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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    I made a tram station for the entrance, it features a maintenance shed if any trams end up showing technical difficulties. The beach club was succesful, the Tens owner had succeeded in all his dreams, now he would only feel the need to keep those dreams alive. But it wasn't something unexpected that his riches would once be spoiled and he was warned of so. But no, he wished for no change to be made. (He even threw pots and pans like a madman when they tried to raise the price of the icecream by 10 cents) But many had seen something coming that would destroy his fortune, but he certainly felt that he was not to be messed with. The molerat infiltrated a nearby mountain and the owner was furious, he quickly went and called all exterminators in the area with no success. The owner turned inhumane: he didn't sleep, didn't eat and he was constantly busy with getting rid of the molerat. So he took matters in his own hands and started on creating this devilish project which would not only exterminate the rodent, but all other forms of nature too. In his evil lab, he practises dark magic! Only one who recently drank some Sewer Soda is able to stop this maniac. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.46.sv6 Claimed: -Queue: giraty, qbbq, Broxzier, imlegos, WuisMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, TheMightyClem, SpiffyJack, jensj12 @giraty
  2. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: WuisQueue: giraty, qbbq, Broxzier, imlegosMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, TheMightyClem, SpiffyJack, jensj12
  3. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    ^ @qbbq
  4. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    @giraty for queue.
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Added following features: Compact Wooden Coaster - Criminal Patrol Merry-Go-Round Maze Food/Drink Stalls Toilets Souvenirs Furthermore as seen in the picture above, somewhat tweaked the queue of Gold Rush so it's less invisible. May be removed if is disliked. Claimed: -Queue: Broxzier, SpiffyJack, giraty, qbbq, jensj12, imlegos, WuisMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, TheMightyClem, jochem @Broxzier The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.41.sv6 PS. Now uploading this all, I realise in the picture, the actual thing that needs some work are the tram stations. X^)
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Probably @cascadia but elsewise to any other person that might have made the stalls across the horse riding, can I replace that building with a greenhouse?
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: WuisQueue: Broxzier, SpiffyJack, giraty, qbbq, jensj12, imlegosMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, TheMightyClem, jochem
  8. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    @qbbq I edited the attraction so it doesn't have expansion content anymore. It's renamed to "Flying Dutchman". (I've tried using one of the ingame planes, but that doesn't look that nice) Here's the file: The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.36b.sv6 Can you let me know if you can use the file in that state? We already agreed on not using the expansion packs so we will not be doing so for this park, any use of it in the future can be discussed when it's time for a new group park in the then designated topic for that. @SpiffyJack I hope you don't mind the edit, I quite like the idea of having planes up in the air and changing the ride type to a crooked house is a nice way to avoid all the hard work to hide all track pieces, but as earlier said, we had agreed on not using expansion pack content so we will not be doing so, I hope I did not harm your coaster in such way that you don't like it or don't feel it's yours. PS. What is up with the lack of walls/supports on the side the guests enter the attraction? I found it to be quite peculiar but I didn't mind it. Is there something missing?
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Aaah, the walls tricked me in thinking it were the one of the pirates' theme.
  10. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    The theme of this park is 99% 98% pirates.
  11. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Only thing I still had to do is get it running for a bit so I know everything works, sorry if it doesn't. I need to hurry over somewhere. I was already planning to keep it tiny. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.34.sv6 Queue: @Broxzier giraty, qbbq, Jochem, WuisMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails, imlegos, Tune, TheMightyClem
  12. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: Wuis Queue: Broxzier, giraty, qbbq, Jochem Missed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails, imlegos, Tune, TheMightyClem
  13. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Poor you, I used to fall asleep a lot during a certain period. It's quite weird when you then proceed to wake up at 4am (in my case) and have all that time on your hands. Well, work'em atleast!
  14. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    @Krutonium Saw the pull request and the wall being mentioned, if you don't want that fixed, ignore this, I probably misunderstood something. If you'd like so, here two screenshots and the file: The OpenRCT2 Group Park5.61a.sv6 For anyone else, the file is also the newest version of the park.
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    I've been busy all day trying to get a path past the mine train which I liked the look of, but didn't really succeed in that. During so, I also changed things around the farm. So I put the project aside for an hour or so and suddenly came on the idea that the area might want to be expanded on. So to do so, I already flattened out a lot of land, as it fits the farm, make sure when terraforming to either do this by hand (recommended) or to watch out the sides and the surrounding area are not affected. I personally would terraform a bit as flat land can look a bit boring. Besides flattening the land I also moved Lasso, I will provide a picture for that further down, it's pretty much completely copied, only thing missing is the little picnic area with some stalls and some decorations are rotated differently etc. . I already have an attraction in mind which would be somewhat smaller... I mean, much smaller. I'll probably include a restaurant along with it as everyone but Cascadia always forget that Nellie L. and Gilbert C. are also people and at some point require some restrooms and nutrition. Talking about @cascadia, I like your idea and if you are able to fit attractions on those plots it'll be great, go your gang, I mean go ahead. (little bit is Dunglish ) If it doesn't fit, you can also make some new farm fields, there are quite a lot of things that could be used for crops or trees. Here's the new placement for Lasso, which seems to attract loads of guest, if that was really the case with those things, Six Flags would be on to them. It's also a little wink at a game from a later generation. Claimed: Queue: @Broxzier giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClem, Jochem, WuisMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails, imlegos, Tune I'm alerting @jensj12 and @RedScope53 as I haven't seen them for a bit, and want to alert them. The queue is currently going a bit quick. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.28.sv6
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Okay, I've got a bit of problem, after struggling what to build, I've quite enthusiastically started building a farm, I quickly already saw I needed a fairly large place to even put crops down, so I was a bit worried. Even though the worries, I continued, as it was a fun way to do something different with the scenery pieces, now I have come to the point I myself really must admit the space used is too big. I don't mind deleting the coaster, but it's in this state that it's pretty much finished (I never consider something finished). What's everyone thoughts? PS. THE ENTERPISE IS THERE TO STAY.
  17. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    @cascadia It traces back to your file with the addition of the observation tower and the shops at the square with a 3x3 fountain. Idk how nobody has noticed since. Claimed: WuisQueue: Broxzier, giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClem, JochemMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails, imlegos, Wuis
  18. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    @cascadia You don't think drowning the guests is a bit extreme? Also, that bug that caused all this is really interesting, because there has always been an unaffected area, that is seen in the second picture.
  19. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: Queue: @Jochem, Tune, Broxzier, giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClemMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails, imlegos, Wuis Probably won't claim it in 24h.
  20. Are there supposed to be images here?
  21. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    This game hasn't got me goofed up this much in a while. They're having a little party in this intense ride x) Also, imagine the excitement without that intensity
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    More than thrice as high even! Heheh, I have that a lot too. The worst thing is when it's on YouTube videos, I just want to do things different then.
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    Yes, even appreciated!
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    @giraty I'm not sure what you mean? Could you rephrase your question please? @Jochem I accidentally terraformed the land that the river rapids run into a little trouble, could you take a look at this? Thanks in advance. ^^
  25. Wuis

    Group Park 6

    IMPORTANT:I want to please ask everyone to build paths that are two wide which allows access to the area behind the attraction. At current rate, several areas will be unavailable to reach by 2 wide paths. Claimed: -Queue: @Jochem Tune, imlegos, giraty, qbbq,TheMightyClem, WuisMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, Broxzier, WobblyRails The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.18.sv6
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