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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    @cascadia The building probably is way larger than visible. Also I can't believe how I not thought myself to decorate the stalls with some bushes and palm trees, it's such an upgrade. The haunted beach house looks a bit simple from this angle though, so I might get back at that.
  2. Wuis

    Wuis' Micro Park 2.0

    cozy is the new first
  3. Okay, small parks are always interesting because you need to cramp things together. Thought in this example it was rather stressfull... After doing my 23x23 park, people were thinking I did the actual 15x15 without stacking and I've tried many times. But I mostly ended up stacking loads of attractions in the last year. So here I am with my closest attempt so far. All attraction in this park still have atleast 1 of it's own supports hitting the ground, so I don't really call it stacking. If you do think so, try yourself. (Also, wasn't the original objective different, I can't remember it being so easy, the only problem I had was fitting a coaster where the corkscrew now is)
  4. Yeah, it would be very disastrous for multiplayer servers with strangers, but I think just with friends on a LAN for example it would be quite handy.
  5. He probably didn't have 792 kB left on his pc EDIT: Looks neat, but why did you leave the track go banked for such a while on the mine train? Wouldn't it be more fun for guests to have some little hills? Also that terrace to eat is not compatible with the current intelligence of the average guest, they keep getting stuck because they think they can jump of the thing.
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Thank you, @Jochem! I'm still unsure about the station though, I don't want to block sight on the pathway behind it and the roofed bit of log flume, but now it looks a bit empty with just a flat roof. Also need to change the purple outside of the log flume in the area where I use brown wood. ':) EDIT: @Broxzier I'm still waiting for proof you rode Iron Bird.
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Well, after my previous ride, I sure couldn't make anything better than it, I tried, at first, but I realised I couldn't. I was trying at a mysterious theme like Phantasialand, but it didn't really hit off in my head, so it's just a bit like it. The guest go mad for log flumes though, so the popularity is very high even though the satisfaction is low. (That is the long queue and the long ride) Best parts of this ride is that the exit is next to Little Caesars Pizza and Choco Express, so that employee might have some serious business on his hand, also the Graben Depression ride has been rethemed to have a less weird connection with the building above, which makes it look better imo Log Flume "Graben" added. Re-themed "Graben Depression". "The Bogwarts Express" has changed track layout. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.65.sv6 Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12, WuisMissed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11, Broxzier, Cascadia Jensj, you probably didn't have to be noticed, but just for making sure. Also maybe change the system for now to just a list and a claim, if you have worked on the park you put yourself in a rest/ban spot instead.
  8. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: WuisQueue: jensj12Missed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11, Broxzier, Cascadia
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    Claimed:Queue: jensj12Missed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11, Broxzier, Cascadia, Wuis I had kicked myself from the queue, might claim a turn this weekend, but doubt it.
  10. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    They don't work for me either, the first train will always stop at the first block brake it approaches after the first drop. (That is with block sections mode on)
  11. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    I really like the coaster when it's riding the track, but now it looks a bit messy with the safety cut-out. Also the colour and to choose one of the only coaster to have railings or something else that would visually obstruct the track. But I really like the idea, I've been trying to build a working switchback coaster for quite a while, but I keep stumbling on issues. x)
  12. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    R.I.P Wuis
  13. I like the pirate nets building at the bottom and it's cool that you don't have an idea where the station is without the tools. (I can't load the game up now.) I'd be cool if you used both side of the walls though, some walls look very empty.
  14. Not much excitement to be found.
  15. Wuis

    CCC 2

    I for sure wouldn't have participated if it had cso, cause I am not common with the objects. Also, I know other forums can announce things largely on their main page?(even on every page) Is that not possible with the forum design that is used here? Further I agree with Broxzier. I have one micro park and that was so much fun, to some extent not the full joy you would have at the end of a big park but it's a fun experience all the way through.
  16. Wuis

    CCC 2

    I reccomend making contests be announced on a bigger scale, I think this is my first time seeing it.
  17. Wuis

    Mine Train #47

    Stahp it I'm dying
  18. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    It's like 50% images, so I doubt it. I think Broxzier's update a few turns back might've even been bigger.
  19. Also have experienced your first issue, even when the items were already build in the park. But the items have suddenly appeared again, so I'm a happy Gulpee.
  20. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    We want to put attention to that the presentation of the new coaster is starting in five minutes, please attend yourself at the chair that is named on the ticket. Thanks in advance. ... ... Please, attend your seats, in a few moments the presentation will start. (Man in dog suit comes running down the hallway with the last kebabs hidden in a popcorn bucket which has been slightly demolished) (Screen turns on) (Barbie Girl by Aqua starts playing) (Man in seat 12 is very amused) Announcer: "We are experiencing technical problems, we will have an act perform inbetween to compensate for the disturbance we have caused, our apologies." (unrest breaks out) (Worlds biggest orchestra enters the stage) (Orchestra starts playing "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands") (Somehow the technical problems are fixed very shortly after the orchestra begins playing and they are forced to leave the stage) (Man in dinosaur suit walks on stage) Hello and welcome to the first (and probably last) annual OpenRCT Group Park 4 conference meeting, we have been surprised and gracious what reactions this park has gotten, like: "I've already got a park map", "I want to get off Natalie's Putting Green", "I want to go home" and many others. The fact that we obviously are a family with our guests, is very important to us. and totally not free because we want to brainwash everyone and control the world! So to treat our guests and especially the thrillseekers, we've made a thrilling coaster that will suit the park in having a more diverse ride selection. Here we present: ASSELSEE! Great ride featuring many inversions and reaching high speeds, straight out of Walibi Holland making this the "first ever first ever build slc replaced" . Now you might think, a SLC, does this park even have the money to acclaim this, answer is: No. So what did we do you might think?! We photoshopped it in a spot in the park that shockingly hasn't been used before. Don't be sad though, we will introduce a new coaster! We have plans to open a brand new Zierer track, it's called "Tedious Tree Coaster". And our good photoshopping skills show again, beautiful coaster perfect for raiders to steal your child's precious teddy bear acclaimed on the other side of the park on Philmon Plaza. Okay, I see seat 11 empty and a women leaving? Oh, you want to know why I did all this, for a Zierer figure eight track. Well, not exactly true, during the start of the construction of the kiddie coaster, workers were attacked. So we kept hiring Indian and Chinese people to keep staff wage low, but apparently they can't communicate and one would keep coming back saying they all ran away. So we only hired Indian workers, this went well until we discovered a mythical creature was protecting the land that has not been build upon. First we thought it was some badass chicken who was offended by the chicken factory, but one was soon to realise there has never been any chicken at the chicken factory. We kept trying and trying, but that wouldn't pay off, workers would keep disappearing. At a tuesday evening though, hundreds of screams were to be heard, but the screams didn't seem out of fear, what could it be? We quickly discovered that a worker had installed several speakers along the building sites and that he forgot he was still screaming, to relax. SO you might think this is going to stray off, and it really is. In short, mythical bird, bird builds coaster, people use coaster, yay. Ride Iron Bird, to experience the wildest ride of your life...wildest coaster ride of your life...wildest inverted coaster ride of your life...wildest inverted coaster ride in OpenRCT2 Group Park 4 of your life! Also, a lot of people died for this, you really should ride it, just in honor, please, u mean. (Boogie Wonderland by Earth, Wind & Fire starts to begin playing on loop until last guest has left for 10 minutes) (Boogie Wonderland has looped for 45 times as the last guest leaves) Claimed: Queue: @Broxzier Cascadia, jensj12Missed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.62.sv6 Disclaimer: No dogs, chickens nor birds were harmed during this presentation. Sorry if I have offended you or anyone else, this was not the purpose of this. If you feel I have to change something about this post you can send me a private message.
  21. How is that even 75x75
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    @cascadia Shush!
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    I don't know either where the conference centre would be lol
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    I guess we can call it work in progress, can anybody help me with the high intensity rating though, is it the track too long or what?
  25. Wuis

    Group Park 4

    I don't think anyone in the queue minds the holdup, but I'm not sure if I will claim my turn. I have school exams starting Wednesday but I've been able to spread studying quite a bit due to the 2 week holiday. Will look if I can claim, when I get home Claimed: WuisQueue: Broxzier, Cascadia, jensj12Missed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11
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