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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. So I've been thinking about trying to edit the g1.dat file to try to replace/improve some of the in-game sprites (especially the track sprites). @X7123M3-256 did something like this with the steel twister track to turn it into IBox track, but wasn't fully successful. I found a tool called Trigger's Graphics Extractor which allows you to extract all the g1.dat file into .rct2img and .png files. I've played around with scenery and ride creators enough to understand the basic design of sprites in RCT2, but I still have a ways to go until I completely understand the process. So I thought maybe I would try to see if anyone else wanted to get on board. Here's a list of things I have yet to figure out: Creating the image files in the correct format (this could probably be accomplished with something like the RCT2 Object Editor (available from's utilities section, I haven't found the "original" location of its release)) Coding the image files to have the correct recolorability (this would be automatically be done if we used the aforementioned method of using something like RCT2 Object Editor) "Re-packing" the g1.dat file with the edited sprites I'm thinking this would be a lot easier if we could get together a group of people with a bit of knowledge about RCT2 files. So if any of you know a bit about RCT2 files and want to try this out, please let me know. We could collaborate using something like Onedrive or Google Docs. If we can get a decent amount of people willing to participate, we could do some pretty amazing stuff. Also @X7123M3-256 if you still have those IBox sprite files, could you give me a copy? We could try finishing up the uncompleted sprites (from what I've managed to figure out you had problems with some of the turn sprites), and they'd be a useful example for us to follow if we could study them.
  2. How did you download/install the expansion packs? Are you able to use them in vanilla RCT2?
  3. If we want to do a group park with cc/expansions, why don't we start one separately, and leave this one as the "official-ish" group park?
  4. You've already suggested this in a different subforum. Please try not to create duplicate suggestions.
  5. As much as I'd like to use custom content, I think Wuis is right about not using it.
  6. So... we ready to start this build or do we wanna work out some more details first?
  7. Not all rivers do though. And personally, I'm opposed to making swampy land there. I think it will prove too difficult to build realistically on swampy land. It's one thing to have plenty of land to build on and a river to interact with, but I don't think there will be any landmasses of any significant size enough to build on. If you want swampy land for a certain attraction or 2, I suggest you just add the swampy land when you build it, and only where necessary.
  8. While I was trying to make some prebuilt rides, I noticed some problems: If the ride being placed has an invalid ride mode, the ride will not be built (though any scenery saved with the ride will be), but the ride will still exist as a phantom-similar to destroying a roller coaster, piece by piece, without the permissions to demolish rides. Any scenery saved with the ride but with overlapping clearance (i.e. scenery placed with zc to be closer to the track or in the ride booths) will not be placed when a prebuilt ride is placed, even if zero clearance is on. It is either not being saved or not being built. Also, a suggestion, when saving scenery with a ride, we should be able to select a rectangle of land by clicking and dragging from one corner to another, and any scenery and path in that square will be selected.
  9. You can adjust the volume of your computer. If you're asking how to adjust the volume independently of other programs, use the volume mixer by right-clicking on the volume button on your taskbar and selecting 'volume mixer'
  10. How about rerouting the river after the falls to go to the left instead of down? that way we can have some nice interactions with hte water (bridges, water rides, etc.)
  11. When i try to connect to some servers, I get an assertion failed error. The problem occurs when the game is trying to draw sprite 65535. The dump files are linked below. 5f1738a6-68cd-488f-933f-8aaf482d6002(c522f9c).dmp 5f1738a6-68cd-488f-933f-8aaf482d6002.sv6 5f1738a6-68cd-488f-933f-8aaf482d6002(c522f9c).dmp 5f1738a6-68cd-488f-933f-8aaf482d6002.sv6
  12. Not on the forums, there might be something on the project's github, though, seeing as the devs are more active there:
  13. This has already been suggested, hundreds of times. This will be impossible to change until OpenRCT2 gets a new save file format, as the current save file format (.td6) limits the amount of scenery items and rides available.
  14. Go to the options menu (right had corner on menu screen, or subset of top-left corner menu in-game), navigate to the 4th tab, at the top you can adjust the ride music and sound effects.
  15. The 5th and 6th blocks in the top row are half blocks (the triangular half and the rectangular half), does anyone know where I can get these 2 blocks in the other terrain types, specifically for grass and grass/dirt textures?
  16. What part are you confused about?
  17. Also, I'd like to join the group of people who will be working on the landscape.
  18. You know what, add me in on this one.
  19. Nice park! I love the attention to detail you put into it, especially with the ride themeing. I'd like to point out that the straighaway after the big drop on your splash boats feels a bit short, and the terrain seems to be glitching on the track after the station. Also I am a huge fan of that floorless.
  20. Its not the usual stuff I suggest but it's something to listen to. Also it's the theme song for the Bourne Identity series
  21. I also wish we would continue this thread.
  22. Posting the park in this forum is pretty much the same as asking for the opinions of others. Whil @imlegos' response did seem a bit callous, he was only trying to provide feedback to the park creator.
  23. This has already been suggested.
  24. You need to have your own router in order to forward your port. You could rent a game router, but a normal router would work just as well. I suggest you consider changing your internet plan to something that gives you your own router and equipment if you want to host servers.
  25. The guest clustering is simply a result of guests being able to seek out rides that are farther away than they would have been in vanilla RCT2. Because of this, there is a greater chance of there not being a direct path to that ride from their current position. it works to think of the rides as magnets, and the peeps as iron fillings. OpenRCT2 has increased the power of the magnets, allowing them to affect iron fillings that are farther away. however, if there is not a direct enough path to the ride, the fillings will all gather up at the closest point possible to the magnet. For them to be able to reach the magnet past that, they would first have to go farther away from the magnet, then follow a different path to it. I hope this analogy helps you.
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