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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12, Wuis, Yimmy, RedScope53, Dan, Philmon11, Broxzier, ziscorMissed: @imlegos, @WobblyRails , Wilburg22 Removed SuperVarken from the missed turn list, as he hasn't been online since May. Moved Wilburg22 to the missed turn list as he hasn't responded in the 24 hours. @jensj12 Make sure you use the .57a version!
  2. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    @cascadia May I do an adjustment to the roof of the Skid Row Mice station in my upcoming turn? Got an idea! Edit: No problem opening the file, if it doesn't open, close the game and it'll probably add the items when restarting the game. (Atleast that seems to be the case most of the times)
  3. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    If I take my next turn is it cool to use for example the area between my two asian bits and besides that theme existing rides, let's say Phil's ride or the rides of Yimmy? If so, @Yimmy If I require to do so for theming sake, may I replace your rides to different spots? ( around that area) and @Philmon11 Do you want me to adjust the coaster a bit to get it into the accepted space? Or atleast out of other attractions space? Also just noticed for the first time that someone connected the backstage parts at the entrance to the main path. x) On another note, the yellow color doesn't fit most spots where the monorail passes by and this can be adjusted by color schemes.
  4. Granted, but you have to win all scenarios to unlock it, which resets when the game is closed. I wish that RCT2 had decent quarter blocks ( No CS)
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    How are you doing in there @Dan? No problem that it takes a little longer, but we suspect the peeps have drowned you instead of you drowning them.
  6. Granted, but Rollercoasters now have their max chainlift speed set on 1 KM/H (Have fun riding Fury 325) I wish that eating Dutch would get a thing like eating Chinese or Greek is.
  7. OFFTOPIC // I need to make rules for this. ;;
  8. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    I'm going to end this turn, the last hours are kinda dragging on right now. Usually I would spread this over 3 days or a week, but that isn't really possible right now. You can destroy everything surrounding the coaster if that object else would conflict with your own attraction. Only the station area is "Protected" (Straight splash bit before last hill, Storage Track, Station, Lake etc. You get the deal). Quite happy with the station, as I just started placing walls and it ended up like this. Only thing that I got from an actual Chinese building are the roofed balconies. (which still look way different. Build Qin Dynasty, a hyper coaster Made track of Cascadia's Venetian Boat Ride invisible Added several gates to accompany supports above paths Widened the path to the Hogwarts Castle I thought no path issues would occur with the path I expanded, sorry in advance if it did. Claimed: -Queue: @Yimmy, RedScope53, WobblyRails, Dan, Broxzier, ziscor, Cascadia, wilburg22, jensj12, WuisMissed: imlegos , SuperVarken, philmon11 EDIT: (Forgot to open coaster and added new save file) The OpenRCT Group Park 3.50a.sv6 happened when opening Qin Dynasty for a second: *New save file changes: a temporary path alongside the coaster 2 handymen, one for the coaster, one for the temporary path Somewhat further in time, so the masses (the 321 people) have mostly left
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Update 5, "Dinner is ready": On the agenda are: Trees to hide my stuff Fixes More trees small decorations here and there Did I already mention the trees?
  10. Stolen of @RuneLaenen! Lie To Me - you post 3 things about yourself, people guess which is the lie. I'll start of easy: I'm Dutch I can fly I like Rollercoasters Which is the lie? (Totally not obvious)
  11. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    UPDATE 4: I think the excess dark orange doesn't look that good, any suggestions for color schemes? Or just keep it this way?
  12. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Well. I think I leaf ( ) most of it as a tree festival, there are just some tiny spots that might require some theming work.( The first two drops, the supposed to be hammerhead turn, block brakes, splash area, brakes and ofcourse the station) This so I don't have to go do a heck amount of work and people don't have to hesitate building there. I think I will expand the main path and hope nobody builds a rainbow-themed coaster or anything between the coaster and the area(As I supposed not being able to also get that bit), so I can either build a dojo, a pagoda or a garden in that area.
  13. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    On it! UPDATE 3: Added supports to the lifthill Shall I continue such through the whole coaster? Corrupted the track tiles of the Riverside Venetian Boat Thing, so now they're gone. @cascadia You might still want to add something along the lines of a buoy(?) Added a janitor to the suspiciously dirty path There's a picture that explains smaller things.
  14. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    UPDATE: Old!!! Comments? Too long? Too wide? Too high? Not enough interaction for you guys? UPDATE 2:
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Update(wip): I will make a huge hyper coaster, as I think I noted earlier. I already claimed the park this evening to build the coaster so you can give your opinions about it. (Have not done terrain colours as I'm not sure yet.) Things that are still planned doing are pretty much all things there are, terraforming, supports, decoration and trees for when not confident. It's a bit big, I will give you that, but I am open to changing things, these are: Moving the track more towards the border, which though will lead to a connecting garden because I still want it to be part of the Asian area. Somewhat shortening the track, lowering the first drop and pretty much let the coaster start from the first block brakes Redoing any track part that is disliked, taking any further suggestions that I've obviously not come up with Gimme all the ideas you have, from names, colors to layout advice and whole story backgrounds. If it ends up that we don't want such huge coaster at all, I will work on something else, there are still great coasters that aren't in this park yet. Like an inverted coaster, a fast pace woodie or a launched coaster. I just had this in mind, so that's what I build. But if it's a bit too much I totally understand so, cause it's kinda big. But I'll wrap it up here, even though I could tell you all about the coaster, it would just be a drag to read.
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: WuisQueue: Yimmy, RedScope53, WobblyRails, Dan, Broxzier, ziscor, Cascadia, wilburg22, jensj12Missed: imlegos , SuperVarken , Philmon11
  17. Granted, but it was crowded by sugar cubes. I wish for some cookies.
  18. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    @jensj12 I usually play on a school day, we'll see this week. else I claim it the end of the week while being on the missed turn list for the while being.
  19. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    ehehe ninja'd :<
  20. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Just want to note that I am not here tommorow, I will be able to claim/play again on Sunday.
  21. Granted, but for every hour you play, a person close to you dies. I wish my next wish not to be corrupted.
  22. Granted, but the game can only be played fully zoomed out. I wish Planet Coaster becomes the greatest game in eternity.
  23. Looks really cool! Only concerned about the guests already getting lost at the entrance because they have to find another way around. Excited to see what the blue queue brings!
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Kinda my bad too, I just have no idea what to do with the paths or how to find them. Yes, I've seen them before and know they exist but I usually stumble upon them because I make a whole park on my own and now I kinda don't.
  25. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    It's okay, you have 48 hours after claiming so you would only be at 39 hours so no biggie. It's just that we care knowing you haven't died or anything is holding you back, also if you did anything relevant for the eye in the first 24 hours a small update involving a picture is nice.
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