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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: WuisQueue: Jochem, Tune, imlegos, giraty, qbbq,TheMightyClemMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, Broxzier, WobblyRails
  2. Europe! I probably won't actually make a heightmap because I never really learned Photoshop and I'm probably not interested in it enough to do so, but it's a cool function.
  3. Wuis

    Barrier Bay

    I love it, especially picture 6. Never thought these walls above just water would look so well.w
  4. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    It's not an account. The lies are dropping like cats and dogs. (Pun) The filth this animal(Pun) has bestowed himself has left me furryious(Pun). Sorry, for the terrier (Pun) I caused. If you don't get it, look at Imlegos' post and Broxzier's profile picture.
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    @Jochem Don't worry, as long as you had fun making it, there's pretty much no way that it's wrong for the park. (Ofcourse, if we want to get technical here, if you don't obey the rules or just grief the park, we won't be so proud of you.) Personally I have some doubts about my coaster too, I changed the track a few times and the station has had two other designs. Though I usually end up liking something about the ride, as I keep redoing stuff I don't like. For example, if I hadn't redesigned the ride I hadn't got parts like the supported corner on the tower, the queue as a bridge over the coaster and the middle roofs of the station raised. All these elements of the area I really like now. As criticism I'd say that the building in the back where the train turns forward again, the ditch the queue goes around and the track itself overall are weak. It's just constantly retrying things for me, sometimes that takes 12481248921984 times and sometimes you don't even have to rebuild it as you're happy with it from the start. If you do what fits you, then you'll get the result you want. TLDR: Says stuff, is selfish about own stuff, repeats what is said above this endlessly long bit which is: Have fun. On the pirate theme. I think you should be fine, try to add the pieces only when you need them though. As I'm pretty sure there were other themes that ended up higher up that have yet to be selected. The poll is to be found >here< if you want to know what themes have been voted on the most.
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    I present to you the new area including a restaurant/shop, a flat ride, a square and my first coaster to feature a backwards section, Tens. Added Tens, a family coaster with probably too high ratings to be considered to be one. (The name because it has ten cars on the train. ) Added Barrels and Little Tom, a spin thing ride. Added a little place where guests can rest while eating their ice cream and drinking their ice tea while a dodgy shopkeeper tries to sell them these very "cheap" shirts Added a square, which still has to be worked at, but currently I'm letting it be as it is. Anyone may do whatever with, you may even remove the square. Added signs to clearify what paths may be used for Claimed: -Queue: Tune, SpiffyJack, imlegos, giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClem, WobblyRails, Broxzier, Wuis Missed: jensj12, Cascadia, RedScope53,Jochem @Tune, you're up. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.10.sv6 Edit, I'm checking if this is the right file real quick.
  7. This is because, especially back when the game was released, a lot of parks closed through winter. Adding the missing months for a full year opening would be cool, but it's something very minor. (Missing months are November, December, January and February, right?)
  8. I don't know if it is really a bug or just a feature that hasn't been added. I can't remember if you were able to do so before. But either way, I'm pretty sure there's been atleast another topic on this and if you want to bring this to attention to the devs you can do so on GitHub.
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: WuisQueue: Tune, SpiffyJack, imlegos, giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClem, WobblyRails, Broxzier Missed: jensj12, Cascadia, RedScope53,Jochem Guess I''ll get to work then.
  10. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    @Broxzier You killed me right there. That looks amazing. One thing though, you forgot to mention Redscope. Thus: Claimed: -Queue: @RedScope53, Jochem, Wuis, Tune, SpiffyJack, imlegos, giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClem, WobblyRails, BroxzierMissed: jensj12, Cascadia Also thanks for fixing the things I mentioned. ^^
  11. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Small things I want to address: Screenshot: Pathing seems a bit complicated for the guests, needs fixing with no entrance signs. Or atleast to be kept in mind when rating drops. Screenshot: Forgot 2 wall pieces. Screenshot: For some reason staff are currently having a get together at the gorilla mascot, might get them fired, or atleast, to get them to work again.
  12. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: - Queue: @Broxzier, RedScope53, Jochem, Wuis, Tune, SpiffyJack, imlegos, giratyMissed: jensj12, Cascadia, TheMightyClem, WobblyRails @TheMightyClem WobblyRails hasn't claimed in the 24h so now is your chance.
  13. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Was already going to post that we should bring clarity about how and what to vote, but I hadn't got the time to write it up. (And the one time I did, on my phone, I went to another page and it didn't save what I wrote) Currently I'd say we just forget about the vote, even though I'd rather not. Next time we should add the themes before the first person or during the first person having the park, now it would just create a lot of fuss. One thing I do want to say is, that when selecting a new theme, keep the vote sort of in mind. That does indeed sound a bit vague, but I just mean: Everyone who watches or participates in the group park has voted for the themes they'd like in the park, meaning the more votes there area, the more likely other people will want to build or see buildings/attractions with that specific theme too. Which means more people can enjoy doing so. If not though, the snow/ice theme has to be removed too, as I'd find it unfair to other people who'd like to see their themes with lower votes in the park. Changes that have to be made in order to do so, seem to be a reasonable amount as I count two objects, but correct me if I'm wrong on that. Alternatively, we could keep the area, but not let it expand it's borders, or just a little bit. Personally I have no problems with building in the snow/ice theme, it's just that it kinda ruins the meaning of the vote. Although I don't want to be too harsh on giraty, as the rules of the vote. This is the only thing I could find about the rules of the voting, correct me on that if I am wrong. I have not been able to find anything on how the results would work and I get that this might be not self-explanatory for some while it has for others.
  14. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    @cascadia It'd be more handy that I add you to the missed list, as else confusion might be caused which leads to people accidently or purposely skipping the queue.
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    @Tune I love it, that's a kart from the expansions though, isn't it? Because we wouldn't be using these. Also poor gorilla doesn't even have pathing.
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    We had the problem on previous maps though were builders did not terraform the map though. Personally I don't do so because I get an idea of things while building. So if I pop a enterprise down I just look at the surroundings and do whatever comes up in my mind. Only if I decide from scratch I want an attraction dug into the ground or a mine train, things along the lines of that, I terraform because I then know I need to do so, else I realise later on. (And personally if you make like a wild mouse, it doesn't really matter)
  17. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Before you'll start randomising @Broxzier, I'm on family holiday from today, Wednesday, until Sunday. It's unlikely I will take my laptop with me as that'd be kinda rude.
  18. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    I think we will take X amount of full scenery sets and any space besides that can be filled up with other objects.
  19. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Pls the nets are kinda walls, glass windows are also see through. :DD
  20. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    + Don't kill the guests, else this panda will hunt you :DD But yeah, main rules and most important of all have fun!
  21. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    So shall we just make a multiple choice poll with all the themes available in the base game of RCT2? With the top something getting their own area? Also, 4 themed areas seems a bit limited, unless we're suddenly going to build very widespread (which the rules still don't allow), there's no way such a big map is going to look cool that way. I also recommend to make themes from the basic pieces, here an example: (source: Make your own Six Flags Park that I am currently transforming, it was a bit of a sketch park but I want to turn in to a proper one now, you'll probably see more of this park in the future, but I can't tell when ) As you can see, I've tried to make a greek theme, I'm sure there are more things that I could make, but I'll have to invest more time in the greek architecture and other weird structures. This could be done with a lot more things, especially theming towards countries. It might be a difficult for newer people though, that's the only criticism I give it.
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    "Spaghetti Monster? ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Well, Emily S. doesn't seem to be quite happy with monsters. Hmmm... how can we invite her on a coaster without her being too short thus flying out? Yeah, ofcourse, we've got Chinese Treehouse on the other side of the park, but before she'll get there she'll probably not find that exciting enough anymore. So various employees were put to work, but that let to a disaster as guests were presented a brand new thrilling coaster: Apparently they only were said to make a coaster similar to the Spaghetti Monster, and not to build a coaster aimed at the whole family. So, the CEO of the park sneaked into the park to sabotate the cars which would lead to the coaster not passing the next morning's inspection. The coaster did not open that morning, nor did it after that. It was broken. Why the coaster was broken was unknown, but it was quickly decided that the coaster had to be broken down. Interesting fact about the destruction of the coaster was that workers were given double the pay if they put in extra shifts and kept their breaks to a minimum. A new coaster had to be designed and who could do that better than The Penguin they thought, The Penguin was very excited to work on a new project. The board decided to communicate their ideas more to The Penguin so they wouldn't end up with a spaghetti bowl again. Though guests weren't really looking forward to the orderly pattern the coaster would make it's way through, the coaster itself was a artistic masterpiece, but sadly it would only stay as that as nobody wanted to ride it: After the removal it led to confusion, even after the explanation of the park itself. Some people started to riot at the entrances and said they wanted to get on the coaster but it was never provided with a decent entrance, the park has yet to respond on the criticism. As the park couldn't get up a family coaster on their own, they advertised for other companies to design one for the park. A agreement was made, the famous restaurant chain "Pancake Pavilion" would have to ability to open a restaurant on park ground but had to build a good family coaster in return which had to open no later than 5 years after the opening of the restaurant, and they surely did. Because the restaurant chain agreed with the public that the previous coaster shouldn't have been deleted they even added penguins around the track as a reminder. Many people praised the chain for doign so. Due to many people visiting the newly opened restaurant in the years before the opening of the coaster, the coaster had 2 trains with a total of 112 seats on track. Which is also the amount of people who can enter the queue line. Hereby Pancake Pavilion presents to you the coaster Pancake Pavilion: PS. Sorry for any grammar issues I might have made, I'm running on 2 hours of sleep which isn't great, I already tried looking over the text and I've fixed some, but it's like I don't know how to English anymore. Claimed: Missed but pretty much the queue: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, giraty, Broxzier, TCE, Cascadia, Wuis ^Changed that up as the park is kinda finished, there's like 1 big space left, so anyone wanting to work on that, do your thing, but a queue seems a bit excessive at this moment. The OpenRCT2 Group Park5.61.sv6 @jensj12@RedScope53@Tune@BlazingEmpireHD@Jochem@YoloSweggLord@giraty@TCE@cascadia@Broxzier
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Giraffes Can Spin has been closed due to safety issues. The ride will stay closed until regulations have been sharpened. (probably won't be able to take cats on the ride anymore )
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: Wuis Queue: - Missed: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, giraty, Broxzier, TCE, Cascadia, SpiffyJack
  25. Besides the area where the bridge crosses over the coaster and the cattlepen queue line, I love it! In the area where the bridges crosses over the coaster you should really get the coaster not to glitch with any fencing or wall, cattlepen queue line speaks for itself I guess, I understand the reasoning but personally don't like it. Especially as there seems to be zero decoration there either.
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