you won't have time for building yourself so keep that in mind 7. A trick I used when hosting is to always have every player's box open in the corner of my screen, so if someone in the chat says something bad has happened (e.g. A ride was deleted without permission) you can see latest action and know instantly who did what. 8. Kick liberally may seem mean but it's always better to kick a regular player than to let a griefer keep griefing, just apologize if you've made a mistake. 9. Also try muting instead of kicking. 10. No furries 11. Check your ego at the door. This server isn't for you, it's for everyone else so NEVER kick someone for disagreeing with you or not acting how you expect cough dust cough. If someone is being annoying, give them fair warning, tell them the problem you have with them. Honesty is important to prevent the server from caving in on itself. 12. Free-for-all just means grief, it doesn't let players who want to play do what they want. 13. Tell someone the info you need so they don't give you a little info and then you decide you're going to vent at them because your fed up well I'm fed up too. I wasn't being mean or anything Duncan, I'm just didn't want to give too much useless info so I gave a little expecting you to ask what you needed. 14. Be respectful If I forget anything, please say so in the comments
  4. A lot of fights have been happening on the forums here over ORCT2's so-far short lifespan. Please, for the sake of the mods and devs, don't air your grievances here. The game is about rollercoasters, and mobs of white people, but mostly the first thing.
  5. I'm running the most recent version, both with and without the updater. Have not tried verbose, what is that? No, didn't change anything that i can recall. I didn't see the same problem in the forums here. What's with all the hostility?
  6. I didn't know what info to put, I expected you to ask for what you needed, not go nuts
  7. This guy. I don't get an error message though. I see ORCT2 has stopped working. Reinstalling didn't fix it. I'm running on win10
  8. I actually saw 9/11 on a train heading into NYC when I was 4 years old. The conductor stopped the train and said if you look to the left you can see the towers burning and being 4 years old, I thought it was an annual celebration where they light the twin towers on fire.
  9. Lie: You Don't play many games I was hit by a ball during warmups at a Yankee game I know every South American and African capital from memory I saw 9/11 in person
  10. Granted, but she's president of Burundi. I wish that this wish is granted without consequences.
  11. Absolutely. And well section the park so it looks distinctly different in certain areas, which is much more performance friendly than several parks.
  12. So why don't we do a group park dedicated to being the main screen park?
  13. yup that's the gist of it. And if it's framed right, it might even look like several different parks
  14. I thought that loading problems happens when it has to load another park. If that's the case then the group park is a great fix.
  15. has anyone suggested using the group park as the title screen yet?
  16. Nah, Gold Digger was before Kanye became pretentious nonsense. It's genuinely one of my favorite songs and I don't really like rap.
  17. amen. let's celebrate with good Kanye.
  18. @ziscor Zed's dead, baby
  19. Since we've got a lot of great builders in the community which different strengths and weaknesses, I thought it would be a good idea if we just shared any building tips we have. Mine: -If trying to build more realistic coasters, look at the six flags parks in game. They give a pretty good idea of how to make better-looking coasters. Another idea is to look at aerial photos of real coasters, something I do a lot. Some of the coasters will seldom fit on a grid but that's a good opportunity to make the design your own, by adding new elements that do fit. Also remember that less is more. A good coaster is not a scrambled mess of elements, its more organized. Instead of building a twister coaster from scratch, build an element or something eye-catching and see the rest of the coaster as connections between elements, as elements like cobra rolls grab your attention and encourage people to ride.
  20. christ. I need to see these.
  21. If I have multiple wooden train types, only articulated shows up
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