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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: PrzemekQueue: Broxzier, giraty, SpiffyJack, Deurklink, jensj12, cascadia, Leudimin, Darthyoda714, Jochem, xbalogan, saxman1089Missed: Philmon11, Wuis RAAAAAAWR, you're on my list <3
  2. Wuis

    Group Park 7

    Personally I always like to see what peeps do with the new paths and them queuing up for stuff. I'm also not able to get time to work on the park until atleast the weekend and am currently on mobile phone so I can't add myself to the missed turn list, could anyone be so kind to do so? Thanks in advance and have fun. 🤗
  3. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    NOTE: i have no idea how this layout is going to look on phones, so it's best advised to read this post on a PC I actually managed to build two rides of which one features as a more decorative purpose. First up: Fort Green, an interactive walkthrough also giving access to the diner. Followed by: Flower Garden a "maze" that will gui... BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS ------------------------------- Versus Goliath a strong and tall feared man was suddenly challenged by a somewhat goofy-looking Dinosaur, a special building has been constructed to host the fight. Gulpee is BACK! Gulpee & Goliath, now in Group Park 6! ------------------------- Sorry for the interruption, we were just about to show how our gardeners have erected a new flower garden for our guests to enjoy and learn about the nature. We at Group Park 6 care a lot for the environment, so it's for the best that the guests are most informed about it. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.80.sv6 Claimed: Queue: saxman1089, Przemek, jensj12, WuisMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Wuis, TheMightyClem, giraty
  4. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: WuisQueue: saxman1089, Przemek, jensj12Missed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Wuis, TheMightyClem, giraty Mainly adding some scenery, probably not adding new rides, I might if I'm able to pull off an idea.
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 7

    Adding to the idea of trains, let's make it so that trains depart in both directions. I'd also like to see a mountain again, I really like the challenge of building on them.
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    ----NEW---- Shed's Pit, Restrooms Whas'nda Shed, you stumble upon a shed which has been abandonded and thus you need to check the inside because ofcourse when things aren't yours but nobody is claiming it, means you can check it out. Features a darkride in the basement. ----Changes---- Hired a few staff members Fixed some walls Labyrinth's building had a part that would glitch if a train left, now it shouldn't do so, visually it barely has changed. Claimed: Queue: saxman1089, giraty, Broxzier, WuisMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Przemek, Wuis, TheMightyClem, jensj12 @saxman1089 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.75.sv6
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: WuisQueue: saxman1089, giraty, BroxzierMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Przemek, Wuis, TheMightyClem, jensj12 I was watching the park yesterday on the forums and f.lux was making it so that my screen didn't emit so much blue light, so this is how I thought giraty's coaster looked like: (no changes made, just to give you a visual)
  8. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    I hope I can claim it somewhere between tomorrow afternoon to saturday, it's been a while and I'd love to get my hands on the park again. What everyone has been making has been amazing. Keep it up 👍
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: saxman1089Queue: TheMightyClem, giraty, Broxzier, jensj12Missed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Przemek, Wuis I'm back! I forgot to add myself to the missed turn list though, so I changed that.
  10. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    I'm.. I'm soo tired. D: Even though I got an energy burst somewhere when building, I hardly was able to look at the screen. I wanted to have one final turn before going on holiday though. I mainly just watched around the park and realised so much more how awesome every single one of you are especially the person who did the queue line tvs at the fire station :^] So besides adding the little mine coaster back, which is called "Pluto Pioneers", I introduce to you a very corny "Tunnel of Love", any additions are very much and appreciated and I wish you all a very fun, good time meanwhile. <3 <3 <3 Wuis (formerly known as Wusy) CEO of YOUWANTGULPEEBACKFORPROFILEICONANDIKNOWIT Inc. Claimed: -Queue: saxman1089,TheMightyClem, Przemek, jensj12, BroxzierMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, giraty @saxman1089 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.62.sv6
  11. Wuis

    Group Park 6

  12. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    It's a good looking bobsled coaster, that's for sure.. I usually don't make them because they're hard to execute and you executed it very well! Only flaw I can see is that the sections between block brakes get longer which makes guests waiting during the ride. (So the lift hill is shorter than the section between the lift hill and the next block brakes and the section after these block brakes is even longer.) It also doesn't help that trains leaving the station have to wait on the train on the lift hill to dispatch, so that when nothing is waiting on anything else anymore, the process repeats itself. I think it'll be able to be adjusted to settings that no train has to wait. (E.G. less trains, increased time trains have to wait in the station, more block brake sections, faster/slower lift hill, making the brakes slow down less, adding chainlifts after brake sections so trains regain their speed faster). It's only a minor thing though that i guess is more realistic ( I can't recall riding a coaster where I had to wait because another train hadn't left the next block brake yet) But yeah, that's me being blunt. EDIT: I'm not claiming it, because @TheMightyClem was planning to claim it I think, so I'll just wait for a bit and update on that though later on.
  13. I would advice you not to make a wooden coaster pack, as you'd suddenly be involved in some kind of war which isn't really one, it's complicated. D: But welcome! \o
  14. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed:Queue: giraty, Broxzier, WuisMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Przemek, jensj12, TheMightyClem @giraty
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Inhabitants of the town near the fire station were confused when the firemen didn't turn out to return a stray cat to it's former owner after it got struck in a tree. After this horrendous accident got shared on MeOwER, the fire station shut down. After it shut down, angry teens that had nothing to do with the incident later on set the place on fire. And thus, a new fire station was required. (Although it is unclear how the former fire station's fire was extinguished) F.S.C.A. , a worldwide organisation that once started their first fire station in the Canadian capital Ottawa now operates nine million fire stations worldwide. They have decided they will settle their newest location on the location of the former fire station. --- NEW --- Fantastical Stray Cats Adventure, a wild mouse coaster ( how ironic) On Patrol, an interactive ride with a real firetruck! Stray Cats Talk&Elephant Stuff, a 57D movie McDriveWay, food and drinks < If you want to see the underground pathing Claimed:Queue: @TheMightyClem giraty, Broxzier, WuisMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Przemek, jensj12 Are you still interested in taking a turn @Przemek? PS. I will try to incorporate the former coaster in something else. PSPS. I forgot to add queue line tvs at the motion simulator D: The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.56.sv6
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    The EDIT-EDIT bit was just a joke, they all look like they make way more effort than they should do while cycling, thus they should change to a higher gear. I might try to get them parallel in the current building, that could indeed by something that could work.
  17. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed by Wuis! EDIT: Pathing in the fire station got so complicated that I will probably have to remove it or remove a ride as the current layout is making it unable for the wooden wild mine carts coaster to be fixed. I already struggled with this last turn but didn't get to a conclusion. (I also forgot to remove the coaster) If anyone has ideas, then please say so. Currently my plan is to rebuild to whole structure, probably another design though I will make it so that the car ride and coaster station are parallel but differ by that the coaster will be placed on 3m high and thus can have the entrance and exit placed over that of the car ride. The motion simulator I'm not certain of yet, if it will also be included, it'd be probably be around the same position, thus underground. For theming I'm going to look up various fire stations, main requirement for the end product is that you can somewhat notice that it's a fire station, which is kind of difficult with the limited resources the base game has. If you know a cool fire station, let me know, because I will definitely consider it. To maybe edge the other building, I'll try to add a canteen, but even with increased size, that might be difficult. EDIT-EDIT:@Broxzier Maybe explain everyone how the gears work, that might help. EDIT-EDIT-EDIT: I'm saying this now because I'll probably spend the rest of my evening looking at fire stations.
  18. Wuis

    CCC 3

    Does that also mean that you are allowed to meet the requirement of entrance/exit being connected by turning it with tile inspector, and from there on connecting a path? Or does it only apply to the track of the coaster itself?
  19. Wuis

    new park by loomani

    With the paths being 1 tile wide it all looks kind of out of proportion, but furthermore it looks great!
  20. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    I made this little kiddie coaster, I really struggled with making a station, as you can see above. In the end I chose for the one followed by this bit of text . The coaster is called Rancher's Jumble and is surrounded by a party tent and a water play area, I think it worked out quite well in the end only the capacity is a bit low ( > 1,000) as trains need to wait a fair bit before being able to get on to the chainlift as the part after the second lifthill is fairly larger than the first bit. Claimed: Queue: jensj12, giraty, WuisMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, TheMightyClem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Broxzier, Przemek @Przemek, @giraty You both come from the missed turn list, you can claim the park now too if you want to. @jensj12 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.53.sv6
  21. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: WuisQueue: jensj12Missed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, TheMightyClem, Monsanto, giraty, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Broxzier, Przemek
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    It's supposed to be a fire station. It features three attractions targeted at kids including: mine coaster, fire trucks and a simulator. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.51.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: qbbq, jensj12, Broxzier, WuisMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, TheMightyClem, Monsanto, giraty, SpiffyJack, imlegos @qbbq
  23. @Kamil It's not a permanent fix, just a trick around the issue and you might want to report it on OpenRCT2's Github aside from doing this. But if you want to continue the park with paying staff wages and loan interest, you can reset the date. That seems to do it for me. ( My obsessive button click disorder comes to good use!) EDIT: I've kept it running for a bit, so it doesn't go away after a few months and it didn't. While doing so I noticed that it involves a mission which requires you to have 3 500 guests after 10 years, so it might not be the IDEAL solution.
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 6

  25. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    @SpiffyJack When did you think frying a SSD was a good idea? Seems the summer holidays will be a rather quiet period. Which is always kind of weird as you'd expect to have more time but instead plan your holiday full too. x)
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