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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. @imlegos even weirder...
  2. I'm not mad, I'm just asking them to try to make this a bit clearer. As it is it's hard to understand what he/she is saying.
  3. This makes no sense. Can you please try to form these into coherent sentences so we can understand what you are trying to say?
  4. You can emulate its effects with fast chainlifts by unlocking operating limits in the cheats menu.
  5. @Broxzier He already did download it.
  6. I am assuming you're trying to use this as you would a trainer? OpenRCT2 doesn't work that way, it's a full reconstruction of the original source code. Instead of launching RCT2, you have to launch OpenRCT2 from the programs menu (or a desktop shortcut, if you have one)
  7. Wouldn't it have been more helpful to ask this on the nedesigns forums? You can also browse through the custom contents sub forum on nedesigns where people often post their custom content.
  8. Just make the rowboat a full track around the stream, then make it invisible using either corrupt map elements or the crooked house method.
  9. Can we please just stop all this drama over who's who and who's not...
  10. Um, no, the custom Wing Coaster uses the Steel Twister track and is not missing any pieces. There aren't any "wing coaster" pieces that aren't in the steel twister coaster.
  11. Basically, internal clearance violations check for zero clearance, while external clearance violations (coming from the server) do not.
  12. As long as each client allows objects to be placed on the map by other players causing clearance violations without each player having activated, I don't see why it would be a challenge.
  13. But still not better than bubble wrap.
  14. Why don't we make Zero Clearance specific only to the individual that activated it?
  15. I think you made a mistaky there.
  16. Or even better, disc golf.
  17. there's some great ice terrain blocks in several workbenches out there, as well as ImLegos' terrin blocks set
  18. RCT3's piece selection is only slightly better without custom tracks added in. I'd suggest investing instead in parkitect or Planet Coaster, if you can afford it.
  19. Don't question it, that makes it weird.
  20. ectricsanon's time is up, updating the queue: Claimed:- Queue: @Philmon11. BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, imlegos, Redscope53, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRails, TCE Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon
  21. Alrite to grant sens's wish to keep this thread alive I've recently been listening to the halo 3 ost so here ya go: It gets good at 1:50
  22. But wait til you hear the 3rd 40 minutes
  23. yes, I know that. The 2 colors dark water and light water are dependent on the water pallete being used.
  24. YoloSweggLord


    If I ever actually finish this, it'll be a design submission to NeDesigns. Anyway, here are some pics: I'm mainly looking for feedback on what you guys do/don't like about the coaster. What looks good, what doesn't, and what do you guys think I should add, things like that. I know I need to add foliage, but it's gonna be one of the last things I do so I don't have to go back and delete a ton of foliage in one area to add in a building or something.
  25. I don't think the expansion packs added any ride entrance/exit huts, but you could be right.
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