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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Tesla should be tweaked because now trains can get stuck. I suggest making an invisible track that guides it back to the station backwards.
  2. You can create a big map with 2 areas, and then use one area each. Conditions cannot be different, and personally I don't see the point in having that either.
  3. You shouldn't be able to save in there without permissions at all, the coaster does not have any impact on this. That's exactly what the message says, but as you can see there clearly aren't.
  4. Welcome Rob! You're on of the many.
  5. Honestly most of them looks good in my opinion. None of them is too extreme or anything, only the turns are done wrong at many places.
  6. Where can we see the entries of this contest?
  7. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    At the moment the pathfinding in-game is just horrible, but the devs know about this too. It looks like they just turn around when they 'walk away' from their destination, instead of following the path.
  8. Hi DumpyHail1, The majority of these bugs are caused by desyncs. From the moment you are desynced you and your friend don't have the exact same park anymore. If this goes on for a while this causes many major differences, and glitches with it. To prevent these from happening, the clients should always reconnect after a desync, or at least a short time after it, to keep things the same. As for the sound issue, do you mean a path? And if so, do you hear the sound being played very loud or something? If so that might mean there's just lag, and you receive all the packets from the server in one go.
  9. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Wow damn! That dropped quickly! Nicely fixed jensj, just letting the game run for a while makes it go up again.
  10. Not an expert here, but that sounds like you got the wrong version of sdl2. You probably have to download a 32-bit version instead of 64-bit.
  11. Having a screenshot of a park as background, and stretching it to fit the full view could work. Many Wikia pages do similar things. As long as it isn't too much of an eye catcher of course
  12. I agree with Derf. This new forum is lacking the RCT2 elements. While I wasn't a big fan of how the menus appeared on the .net website, I think doing simple things like changing the header/footer and background would do a lot already. I hope the forum's software is built flexible enough to allow such changes without it breaking with updates.
  13. Hello everyone! Is anyone else excited about the upcoming game called Planet Coaster? Right now both Atari and Frontier Games are working on a new version of RollerCoater Tycoon. Because Atari bought the rights of the name, they will be working on RollerCoaster Tycoon: World, and Frontier games will release it under another name called Planet Coaster. The official E3 2015 Trailer: Both games will be released in 2016. RCT:W Probably much earlier than Planet Coaster though. There have been streams for both games. Personally I'm very much looking forward to Planet Coaster. There have been two Dev Diaries so far, and it looks veyr promising. They are really recreating the RCT2 feeling that RCT3 was missing. You should check out these videos: Dev Diary 1 (Crowd system, style and animations, goals): Dev Diary 2 (Scenery placement and influences to rides, land tool): I'm loving the style, and the scenery and land tool look very promising! What do you guys think of them?
  14. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Added you before my next turn, wasdalos007. Also sorry jensj, you wanted to take your turn but I forgot when I placed my message. Next In Line: @jensj12, Wuis, xbalogan, wasdalos007, BroxzierMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos, Philmon, Zygorator
  15. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Took a bit longer than expected. There were A LOT of issues with mechanics getting lost, and there still are many.. When building paths please test if people get stuck in your new part. I extended the river a little, moved a part of the tram track to go over it, as well as a bridge for the walking people, and build a small coaster called Junior Miner. Next In Line: @UTMAN, Wuis, xbalogan, BroxzierMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos, Philmon, Zygorator, jensj12 Community Park V2.32.sv6
  16. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Still need to do some scenery, will be done shortly.
  17. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Thanks ^^ I'll be working on it tonight and maybe tomorrow too.
  18. Will definitely be done. Same thing goes for building paths between two points more easily, and probably many more places where this can be used. On top of that there will also be a system where you can save scenery to make placing things you often make more easily. This would require extra sprites. The Day/Night system is basically changing the pallet of the game. It would probably introduce a lot of extra code for it, but would add to the look of the game for sure. This has been mentioned before on Gitter or GitHub. I'm not sure if there's an issue about it already.
  19. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I'll just build there again my next turn, wasn't too happy with the result anyway
  20. Welcome! I like your name
  21. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    And done. I build one side-friction coaster and extended the rider a little bit more. Not so much scenery this time, because I don't have much time. Next In Line: @Wuis, jensj12, Xbalogan, UTMAN, BroxzierMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos, Philmon, Zygorator Community Park V2.29.sv6
  22. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Going to work on it in a bit.
  23. If with 'official' you mean the Facebook group, that park uses the expansion packs, and some custom scenery. Also this group is not official, only the OpenRCT2 Facebook page is. The group was made by someone else.
  24. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Hey! You can clearly see there are no posts from me since xbalogan's turn I didn't know it was your turn either! Good luck with your exams!
  25. Welcome Wuis. I'm curious to see your work!
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