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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    @Zoomer36 If you like to do scenery; this (V) might be a good location to rework and inbetween Qin Dynasty is still place for a flat ride or a tracked ride, even a coaster. There isn't really much space I would like to see worked on, ofcourse, we need to utilize as much space as possible, but besides the place around where Sherbywood Monorail goes under the jungle roofs and inbetween King of Durango Mountain and The Stallion I don't think you really want to see rides. I find the rides I have fitted near Sealions! and Monster Jam very crammed. Especially the Gokarts. Regarding to Dan's space, we might need to wait until September starts as he is possibly on summer vacation. I would want to build the airplane ride, but I can't add it to the rides you can select, so I can't really do anything. Already thinking about Group Park 4, if I may, I'd like to start the park again. Do we maybe want an already partially sculpted map? or assessed themed areas? It's fun to make every map different and especially include very different themes. We could even set the water to a different colour. Someone else any thoughts?
  2. Yeah, but then we also should also cover all other languages besides english supported by the game. And that might be a harder and greater task to do.
  3. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12, Zoomer36, BroxzierMissed: imlegos, WobblyRails, wilburg22, Yimmy, ziscor, RedScope53, @Dan, Cascadia, Wuis
  4. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    @Zoomer36 You can jump in front of me in the queue so if Jensj12 or somebody else doesn't claim it in the upcoming 12 hours (thus 24 hours from the point Cascadia unclaimed it), it's your turn to take. If you claim so though, notify it through the Claimed, Queue, Missed system and read the rules in the first post of this topic.
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    I'm currently in the hospital, so if Jens has taken his turn there is no point in keeping the queue andit maybe shoukd be replaced by the system that is on the Rapid Group Park. Also, I'm totally fine, so don't worry. ^^'
  6. Have you tried forcing the guests in through the cheats of OpenRCT2?
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    The file has always been there
  8. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: -Queue: jensj12, WuisMissed: imlegos, WobblyRails, wilburg22, Yimmy, ziscor, RedScope53, Dan, Broxzier Oh no a wild spiral slide! Go Jensj12! The OpenRCT Group Park 3.70.sv6
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    So like this? I just quickly attached a new part to the already existing building, might be reworking it as a whole. Going from 3 to 6 horses, it doubles the capacity and thus halves the queue time. Already got 69 guests who consider it their favourite! Which is no competition for any ride that is a decent junior or better, but that isn't what I was aiming at. Only thing I don't like is that it is on the last tile but I got that with more things. (For example, I don't like that Queen Bee is just a rectangle, I don't like that Qin Dynasty is still quite wide, I don't like I've changed some already themed rides etc.)
  10. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    This seems to work! Now I can either do this or add an extra horse (for some reason it didn't run with the max trains) I can also, expand the station a little bit in both cases, which will cause for a removal of the s-bend at the top. Thoughts?
  11. @Centric Your entrance is cool and all, but I'd rather walk through the rest of the park. Okay, you've got some flat roofs and your slc isn't an slc. But I am not a bird and a slc isn't good anyways. But woowowowow, if you would walk through that park it'd be amongst the levels of parks most people would consider having very good theming, especially if it would be accompanied by a story. Props to you man, doing a really good job so far, keep it up!
  12. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    I've currently got four ideas on my head: The first and most simple would be to increase the height of the coaster making the drop higher and thus reaching higher speeds. As most of the coaster is spend after this drop and the absence of block brakes, this might just be the best solution. Minor thing that could happen here is that the chainlift speed would be increased. The second idea would be to add several block brakes, although this will be a very safe way to create a higher capacity, it'll also decrease the overall look of the coaster as it most likely will stop somewhere in the middle of the coaster. The third and a lot more complicated idea would be to make out of the currently 2, 4 stations. This by having two tracks overlapping each other, when they come back to the stations they will be led to the station they didn't come from. The fourth and really seeming to be impossible idea was to make two tracks next to each other, not sure if they would compensate for each other's capacity though. (Thus that one won't being fully loaded while on the other track the operator is sleeping on the "Go" button) EDIT: @jensj12 Well, yeah you could. Do you have anything already planned or are you just going to improvise like I mostly do? Also sorry for not immediately mentioning you, I was going to but I really wanted to post about the ideas I had and kinda forgot to put you afterwards. Also, I haven't really appreciated The Stallion for the coaster it is, the capacity on it is just so massive and it isn't gigantic either. Not to forget that it is one of the favourites amongst guests because of it's interesting layout. I really feel guilty by putting that away behind a tower instead of throwing it in the open with some better theming than it has now. I've just done a quick search to the saves I still got and it seems to be the only one to be able to compete with the Monorail. Not wanting to be arrogant or egoistic, but I just wanted to get that out there.
  13. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    *Update* New; Roary Racekarts, Go-karts for the whole family! New; Pirates of Berk, Finding the entrance is the key for finding this treasure! The Stallion's chainlift now goes 9KM/H instead of 11KM/H to stop trains from making a full stop in the mid brake section Queen Bee's Power Absorb now changed around part of it's queue to be extra queue for when it's busy. Can I replace my own attractions? I might want to remove Buckriders because it's nobody's favourite attraction even though many guests ride so. Besides that I don't like it very much and the capacity is quite low for a ride taking up quite some space.
  14. Calm down, Imlegos didn't mean it like that. I don't think he would've reacted if he didn't like it at all and if you show something to the public you open yourself up to getting comments, those being positive but they also could be negative. The bushes are something done in excessive amount and someone might not like it if such items are used in such amount. So as this is something posted publicly Imlegos is in it's right to say something bad about it, only being rude if Zoomer36 has said so that he doesn't want to receive any tips and just wants to show it off to the people who will like so. But as Zoomer36 has said that he is open for reviews, Imlegos is fully in his right to posting a criticising comment.
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Built a new a reverse freefall coaster, but I just realised placing it in an old version. Will work on it tommorow as I really can't after doing so.
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: WuisQueue: jensj12 (THIS QUEUE AGAIN)Missed: imlegos, WobblyRails, wilburg22, Yimmy, ziscor, RedScope53, Dan, Broxzier PS. Jens, how much you might enjoy so, I'm not a Pokémon.
  17. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    After saying goodbye to Dunediver as I don't really like it: I built a pier wooden coaster which didn't grow on me either: So I'm just leaving it at an entrance carrousel named Carrousel. You can consider the park as done, but I'm notifying everyone again if they have any ideas for the last 3 slots for stalls/attractions. Claimed: - Next In Line: @imlegos, @jensj12, @BroxzierMissed Turn: @enner, @UTMAN, @Squab, @Przemek, @WobblyRails, @Racey, @qbbq, @Philmon11, @CoasterMaster Community Park V2.93.sv6
  18. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Nope, it's not letting me upload so, it's way too big. If you got a image upload site where I can post large pictures I can post it.
  19. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    You can't place any scenery item or coaster? Like this gorgeous monorail coaster:
  20. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Update ________ From left to right and first to second row: Added a woodie, not sure if I want to keep it, but I'm letting it stay as it might grow on me. Added a dam to protect Imlegos' piece of art Overview of this area Added a bunch of trees on the other side of the end of the park
  21. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: WuisNext In Line: imlegos, jensj12, BroxzierMissed Turn: Enner, UTMAN, Squab, Przemek, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, Wuis, Philmon11, Coastermaster @CoasterMaster went missing so I am going to finish up this park, adding huge lakes and forests before Group Park 3 ends earlier than 2 does.
  22. Wuis

    Apex Park,

    Looks neat! Bit too big in my opinion though. As coaster and rides are sparse they kinda get repetitive on such maps.
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Oh noes! It was Queen Bee after all! After several attempts of taking over the park, Queen Bee is back bigger and better than ever! Instead of using her own minions, she will hypnotise all guests entering Queen Bee's Power Absorb! Does one not fear the dangers on the site and did one except to get drained?! Queen Bee's Power Absorb will drain your brain until you're no more than a drone, or will it? Added "The New Jungelaar", a junior coaster Added "Queen Bee's Power Absorb", a top spin on berserk mode Added a few toilets Fixed several issues with exits not connecting to the paths Added Queue Line TVs to Dark Matter in hope people will stop mentioning the long queue time Added several staff members for decoration purposes, if needed, they can be deleted. Signs are sparse, Wuis is sad. Claimed: -Queue: Broxzier, WuisMissed: @imlegos, @WobblyRails, @wilburg22, @Yimmy, @ziscor, @jensj12, @RedScope53, @Dan (Always worth a try) @Broxzier Not putting you in the Missed list as it would immediately grant me a turn. The OpenRCT Group Park 3.68.sv6
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Update --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A weird underground path has appeared. The banner states: "Invited Guests Only" A curious guest suggests the paths lead to the new construction work inbetween Rusty Road and Monofood. The area is guarded and occasionally people walk out who are weirdly dressed.
  25. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Update --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made a new junior coaster next to another junior coaster. The new junior coaster gives me memories to my first coaster successful coaster thus it's The New Jungelaar as that is what the name of said (wooden) coaster was. It doesn't feature much special, but I like it, it dashes through the surroundings. I, for some reason can't build either a wooden coaster different from the 6-seater or any new rides added. So I would gladly help rebuilding the coaster, but it doesn't add in my list. Will look what to do next, maybe you'll see a familiar face coming around.
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