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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Maybe before we start on themes, we should choose the scenery we want to allow, what expansions etc. and custom scenery? If it's just the base game we could easily make multiple choice polls for each designed area.
  2. Oii, I'm sorry. I forgot the use of the search function. Problem I fixed myself the way Cascadia said as trusting OpenRCT2 wasn't enough to be able to actually play some. (Well, I hardly did mainly watched through some parks)
  3. Personally I'm not a fan of them, and I usually don't really need them. But there are these times that I on a somewhat risky site and I'd rather be sure than safe. Now lately my other antivirus (Avira) has been kind of slow on all fronts that it was unbearable to use, thus I changed. The one I installed, Avast, is being a bit of a goof though, as it thinks OpenRCT2 launcher is suspicious. Even though I'll probably easily find a way to go around this problem, I'd still like to notify of this problem occuring as there might be a way to get rid of this. (Though I'm completely stupid at this front, so sorry if I said so even though it's very hard) -------------------------------- What the dang program says about the program that is so suspicious: Pad: C:\Users\*COMPUTERNAME*\Documents\OpenRCT2\bin\openrtc2.exe File Size: 146,0 KB -------------------------------- PS. ALSO YES, I am kinda back as I only have 2 exams and I do have a bit more time on my hand than expected.
  4. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    A small touch to Cascadia's rollercoaster by renaming it to the same but in German: "Generische Achterbahn" The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.56a.sv6
  5. Hello there, Keithybub! First of all, I want to welcome you to the OpenRCT2 forums. It's a pleasure to have you. Now back to topic, you seem to be having problems with the multiplayer experience. While there's a full understanding from me, I don't think this is an easy thing to be done. Imagine yourself to be someone who doesn't have much money at all ( at least for these purposes ) and just free time to work on the project, that'd be taking forever while the rest of project stays stagnant, that'd be a huge blow for other people who just like the features it give to enhance the gameplay. You can also see this in games of big companies who have many high skilled programmers and what not to keep people from hacking but yet some people still manage to do so. May I also ask what you enjoy about the public multiplayer so much, and why you have not considered going in a private group with some people you met online or in real life? Furthermore I'd like to add that calling the developers lazy is not a desired term, if not very inappropriate. I get the anger this problem might cause, but the developers are not the ones at fault here. Besides, calling out someone who is helping you, or in this situation, developing the game, will never cause them to actually work harder and could even cause havoc. Thanks for your suggestion, and we know that it's going on, but currently it's not a priority as it's something that is almost unavoidable.
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: - Queue: @cascadia Broxzier, TCEMissed: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, SpiffyJack, giraty, Wuis Reasoning already given, exams blabla, studying, eating 1000% more than usual and watching at transport which involves either panda seats, panda decoration or is themed as a panda. (PS. I might start uploading my idea park though, it really started of as a real park but I kinda got incredibly rich due to the scenario being too easy, so I kinda remove stuff like it's nothing eheh, main problem is it being a 'Make your own Six Flags" scenario, which I must somehow hide to avoid mental problems for some people. I might be able to in the few hours to give myself, I might not, I don't know why people hate it so much, but I don't mind that either.) ( Is it that most land is flat?)
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    @Broxzier -- These rows of stalls, with the first one being the one I found it out as you have good vision on it. EDIT: @cascadia What kind of math-science-physics stuff have you used to let people enter the buses then?
  8. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Pssssht, I am in love of the trams( buses ) racing past the rows of store with the imagination that like a line is waiting for it and it just gets bowled over. Like, this is making me way too happy and tbh I want a .gif of this.
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.52.sv6 Claimed: -Queue: @cascadia giraty, Broxzier, TCE, WuisMissed: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, SpiffyJack I noticed that I didn't really get any ideas going due to the stress I am currently experiencing. Not really happy what what I've got here, but it's something and I covered it up with trees to hide it a bit. I added myself back to the queue but doubt I will have another turn on the park but if so, then it'd probably be when Group Park 6 has started and I will then probably take another look at some things I made. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.52.sv6
  10. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    HMMMMMMMMMMM I'm wondering who put this here as the name is "Penguin WIP"
  11. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: WuisQueue: Cascadia, giraty, Broxzier, TCEMissed: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, SpiffyJack Forgot to claim it, eeeeeeh. This might be the last turn for me in this park, I'm out the upcoming three weeks due to exams. Followed by a midweek-ish length of a family holiday. So I'm going to make the best of this turn!
  12. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    @TCE Well, currently you unclaimed the park, but you can do so if you want, make sure to keep the area restrictions in mind or fill up unused space. For this turn I'd say you just keep to the normal area restrictions as the dodgems doesn't really take up that much space and is in an already crowded area of the park. You have to reclaim the park first though! (Normally keep it though until you're completely finished, people might feel confused or accused of things somebody else got away with) If you plan to do this next turn, I don't really get the question.
  13. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    @TCE Does that include the current area the dodgems is in? Because if you don't decorate it, I probably will. (I'll have to dig in Italian science history for that, thanks. ^^ )
  14. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    That's a lovely expansion! I always love your wooden coasters. Also, are the "giraffe remains" coming from the Dinos in the Asian area?
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    You may always skip in front of everybody in the queue after you came back of being on the missed turn list for a while. Thus you may also skip ahead of me.
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: -Queue: @cascadia, giraty, WuisMissed: jensj12, TCE, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, SpiffyJack, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, Broxzier The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.45.sv6 The old story I threw in the litterbin. Now you go on a coaster which reveals the mystery of this overgrown hill, named Undergrowth. Originally the coaster featured like 10 inversions, but due to intensity issues relating to length and the amount of inversions, I had to rip down the interlocking corkscrew!
  17. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Update: You know, I was like: "Hmmmmmm, that station seems kind of mistreated". So I went on giving it a new look while keeping it's old style and not going really into details. Then I thought: "Hmmm, the area can use some refreshments aswell" - so I got around and placed some new plants. Then this happened: I placed a slightly large coaster in front of it. :DDDD So uhm, I'm going to think about this one for a bit, get some good inspiration for a station building. I've already kind of got a story for it. A hint for that would be: "Lux, as in the unit which measures the luminous flux per unit area."
  18. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: WuisQueue: Cascadia, giratyMissed: jensj12, TCE, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, SpiffyJack, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, Broxzier
  19. Heheh, I just started up my PC, so nothing on that clipboard.
  20. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Wuis Dino, is he still hanging around here? Didn't know that. @SpiffyJack If you plan to add chainlifts to the ride, make sure those won't end up causing any crashes, I honestly doubt it but you never know. Seeing the amount of lifts you already have, maybe you can split up the station and put it in block sectioned mode, though I have no idea in that case how many boats it will lead to having and the capacity.
  21. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    on BBC Three there was a documentary called "Brainwashing Stacey" which featured an episode where she (Stacey) went to people who hunt and tried to look why they did that and if they had a fair point. It's also been on the NPO (Dutch National Broadcast) I think, so if you're Dutch you can see it on Programma Gemist.
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    SORRY D: I JUST WANTED TO TRY SOMETHING NEW askdlaslk DON"T HIT ME... PLS NOo..... NUUU *Hits himself* Claimed: -Queue: @cascadia, giraty, YoloSweggLord, Broxzier, WuisMissed: jensj12, TCE, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpire Well, with Broxzier adding Go Karts, I had to make it more of a flat ride as it'd be silly to have 3 large go kart tracks. But I really did want to build one, so I have forced a cooperation between WWF, Calm Weather Windmills and the Group Park to create a paid* go kart track to raise awareness for Giraffes. All revenue of the track, shops and facilities go towards improving the circumstances of giraffes and of course the karts are powered by electricity. Thus Giraffe Karts was erected. Now my major attraction for this turn is Bēbī ḍā'inōsara rasātala. It is an attraction about an encounter with hatchlings of a dinosaur, while signs of a mother aren't found, the eggs still seem to contain something what seems to be alive. As they are born with scientists surrounding them, they don't seem to get hostile towards humans and are actually quite the party animals with quite the dance moves. Dance with the dinosaurs, now in the group park! (Though just for making sure, bring your giraffe meat so you don't encounter a starving dinosaur) *Citizens of Groupparkland pay towards this through their taxes, whether they want to or not, it's unclear how this is calculated. Tourists pay by buying umbrellas at the shady guy which they do because they think it's fair prized and although you could say so with the amount of time it rains, it's probably not. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.42.sv6
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    This is what I could make of it with boosters, stats are: Excitement 9.25 Intensity 6.08 Nausea 3.37 EDIT: @giraty I know you meant the coaster not to be realistic, but it should be safe in game terms and as it doesn't provide this guarantee I changed it. As Broxzier has stated in the above quoted message, we already have said that chain lift launches can't be used as the lift can breakdown making the train get stuck as it can't reach it's target speed anymore. And as you didn't provide an track that would prevent so in case it fails, I think it's fair that I change your coaster, as I think it'd be nice to atleast keep it running. You can of course change it to whatever you want in your own turn, though the safety is so essential that it's something you need to see more important than the looks or the insanity. I really think it's a good thing that you have a much wilder style of coaster built and that it's way brighter than all our coasters, but this was unfortunately a mishit. EDIT2: I'm in bed now reading this again, and oh darn, my grammar. EDIT3: LOOOOOOOOL Floating packaged river rapids:
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Crashed. Dead trains, like poor dead trains. Those speeds Currently have a flat ride done and put some stalls in the park. Might work on something else now, depends if I think of something.
  25. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: Wuis Queue: Cascadia, giraty, YoloSweggLord, Broxzier Missed: jensj12, TCE, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpire As rats pass near your feet at a trot, you hear several wolves howling in the distance. Your greatest fear though is that something or someone seems to be wailing... A flash... It was the thunderstorm you failed to notice, as you are petrified by what lies upon you.
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