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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. It seems to have been added in, at least, we have the ability to ad a shortcut key to mute sound in the options menu. Navigate to the controls and interface tab, click on shortcut keys, and scroll down to "mute sound" where you can specify the shortcut key.
  2. Yes, that would be extremely useful, especially if we could alter the speed oh each separate launch piece, instead of having all launch sections max out at the same speed, as it would on a chain lift launch.
  3. YoloSweggLord

    New Park

    You should check out liampie's asian spoof park on NEDesigns lol:
  4. Things like number of rides crashed, total amount of money spent, etc. is what I remember from the stream.
  5. Can we stop with these dam jokes already?
  6. Mozar, YOU provided the dump files which matched the servers. Stop being ridiculous.
  7. Screenshot of the .sv6 file of the dump you provided: Screenshot of the "bitch on the forums server": Also, both servers have the exact same host name and permissions group. I understand you want this fixed, but please stop this. It's immature and unnecessary.
  8. Ok this is getting ridiculous. I don't know who's hosting these servers, but it needs to stop. Seriously, there's no need to try to get people to spam the forums for a glitch. If you're not f*cking happy with it, just play stable build. It's as easy as that. You're not helping them fix the problem at all. You could be giving the devs the dump files instead of bitching about it with your server name. It's incredibly immature. I mean I want this fixed as much as the next guy, but this is not the way to go about doing it.
  9. Why wouldn't you allow the use of the "disable all breakdowns" cheat? It's actually a necessity for many chain lift launched coasters, as a breakdown can cause the chainlift to stop functioning and the coaster to get stuck after the launch.
  10. I actually haven't seen this particular error message in at least a week. Are you on the latest build or have you not updated for a while? And disabling the ride properties permission doesn't make the game unstable- it just denies people in that perms group from editing anything in the ride properties window.
  11. You can if you want, I was just saying that I found what I was looking for.
  12. Actually guys, I found the triangular grass block in the H2H7 official workbench. 1KGRSBL4 and 1KGRSB4K seem to both be this object. The dats are here, if anyone wants them: 1KGRSB4F.DAT 1KGRSBL4.DAT I'm thinking that there was a minor problem with 1KGRSBL4 and it was fixed in 1KGRSB4F, hence the F in the name, but I'm not sure.
  13. This is the same way I disconnected the paths on the edge from the edge of the map in the group park 4 landscape.
  14. Yeah but with the glitch the entrance huts are also placed at an odd height and, as you pointed out, can't be edited with existing cheats. So any flat rides we place are at odd heights, while tracked rides seem to be placing normally.
  15. I like broxzier's idea.
  16. Also, just found out: you are unable to actually build flat rides on a server with a non-broken build if yours has this glitch.
  17. I've seen rides and track pieces placed at half heights with the use of trainers (such as 8cars). I've never actually seen paths placed like this before, but I assumed it was possible.
  18. Okay this is pretty much a game breaking glitch. When placing flat rides, the rides are placed a half height higher than they should be. This means they can't be connected to paths at ground level. Also paths that are started from the entrance huts are unable to line up with the ground. I am playing on dev build 3f9c545. Notice the gap between the enterprise's supports and its base. The exit path is built starting from the exit hut, while the entrance path is built from the ground. They are unable to line up. I mean I like being able to place things at half heights but I had it as more of an option in mind.
  19. I honestly don't see a problem with the river from the lake, but if i'm in the minority here then I guess it'll have to be deleted...
  20. Didn't do much this turn. Smoothed out the base of the mountain around the path in the top corner, painted the river from the lake with dark sand, a bit of terra painting here and there, and fixed the paths from not connecting to the invisible tiles at the aforementioned path: Before: After: Claimed: - Queue: - Missed: - The OpenRCT Group Park 4.sc6
  21. Claiming!
  22. Its a phase, thats just how I build things. Sometimes I really start enjoying a specific coaster type. Like right now I really enjoy building B&M hypers, and before that it was B&M stand ups, and before that it was Arrow traveling coasters, and before that it was switchbacks, and before that...
  23. @ImABoss I actually really like the landscaping youve done so far. Especially the lake, it looks like a nice place to build a water ride or 2 (definitely want to put a water coaster there lol)
  24. The "network desynchronization detected" message just means that the client's game and the server's game don't exactly match up. Usually it's something insignificant like not all the peeps being in the same place or a coaster's timing being slightly off between the host/client. It is almost certainly not connected to the sprite 65535 error. In the future oyu and your friends can just ignore the desync message.
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