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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Added go-karts named Goldrush Racers Again, apologies for the hold up. If I would have known this could be up yesterday. Was planning to be build something bigger, but I think the gokarts go neatly there and buildings all the way isn't cool either. Claimed: - Queue: @ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPoliceBrigade, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, Jens12, WobbilyRails, TCE, Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan The OpenRCT Group Park 4.08.sv6
  2. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Oh sorry, I'm overtime.. T_T I've been quite sick so I haven't really noticed that I still claimed it, will get on my pc to unclaim it in a bit and upload my file.
  3. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: Wuis Queue: ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPoliceBrigade, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, Jens12, WobbilyRails, TCE, Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan
  4. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: - Queue: @Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPoliceBrigade, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, Jens12, WobbilyRails, TCE, Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD Missed: - You forgot to remove yourself from the Claimed spot You used a VERY large area, which is if my sleepy brain can tell 840 tiles, besides you have broken more rules. I'm going to wait what we'll do, I just don't want to rush over it and such and we get the same problem we had earlier group parks. I'll claim it as early as possible tommorow (I'm in the CET timezone) ps. I quite like the coaster layout, not such a fan of the colours. But everyone their preferences.
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    @ectricsanon ^this should explain
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Oh ya, I forgot.
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: -Queue: @Philmon11, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, jensj12Missed: cascadia, Centric, Dan
  8. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    --Update-- All new additions: Dragonfly Duel, this Suspended Swinging Coaster replaces the Inverted Roller Coaster. Due to high capacity and it being aimed at families it is seen as the perfect ride for the park, though it is question why the park has not gone for a block sectioned mode for space for 4 trains. La Grande Roue, the park was missing a ferris wheel, so they build one. Dodgems, a nice stop after your break at the 2 restaurants next door when you are heading to either Sinister (Wooden Coaster), Dragonfly Duel (Suspended) or Bob XI (Bobsled) Small improvements to the queue of Guardian of the Sands, the long queue wasn't much to be proud of, after earlier additions to decorations in the underground section, it now also has an indoor queue with some posters and tv screens which will tell you something about the story beforehand. (PS. This attraction is the bomb, the whole egyptian area is, much other queues are left (almost) empty.)
  9. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    --Update-- In a partnership with Subway, Coszie Park has opened a new restaurant. In a interview with BB-Sea a park official Inne Verted commented "We're definitely not teasing anyone with this". It is uncertain what the park means with this but earlier interviews with the CEO of Coszie Park has pointed out the park was aiming to be a family park due to this being the main share in visitors. Since then attention for the park dropped as people weren't looking for such and rather wanted thrills. The board of directors is thinking about making a survey to ask the public for the last thrill, flat or tracked rides. PS. THERE IS NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN THE TOP RIGHT CORNER.
  10. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Sure, you can always claim it. As Jensj12 and I have mentioned, there is still improvements to be done so you can always get on that.
  11. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: -Queue: @Dan, Philmon11, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, jensj12Missed: cascadia, Centric
  12. Bone Marrow
  13. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    I hope Centric comes back, it says Centric hasn't been here since August 9th. Might be a thing for the next park, in which we check for a second time if everyone is still here, in the previous park we also had a slow start due to people joining who didn't stick around, not that this is a big deal, but it's not neat to wait for a person who isn't even planning coming (anymore).
  14. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    The monorail could work like that, maybe use the hanging ones as that is the only form of transport we haven't used. I though think that the 3rd station needs to be placed in or before the swamp and there needs to come another station in between the 1st and 2nd station. Also, don't insult monorail coasters!
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Queen Bee and The Giraffe are already existing dark rides of mine, and I am not a real fan of them. The Giraffe a bit, because it took quite a while to build, but Queen Bee I only expanded on because it somehow all fitted together. I might do a darkride, but probably later on in the park, I'd like to combine it with a probably small but intense coaster. EDIT: Sometimes this game makes illusions of roofs being everywhere and nowhere from a certain view, when you turn the camera you will see so. But as all shots were made from the same positions it looked like some parts had roofs where they hadn't.
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Keep on building these big buildings, if this continues I'll be able to build a coaster as my turn comes. Not sure what I would build if I can't build a coaster, maybe I'll build my traditional Go-kart track (well, I've built one in both parks I've been in, so it's sort of) I honestly don't want to do a darkride as mine look way worse than others around here and I seem to perform better when decorating smaller attractions like the mine-themed simulator in the previous park or the go-karts in the first park. A darkride as first ride is keeping my mind busy though.. ontopic: Looks good Jensj12, I guess you wanted to add more supports over the place, but as this thief stole your precious time, you didn't. That's sad. Honestly, you should punish this thief by throwing marshmallows at him/her, that'll hurt! EDIT: Now I am finally able to look at the park through the file, it actually looks kinda brown, like a tiny teeny bit.
  17. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Congrats on getting different kind of colours into the park. I like the park so far it kinda gives me the feel of the beginner parks which always look so friendly and joyful. Problems are seen at the boat ride and the maze as they require to have a higher capacity due to being such early on to the start. Maybe make an invisible track for the boats to get them back early? I could do so in my turn, if you'd like so.
  18. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    If you mean the one at Cedar Point it is probably small to medium, depends how long the straight bit will be and to how far you will extend scenery and the queue.
  19. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    @Broxzier You might also want to move the desert towards the bit beside the mountain, as many people wanted a beach I think that should get the large sand like area.
  20. You can also change the code for what a guest finds about the time spent on a ride. (Maybe just for a few attractions) In all fairness, besides Chiapas I don't know any water rides which lift hill actually reaches higher speeds.
  21. If you put railings or walls between paths before making them, they will split. Thus if you want to make this, place the walls/railings in the middle of where you want to have your 2 paths, put your paths down and after you can, if you want to, remove the walls. Mind here that if you make a new path on the current path that they will reconnect again.
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    The problem solely lies on that the river looks weird with how it seperates into two rivers. However, placing the lake near the mountain does not fix so. (unless this is a human made contraption >:C ) The lake does remind me of a certain type of lake though, which doesn't require a river to stream up to it, an oasis. Through making the lake an oasis we can it how it is without having a river stream up to it visibly. Also, don't be sad Broxzier.
  23. Gotta say, a summer tobbogan run looks ten times as epic... That corner, best thing is that the peeps can't even brake durring the ride.
  24. They are atleast cool to build, had a lot of fun making this:
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