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Everything posted by SensualEthiopianPolice

  1. I made a SoundCloud, and I'm super proud of myself so I'm basically sharing it everywhere. But do tell me what you think with total honesty
  2. But i feel like since we're still in such early stages, we really need the support and if we get the right community of youtubers, it will mean a lot better
  3. In response to the more PR thing, I've been lowkey trying to get certain youtubers and reviews and such to play the game. The furthest I got was LGR tweeting me back saying he's never played it but he prefers the original game anyway
  4. No. What I'm saying is that i was religiously themed and @Wuis said it was probably Muslim but I said that since it was Egyptian themed aswell, it could've been Coptic
  5. So while the devs are hard at work trying to fix the issues with griefers, I was hoping to somehow prevent griefers from joining the community. This is really a post for the more veteran players to spitball ideas but also from new players to voice their complaints. One problem I noticed is that it's very difficult for new players to find good servers to play on. Right now, the bulk of our servers are: Registration Only, which is fine but I've seen lots of potential new players be dissuaded from trying multiplayer because let's face it, most of the servers right now are registration only and it seems kinda futile to try and find a server. Also Free4All servers are popular which tend to a bad first impression because they are just utter chaos where often, what you make can and will be destroyed suddenly. Basically what I'm getting at is we need more of the regular hosting population to host more. Host who know how to maintain control of a server so people can really get off to a good start. But we also need as many ideas as possible so there's that.
  6. I was basing it more on the Egyptian theming around it
  7. Could be Coptic Christian?
  8. Well my biggest qualm with it is that Black Pete is actually Moorish but the blackface depictions typically give him Sub Saharan features. Also, the idea that slaves enjoyed their work is a dangerous thought, considering European powers genuinely believed they were bringing civilization to uncivilized peoples and they were better because of it. American slave owners also convinced themselves that their slaves enjoyed themselves on plantations rather than in Africa
  9. How is Zwarte Piet a thing?! Why did you let this happen?!
  10. This was already discussed in the forums. Simply: it's too much work to even consider that while ORCT2 is in it's current stage of development. Also the devs are volunteering, so not only working on this game but then another one would basically eat up all their time and money
  11. I am thankful for this game, the devs, The Netherlands, framed pictures of Idi Amin, and friendship
  12. It is good for those not good like the bad or not good
  13. To point out the flaws of that bad server that is bad
  14. I noticed on the NE forums that there is a forum topic dedicated to people sharing their social media accounts. I thought that's not too bad an idea. It'll be a good way to finally make the orct2 more of a community. I''l go first: Facebook: Twitter: @MaksymLaRouche Youtube: Feel free to participate because we really should all be friends here and also the Dutch are like my third favorite Europeans
  15. Because I was in the bad server and then the bad server did the bad thing so then I joined good server but that's when bad server badded and also because I talk a lot
  16. That server that is bad did something bad to that good server and now the good server is doing bad things to the bad server so now the good server is also bad server and we don't want bad server again!?!
  17. Oh boy, another post about Skylander. Those always end well
  18. If not, my favorite is 2001: A Space Odyssey
  19. Keep up the good work
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