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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. It's a bit difficult to understand exactly what your problem is. Could you maybe try taking some screenshots of what is happening and clearly explaining what you are doing?
  2. The white paths are glitched paths. You can get rid of them by either a. Using the scenery clearance tool set to path or b. Saving, exiting, and re-opening the game. On servers, you would disconnect and reconnect.
  3. You must be new around here.
  4. Ah, gamemaker... Thanks for psoting this, I might go and buy it now
  5. I made the chairlift on the mountain and its 2 stations. I'm not sure how we want to do the path up the mountain, so I left it out. I also did a small bit of terraforming at and near the top station to smoothen out the terrain a bit. Claimed: Queue: @WobblyRails, TCE, Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, imlegos, Redscope53, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss The OpenRCT Group Park 4.14.sv6
  6. Isn't that basically all of OpenRCT2 in a nutshell? It seems to me that being able to access it in scenario editor is pretty useful, why would it be removed?
  7. @imlegos
  8. Is it playing smooth jazz?
  9. Claiming. Claimed: YoloSweggLord Queue: WobblyRails, TCE, Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, imlegos, Redscope53, jensj12, _SpacE__ Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss
  10. @ImABoss 3 hours left to claim
  11. Warf found me on a polercoaster video once.
  12. I highly doubt it. It looks like all rctmodified did was change the g1.dat file. In fact the download page on RCTGo says that to uninstall it you only need to replace the modified G1.dat file with your backup.
  13. I think the variance in guest wandering is enough that they won't get lost now
  14. It looks like there'll be a lot of guests getting stuck between timber wolf and meltdown, we should try to connect their paths.
  15. You have to have sandbox mode on. Turn it on by clicking and holding on the cheats button, and dragging your mouse down to "sandbox mode"
  16. Wait what mod? And I'm all for OpenSV6!
  17. 2:40 "Not realizing that it was a 14 hour ride, some people fell asleep, missed their stops, and had another 14 hours..." I hear this and I imagine "Guest 2274: I want to get off High Altitude Conveyance"
  18. Here's a freaky, bizarre, and awesome mockumentary I found a while ago (basically mockumentary means it's a parody or dockumentaries; it's not real): This short film shows a scientist using thrill rides to investigate the effects of centrifugal forces on the human mind. While the storyline itself is a bit blurred, the imaginary thrill rides seem both freakishly unrealistic and eerily lifelike. While these rides aren't going to be built anytime soon, the clever use of CGI gives them a highly realistic feel which can really mess with your mind. I'd like to see what you guys think about these rides. Which one seems most bizzare to you? Which seem more or less likely to be built? My personal favorite would be the "steam-powered catapault," because of its absurdity and the sense of fear that it creates.
  19. I always thought it was a shovel...
  20. Bit too late (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) but yeah I don't mind
  21. According to my time zone (est) he has 4 1/2 hours left... I think
  22. No one else who has downloaded OpenRCT2 has complained of a virus. How are you sure that it came from OpenRCT2?
  23. Well I don't know we're trying to figure that out. What compelled you to build so many woodies, therefore using up all the trees in the process?
  24. Follow these 6 simple steps and I guarantee you'll have a better wood in no time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  25. I was like 5 seconds behind you in creating one. Curse you...
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