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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. He was talking about the pay for rides AND park entrance, didn't you see his quote?
  2. That is an awesome local disk (C:) name.
  3. If you're not on the same network, but it's only you 2 or 3 of your buddies, you can all connect to each other through logmein Hamachi without forwarding your ports, though you'll still need to enter the host's IP address.
  4. Speaking of that, what exactly is OpenGL for? It seems incredibly glitchy with displaying colors correctly, overall it looks incredibly psychedelic.
  5. Agreed. Oh I always knew that. It works great on small tracks, such as steeplechase or wild mouse.
  6. I am too, but I try to be a bit less callous toward newcomers.
  7. YoloSweggLord

    New Park

    It's in Cougar's Water Features Pack: Cougar's Water Features.rar WATER.DAT is the Cougar's Water Features scenery group .dat. A Steep Waterfall (ASTEEPWF.DAT) and Sloping Waterfall Dirt (ASWFDA.DAT) are the objects it looks like he is using.
  8. I thought about starting a monorail station, but I held myself back from it because I didn't think we really had enough flat land to constitute it (I thought it might look awkward bringing it up the mountain.) However, I was planning on creating a chairlift up the mountain, at least from the base of the mountain near the river to the top of the mountain and somewhere to the left of the waterfall (like you have in the picture.) I do, though, think it would be smart to add a second one down to the beach like you have in the picture.
  9. No, this will not be possible until OpenRCT2 switches to a new save file format. The existing save file format, .SV6, is responsible for many of the limitations still in the game, including the scenery and ride selection limits.
  10. are cheats enabled in the options window? Upon launching OpenRCT2, click the "options" button in the top right corner of the screen. Click on the tab with the gears, and there should be a section labeled "show toolbar buttons for:" Make sure cheats is selected. The cheats menu should appear as a golden shovel on the top menu once you are in the game.
  11. Since I already saved the design, I took a minute to delete the rule-breaking coaster I made. The OpenRCT Group Park 4.03b.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @Centric, Dan, Philmon11, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, jensj12 Missed: cascadia
  12. I think you misunderstood what I was saying, in order to avoid the problem you'll have to use a different drawing engine (I recommend just using the default software engine) because the problem seems to occur when using the OpenGL drawing engine.
  13. Actually, this is easily reproduced, just try to build a roller coaster with the openGL drawing engine selected in the options menu. I was using dev build 65beeee when I recreated this bug.
  14. Just by reading the error message, it appears to be a problem with the OpenGL drawing engine. For now I suggest you try using a different drawing engine, such as the default software engine.
  15. I figured I'll just add it in on a later turn once we've got more of a layout planned. I'll just go save it now from the save file I have of it, and add it back in in a better spot later.
  16. @jensj12 If you want to, you can just delete the coaster I made since Broxzier pointed out it's breaking the rules. I can rebuild it, I have several screenshots and the layout is pretty simple. It'd be easier that way.
  17. Oh I'm sorry about that, I must not have seen/remembered that being discussed. I kinda can't do it now but I'll try to get it done first thing in the morning.
  18. Yes, I'm planning on putting it into a boomerang track pack, once the issue of prebuilt rides with invalid operating modes is fixed. This one isn't using an invalid operating mode, but others that I've made do.
  19. I ended up getting this one done in a hurry, ended up having another appointment to make it to so I'm posting this here for the next person. I made a Ferris Wheel named ferris wheel and a Vekoma family boomerang named Green Machine: I also moved over 1 stall in the food court (the drinks stall) to maake room for a back entrance: Claimed: - Queue: @jensj12, Centric, Dan, Philmon11, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord Missed: cascadia The OpenRCT Group Park 4.02.sv6
  20. Sorry about that. Claimed: YoloSweggLord Queue: jensj12, Centric, Dan, Philmon11, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, _SpacE_ Missed: cascadia
  21. Claiming! Claimed: YoloSweggLord Queue: jensj12, Centric, Dan, Philmon11, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice Missed: cascadia
  22. I got a doctor's appointment in 30 minutes, will claim it after that.
  23. I propose we just start with a bare minimum and add stuff as we go, for example we start out with just the basic tan brick, tan concrete, castle, and concrete walls and roofs, later on people can add in things such as jungle fences and fountains as we need them. I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to use the Object Selection tool, I've never had a problem with it so it seems pretty stable. On the topic of debugging tools, would we be allowed to use the tile inspector to, say, create invisible track? On one hand it can be an issue of game stability, but on the other hand it really helps to show off the game and what's possible with OpenRCT2.
  24. I like the changes you made to the scenario, Broxzier. Just want to point out that viewing it is kinda tricky cause of the picture's resolution, I had to minimize the zoom to see the whole thnig while keeping my mouse off the picture. Also that smiley face for some weird reason reminds me of the logo for the Smiler at Alton Towers.
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