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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    Okay, say that you won't be mad? Yes? Agreed? Okay. I've been working on Coszie Park again, though this time, there's not just a replacement, but also a new addition. So first up the Shot N' Drop, was a very weak attraction of the park, the theming had the least thought to it. So I really wanted to have that gone, though, I do think a Shot N' Drop is nice to have, so I made one not inspired by a non-german park, which isn't doomed by it's location and doesn't have seven coasters. It's now called "Tower of Sage", but that might change in the future if I stumble upon something. So now we have quite the area for a new attraction, and I really tried anything here. I soon discovered that I absolutely didn't want to build a coaster, as the park is quite full of them. Then I especially tried making dark rides, but they have so low ratings that it's kind of not worth building them. Then I even thought about replacing the merry-go-round over here, but I think I prefer it at the entrance and there would be even less place for something new at the entrance. So I ended up realising the park had no Go Karts, which shocked me to be honest. (Main requirements for a park by Wuis are rapid rivers and go karts.) The layout was relatively simple to think of, but theming was another thing. I didn't want to copy any of the styles used by the other buildings, especially after the same style as the monorail/log flume station miserably failed. So I ended up realising that East Tyrol is an Italian province, so I ended up theming it towards that. And I'm really happy with the result. Although I am biased as the mine/wild west themes are my favourite. (The wild west only for the post fence)
  2. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Very manly, the poop. Also, is that monster truck ride your manly coaster, because if so, brace yourself! Aside from the jokes, I really like the area, I don't think you should play with the save file's name though, it might cause confusion.
  3. Pls, we're talking about pure perfection here. The pathing is totally screwed up. (From a peep's perspective)
  4. If I may, I like it.
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    You, ofcourse.
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Then I'll cover for my little bibi bubu baby. ^^
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: Queue: @YoloSweggLord, Tune, Broxzier, Jochem, Wuis, UTMAN, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53Missed: jensj12, TCE, Cascadia Doing this on a phone is 869 times as hard compared to doing it with keyboard and mouse. ;;
  8. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Quick claim to fix Petroleum Coaster Tycoon again, I was busy in the park trying things out, during this it crashed. Fixed. The ride is now on a block section mode and has slightly changed again, the reason it crashed was because the trains got stuck on the first lift hill and when the ride started again one would bump to the other train and it would get stuck to finally be hit by the train that would follow after that. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.24a.sv6
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: Queue: @RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, Tune, Broxzier, Jochem, Wuis, UTMAN, SpiffyJack, giratyMissed: jensj12, TCE, Cascadia Somewhere I got lost in the queue, also RedScope wasn't tagged. Queue should be good to go again.
  10. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Yes, it isn't indeed. And to stop confusing with the 1 and 10, the 1 is turned into 01. If we do get to 100 versions, then that'll be a first, I don't see a problem with the current system. Maybe we could end up changing the symbol to seperate the two numbers though, suggestion I would have is ^, #, ", - and |. (So 5^21, 5#21, 5"21, 5-21 or 5|21).
  11. The amount of people using it, show YouTube videos who use it, the rate at which new downloads are available and the detailed messages that come with these new downloads. If OpenRCT2 was a virus, it would be the most expensive virus ever based on cost/result. And as I doubt they're trying to get in the Guinness world record book, there wouldn't be a reason to.
  12. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    @Philmon11 Sorry, I thought I did so but I must've been my last edit to my post which I might have forgot to save. eeheh. ^^' @Foxy Can you show a screenshot of the monorail helix?
  13. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Okay, I have quite a few points to address. First up, the person who will be working on this monorail station down here. has to change how the track layout is. It is very inconvenient for the monorail or any other transport ride to go up and down, especially going up after a monorail station. This due to the monorail first needing to gain speed and it can't do so when on a hill, so it takes way longer to reach the other station while the distance might be relatively short. Second up, Petroleum Coaster Tycoon got stuck on the exact point you see down below on the first picture, changes I have made are: removing a random chainlift which is located on the hill just under the station when the track comes above ground. Enlarging the chainlift, see second picture. Banking a large part of track in an underground section. So now for my addition, it's this weird building. It's kind of rushed and i didn't know what to do tbh. I originally wanted to place a 3 tile three in the middle and put glass all around it. But these trees don't really fix into place so it was weird from most angles. As for @giraty's coaster, I haven't come to decorating your coaster station. But I'm willing to do so next turn. If you have some ideas about colors schemes or little things you'd like to add to the building, be my guest. :-) (if nobody does so it might be gone next turn, same for the building for my previous ride, the coaster next to it.) Claimed: Queue: @Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, Tune, Broxzier, Jochem, WuisMissed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN, TCE, Cascadia The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.19.sv6
  14. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: WuisQueue: Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, Tune, Broxzier, JochemMissed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN, TCE, Cascadia
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    "very quick". Somebody better not steal my turn this night. (Well, technically they can't, as they are in the missed list and thus they have the right to. But the privilege of having a turn in the weekend I don't want to lose. )
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: BroxzierQueue: Jochem, Wuis, Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, TuneMissed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN, TCE, Cascadia
  17. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    I would've rather used 5.001 from the start then. eheh (because Cascadia fixes too damn much )
  18. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    That would make for 5.15b but it's not problem. Edit: Changed it ':)
  19. If the coaster goes max. 30KMH/H It's probably okay.
  20. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    @giraty I believe you build the wooden coaster, may I theme the station building in my turn or were you planning to do so yourself?
  21. There has to be a difference somewhere, what does it look like underground? The ratings could be changed by interaction with other rides but length can't just change if I am right, atleast that wouldn't be logical.
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    Well, try to stick to the used park or don't expect your ride to open for a bit like Jochem did. Peeps are kinda fuzzy about how they walk around the park, so for large parts it's hard to configure the perfect way for them to walk. but later on this get's easier as underground paths could be added for shortcuts.
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    I just had to say I love this sight of the park, the sign and the nature with the splash boats. <3 <3 EDIT: If Giraty doesn't notice so, I could build a quick path. It'd only take like max. 30 minutes if not less.
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    I've looked twice at that picture wondering what was new on that second picture now realising the third time that it is the giant roof in the middle of the image.
  25. Wuis

    Group Park 5

    I guess I am just confused by SpiffyJack already posting things he's working on.
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