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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    I can change the LIM trains to other trains through the cheats, no problem seen there.
  2. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    UUUHHH HELP, WHICH ONE... T_T (The massive rock at the first coaster is just there so I would be able to make a building more easily, might remove the outer sides) (A double station for the second coaster has not really settled into my mind, I might make it one and add a second block brake.
  3. If you question yourself if something is on the level you want it to have you can turn the camera, as it will look different from the 3 other angles.
  4. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    At the moment it's nobody's turn. But I am going to change so by claiming it now. ^^ Claimed: Wuis Queue: Broxzier, SensualEthipionPolice, Imlegos, Redscope53, Jens12, _SpaCe_, YoloSwegglord, WobblyRails, TCE Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImaBoss, , Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD EDIT: Why does Meltdown feature a launch by chain? During a safety cut-out it is destined to crash as it isn't running on a block sectioned mode. If you really want a launch after the guests get in, make a station with a queue reachable for mechanics but not for guests (as they will probably queue for ages). Then include brakes infront of the station where the guests will be heading inside the train, the train will launch but stopped briefly afterwards. Example would be Project: Frozen Eggplant in Group Park 2. Either this or know a thing or two about invisible tracks and make sure the train loops back safe. An example of this would be found in Group Park 3, and that is a coaster named Starfury, which for further details is to be found on page 38 of the Group Park 3 thread.
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    @Philmon11 Keep hanging in there buddy. It's indeed for the best if you prioritise school above all, just don't forget that you need to relax a bit too and if school is making you unable to do so, you should contact anyone who can guide you in such. (Your parents, the counsellor)
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    We did, but it's an unwritten rule. Maybe let TCE redo his turn? or atleast put him in the middle instead of the end?
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: Queue: @TCE@TCE, Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, imlegos, Redscope53, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRails Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss Sorry for the double mention of TCE, the mention function is buggy on my phone.
  8. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    VS. Lumbermill Rapids VS Roman Rapids EDIT: Lumbermill Rapids has won and the name has been changed into Klamath Cataract.
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    I suggest we keep people in the missed list no matter if they want to claim it the next turn, it's unreasonable to let someone wait for the absence of another, whether it is just something that got in between or just lack of inspiration shouldn't matter here. If they want to claim it, they can do so when it is unclaimed.
  10. You crush poor kittens! You horrible person! I will use this as propaganda! mauahhaha
  11. Says the man who's initials rhyme with SLC. SensualEthiopianPolice, S-E-P. HA
  12. Heheh, you will never know who I am.. >:D
  13. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Looks cool! But I would've rather seen you do the whole space between the main square and the queue of the ride too. (Where Philmon's (?) shot/drop tower sticks out) As it now will be either used to squish in an attraction or just left to rot, if you would've done it it would've been decorated a bit. And as it is near the main square, it's kinda important.
  14. BlazingEmpireHD really didn't want to be stingy, he said it himself. I don't want to sound harsh (as it would be kinda hypocritical) but if you do not see a way to react to these ideas in a polite way, you should better not react at all. I have also kept messages unsent because they sounded a bit too harsh, it's really not a big deal as nobody know you did so. Especially as someone who represents a certain something (Now for example; OpenRCT2), as it could lead to someone leaving the site for such simple. Ontopic: I like the ideas! But isn't #13 already in the game? I especially want to see more charts and stats indeed, what is the highest ride, what is the fastest, things like that really make you look around and leave some people bamboozled.
  15. That's indeed a great video. It's been quite a while since I've seen it though.
  16. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    --Update-- If the rapids get moved, this might also be an addition. It's kinda weird that I am showing off these plans rather than two actual rides that are finished. lol
  17. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    --Update-- Might move the rapids towards the entrance to make space for flat rides in the roman area. (It's a different layout too as "Roman Rapids" didn't fit) Thoughts?
  18. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    I agree, I really don't like it when a transport ride goes up as it slows down A LOT. I also think it's pretty clear that it's going to be the hanging monorail..uhm..suspended.
  19. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    No, Redscope is in between the 18th and 19th hour. Edit: actually, you might be right, the site seems to be in a different time zone than I am.
  20. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Sorry my OCD is not that bad. Even @SensualEthiopianPolice who ofcourse is a horrible person by disrespecting me due to building more woodies gets it and doesn't snarl. But again sorry, I apologise.
  21. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    >>Strawpoll<< Like that? (Already voted)
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    I'm defo okay, but I'll let everyone know already that it's very likely I will build one too as I haven't build one yet in the group parks and I prefer them to other coasters. (Group Park 2 Broxzier build one when I was planning so and in Group Park 3 Philmon did xD)Might be onto making a long mine train coaster or a gigantic darkride coaster, something in the lines of that as that 3 woodies might be a bit much.
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Don't worry about the rowing boats not having tracks at the end, I kinda started with making it invisible, but as I didn't continue working on the park the other days, I didn't really further notice it. Will fix so when unclaimed, as it just takes up about 10 minutes or so.
  24. I'd like to know more about working with the new things introduced by OpenRCT2, especially the more advanced stuff which requires using the console or tile inspector and such. I know there is already a video of track merging on YouTube but if somebody is better at explaining how you got the merge a track back to it's original track or just do inversions, that'll be nice.
  25. @SensualEthiopianPolice I guess we can call it the first world woodie war then. Ontopic: they look very neat. I especially like the 4th and 5th.
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