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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. @imlegos gotcha fam Claimed: RedScope53 Queue: _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, Jens12, WobbilyRails, TCE, Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, ImLegos Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss
  2. It's still pretty early on, but I love the way this is going so far. Boardwalk amusements have always been something I want to try, and as such I appreciate what's going on here. Best of luck to you.
  3. Desync occurs when the client and the server do not have exactly the same map. Theoretically, both the client and the server should be returning the same output because they are receiving the same input, but in practice, this is not always the case. Usually desync is a minor issue such as peep positions or coaster timing, as some randomization plays a part in that. You can usually just ignore desync and continue playing. In rare cases, it can cause some weird side effects (objects existing server-side but not client-side) but for the most part desync is minor enough to be ignored. While your idea does make sense, I think it would cause more than "a bit of lag," especially on slow connections and maps with high amounts of custom content. As long as "stay connected after desync" is checked in the options menu, you should be fine continuing with desync, as the information still flows between the client and server.
  4. I was actually planning on making a small wooden switchback coaster somewhere so yeah.
  5. well what else should we expect from you
  6. Let's see the inevitable wood ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  7. Turn on "height markers on paths." The height indicator box can be used as a hitbox to place path items on. And it's spelled invisible, not invincible. You can't see it but in the picture my cursor is hovering over the height marker.
  8. It's probably a lot harder to make custom content for RCT2. With RCT3, it's pretty easy to make CS using google sketchup (because unfortunately you can't do it with autodesk), while RCT2 requires you to draw a ton of sprites, pixel by pixel, if you don't have the rendering software that people such as you use. Also, RCT3 allows for much more custom content, at flat rides aren't defined by frame counts, you don't need a ton of different sprites for different train animations, and you can even make new track styles and pieces.
  9. I've been looking around for a maurer sohne X-car, doesn't look like there is one but this would be similar enough to one to work for me.
  10. I don't get why you put in a water splash on the lake on the second coaster but neglected to actually make it level with the water. Just lower down the 5 water spaces needed for the splashdown and you can make it level with the lake.
  11. If there's not invisible track afoot I'm impressed.
  12. Yeah I know, I was talking about the WestWoods Resort series (OpenRCT2)
  13. Shame he only ever did 3 episodes, though.
  14. It's pretty simple, just enable debug tools in the options menu, then in the game click and hold on the debug button (gears) and drag your mouse down to "object selection." This allows you to add/remove rides from a game save as you would when making a scenario.
  15. Red doesn't actually have to be a different coaster for this. Just build the flat track as chain hill pieces. Set the chain hill speed on the flying coaster to a high value using the unlock operating limits cheat. Even if the chain lift were on a separate track, it would still use the value for which the train being launched is assigned, e.g. if the yellow coaster had a chain hill speed of 34, even on red's chain hill the yellow coaster's train would travel at 34 mph on that chain hill.
  16. It's actually my favorite mine train coaster. It has 2 lift hills, 1 of which functions as a switchback, then the second switchback is located just before the launch.
  17. You're forgetting Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars from that list.
  18. That is a beautiful piece of shoestringing at 16:30.
  19. Is there a nonstraightforward way of doing this I don't know about yet?
  20. Beautiful math skills you have there
  21. You also seem to have taken Cascadia, Centric, and Dan off the missed turn list. Claimed: - Queue: @Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPoliceBrigade, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, Jens12, WobbilyRails, TCE, Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan
  22. @BlazingEmpireHD you broke rule 1 by using too much land, and you broke rule 3 by building more than 3 flat rides. Also, not sure if we're counting observation towers as tracked rides (probably not) but if we are, you'd be breaking rule 3 by building more than 1 tracked ride. I suggest you reread the rules
  23. Since he didn't mention it himself, it was X7123M3-456 who made it.
  24. Yes, the transport rides do kick everyone off at the first station. No, this is not possible as the save file (.sv6) does not allow it. Until we switch to a new save file format, this will not be possible.
  25. @Wuis you forgot to add WobblyRails to the queue! Claimed: - Queue: @Philmon11, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, jensj12, WobblyRails Missed: cascadia, Centric, Dan
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