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Everything posted by SensualEthiopianPolice

  1. The Joker? I don't think that's a wooden. Anyway, Typically Green Lantern and Superman have the longest lines at first because everyone typically sees those rides first, I'd recommend starting with the right side of the park first like Nitro and Batman or the other direction with Bizzaro. Leave Superman, Green Lantern, and Kingda Ka for last.
  2. I intentionally didn't use scenery because I want them to be judged on design alone. I feel like scenery could create a bias.
  3. Between me and Nubbie, which wild mouse is better, 1 or 2?
  4. is it possible to view someone else's about me?
  5. Special Thanks to Dragons for helping with the Multi. Astroland @ Asbury Park is my attempt at an old fashioned American trolley park that has survived to the modern age. Some of it is inspired by the album cover for Neutral Milk Hotel's On Avery Island. Note: I was too lazy to add the parking lot at the front of the park. Astroland 2016.sv6
  6. I've been on orct2 a while now (this is my first time in the forums) and I don't know if it's just me, but people tend to do things I can't stand. Other than the obvious dick free falls and concentration camps, way too many people never use block brakes, they just make incredibly long stations. I know this doesn't affect me at all but I hate it so much. Also spaghetti bowls, fuck those too. Basically, just vent in the comments.
  7. This is just like the plot to the movie "Pixels" starring Adam.
  8. Actually, there is a difference between racers and duelers. A racer remains parallel for most of the ride while a dueler will have two distinctly different tracks
  9. Hello. I make wooden racers way too much.
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