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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    It's okay, my last turn also took more than a day to complete. Updated list: Utman is working on it. Next In Line: jensj12, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab, Broxzier, ennerMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, Zygorator, wasdalos007, UTMAN, imlegos, xblogan
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I do really like the entrance and the lift of the coaster you built, Wobbly, nice job. Good luck Utman!
  3. There is a cheats menu. Go to Options > Gears icon > Toolbar section > check Cheats There will be a new button at the top:
  4. Most features from 8cars have been integrated in the game. Is there anything missing?
  5. Technically it's not really an add-on or extension, it's more of a newer version of the game. The original code is being rewritten and improved, as well as new features being made.
  6. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Looks good, a bit far from the rest though, are you going to fill up that space between the crossing and the log flume? Remember the 48-hour limit, you've only got about 3 hours left before you reach it. Edit: Only one hour left now. Please finish things up quickly.
  7. That doesn't mean it's bad, I actually think it's great when people report issues they find.
  8. This issue has been resolved yesterday, if you update it should work as intended again.
  9. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    You will end up in the missed turn list when someone from that list claims it before you, it will just go on as if that person was before them in the list. It's only fair for the ones who missed their turns, so they won't have to wait again for someone when they have the time. WobblyRails is working on it now. Next In Line: UTMAN, jensj12, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab, Broxzier, ennerMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, Zygorator, wasdalos007, UTMAN, imlegos, xblogan
  10. First build walls or fences where these splits are, then build the path, and then you can remove the walls or fences again. It will leave the paths as they are.
  11. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Wobbly has claimed it right after my post. by the way, I don't mind when people who missed their turn get inserted in the list when they ask to. So now we could add Utman in the list before jensj. Otherwise people in the missed turn list could keep pulling the shortest straw when the people from the current list claim it just before them.
  12. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    This isn't a closed group or anything, so everyone may join. I'll add you to the list. Next In Line: WobblyRails, jensj12, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab, Broxzier, ennerMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, Zygorator, wasdalos007, UTMAN, imlegos, xblogan
  13. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Done. One of the developers found an issue concerning guests leaving the park, which he has fixed, as well as made it so that if the is issue is present in the park it would get fixed. It's not in any of the builds yet, but I used it to get rid of guests walking in circles/lines everywhere around the park. In my turn I extended the castle that UTMAN started long ago. There's cars driving through it. I made a veyr ugly path connecting the ends of both new areas, because lots of guests were getting stuck trying to reach places they couldn't reach without walking around, this should be replaced with better paths Here's a screenshot of the part I built: Download: Community Park V2.44.sv6 (The previous one should have been v2.43 instead of V2.42.2) Next In Line: @WobblyRails, jensj12, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab, BroxzierMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, Zygorator, wasdalos007, UTMAN, imlegos, xblogan Edit: Aparently the new develop build does resolve this issue, so pathing will be slightly easier now. Not for rides though, just for people wanting to leave the park.
  14. Another time lapse video, this time of someone using the land tool to edit the terrain. The texturing could do with some work, especially the sandy areas look very pixely, but other than that it looks really good and easy to use.
  15. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I made an underground path going from the square with the Pirate Ship to the long building with the shops near the river. That solved the issue for ~250 guests trying to get to the new coaster. But in the new area there are a lot of guests trying to get out of the park. After building some new ways and blocking others they kept walking in a 3x3 circle. I got rid of all of them, but I'm sure there will be more in a couple of months in-game time. Edit: I'm leaving it for now, will continue tomorrow. I've continued the work that UTMAN started:
  16. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    When you're building, please keep in mind that the AI is dumb. The park rating dropped to ~500, and until now I spend all the time fixing the pathing while trying to keep the scenery as much as it was, instead of actually building new stuff.. It's still far from perfect, guests keep getting lost around the new area, but I'm leaving it for now.
  17. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Claiming it now. I agree with Wuis on the colours. Its contrast with the rest near the lake is quite big. I'd suggest something brown, or grey instead.The trains could still be colourful if you want.
  18. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Feel free to change it as you like. I've made that lake my last turn, it's bigger than the allowed space, however I didn't build anything in it, and it's cool to keep it at the exact center You're free to do with it as you like of course.
  19. As far as I can tell the sound in both videos matches the speed. I've tried reproducing this bug, but am still unable to detect any change in frequencies.
  20. Broxzier


    Sounds unnecessary to me, since even on very fast processors you barely get 60fps at all.
  21. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Alright, moving imlegos to the missed turn list. Next In Line: @xbalogan, Squab, Broxzier, WobblyRails, jensj12, Philmon11, Wuis Missed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, Zygorator, wasdalos007, UTMAN, imlegos
  22. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Happy new year. It's been 24 hours since the last post, but maybe because of new years even let's wait another 24 hours? Next In Line: @imlegos, xbalogan, Squab, Broxzier, WobblyRails, jensj12, Philmon11, Wuis Missed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, Zygorator, wasdalos007, UTMAN
  23. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Claiming it now to fix the guest's entry point. Edit: Fixed This time I only removed all guests that were heading for the park entrance, so everything inside the park remained the same. This only had to run for a few frames to get all peeps hanging there removed. Community Park V2.42.1.sv6 Edit 2: In the last save there were 7373 guests on that one tile!
  24. A simple search could have given you the answer. This question has been asked many times already, and the answer stays the same.
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