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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. Did you specify the same port no. for allowing OpenRCT2 as well as Minecraft in the firewall rule? In my past experience I haven't been able to get one unique port to run multiple application servers. Did that ever work for you before you started having issues? Slim chances, but try opening a different port to host the OpenRCT2 server and see if it works. Also, since your ports are successfully opening, there could simply be something not allowing OpenRCT2 to access the Master Server, and my guess is it's Windows blocking the program. I always unblock the program before hosting but you could also try that. I hope this helps your issue.
  2. The only reason it's not included with the rest in vanilla is because Fairground Organ is it's own style, whereas all others are music. There's some differences between them. I think the main difference is that a style picks several .DAT music files to play in a non-specific order in game, while music is simply one piece of music ( and so one .DAT file, if you will). Still, it would be nice to allow both styles as well as music for all rides. I hope this isn't one of those things that can only come once our own file format has been made. That would make it a feature for the far future.
  3. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I found that cleaning all the puke/ litter on jensj12's tower brings the rating to about 890. Try that.
  4. @cascadia Save file support with vanilla will break the moment we move to our own file format. The only reason it's not being done yet is because people won't be ready to make that big leap yet. At least that's what IntelOrca thinks... Oh, and yeah. At this point I'm also convinced changing the base tolerance for waiting will have some major impacts over game play. Didn't even think about that.
  5. What I'd like instead would be certain things that increase tolerance. For example, Queue TVs could be made more effective; placing Entertainers in queues should make quests even more happier than they do now; and here's a wild idea: guests could get more patient if they could bring items with them (food items/drinks) to the queue. I mean, realistically speaking, they would be busy sipping away on their Drinks at the time they are expected to complain, right? However, I am slightly concerned about the 7 minute time-limit. How about 9? By that point, 3 loops of the ride should probably be finished.
  6. Could you confirm that this happens on every develop build you've run? That's how I understand your post, at least.
  7. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Well, how about changing the track slightly, seeing this does not happen everywhere for every player occasionally as far as Gigas go. I wouldn't bet slight tweaks in design would change the problem but there's no harm in trying is there?
  8. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @Wuis@Dan: Also, I'm pretty sure Dark Matter is in testing phase right now. We need to either fix it's occasional 'getting stuck' or change the track some-what to see how that would work.
  9. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @jensj12 everyone must know it at this point, mate
  10. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Oh, dear. You spent QUITE some time making that post! As much as I like it, I think this warrants it's own topic rather than being in the Group Park. At least I hope this doesn't become a regular thing here. A place like Park Log would be perfect for this style of news update format. I don't mind the Pool Scenery at all. Thank you, in fact! I didn't have as much Pool scenery. All I had was random stuff I picked up from Multiplayer. Love it how the Complaints Department is just a complex maze that brings them to the exit door of the HQ. "Thank you for your complaints sir, now you can get out." Overall great turn, mate! HQ looks quite detailed. Side note: SherbyWood is what the Present Day Group Park 3 was called back in Medieval Times. Not anymore. (But then again, we could make up stuff as we move on)
  11. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @imlegos cascadia has claimed the park already. Still has about 31 hours before going above the limit.
  12. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I'm here to please.
  13. ziscor

    Kick Notes

    Seeing as wolfreak_99 has made a chat based function for this main idea already, integrating them into the already sculpted user interface should not be impossible at this moment, I can only hope.
  14. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I'd like to imagine the entire line read "Park authorities still baffled about it's sheer existence in the Universe" I mean then again, what would mere Park Authorities know about the existence of unknown entities in the universe? That's the job of theoretical physicists...
  15. ziscor

    Group Park 3

  16. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Oh, I was thinking there would be an underlying complex system. I read your post once more, and I agree with that system. A bit rudimentary than I expected, but it should be a nice little detail to add to the park, yeah.
  17. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Say no more:
  18. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Oh, so NOW you give out Pokémon references, lol. It should take a lot of time if we decide to name staff after self-defined sectors if we do it in the far future, so now would be the least time-consuming moment to do it. I don't exactly know how we'd name these sectors, but I'm curious to know. Is there a system you know that real world locations use?
  19. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    It says "OpenRCT2 Build 0.0.4 stable released!" Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else ;_; By the way, I did sack a handyman and replaced him with a better one (he had some useless patrolling set up so I decided to sack him. Inconvenient, I know). I think I named him Tobey Maguire for some useless reason.
  20. I swear I've only seen the Griefing server have actual Grief only 2 times out of 10. The rest of the times it's just regular Realistic builders making cool stuff then giving up when the server automatically changes scenarios. At the end I leave with "Senor Bob was here" made in terrain paint when no one is around. Actually, imma do it right now. Just found once again they were actually building some decent things: Until the server changed parks once again.
  21. I'm glad someone uses T then Ctrl+S I thought I was the only one.
  22. I think the guy gets the point now. No need to rub it in.
  23. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    On a practical note, I'm with you on changing the Monorail track a bit. It should reduce commute time as well. (I should be honest here, I twisted the track a lot when I was extending it.) I tried to do something with the Cypress and other trees you placed, but the theme was not coming off nicely. Oh, wow! Didn't even think about Queen Bee at all. Maybe that name in the off-focus was giving me subliminal messages to make it Wild Nature themed.
  24. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Done. Pretty much spent time doing something with the Cranium Shaker, to the point I can't call it that anymore. New name: Natural Reclamation. Built at the heart of SherbyWood (present day Group Park 3), the ride Cranium Shaker was suddenly taken over by mother nature. All mechanical structures have gotten covered in mysterious vines that refuse to detach; immediate surroundings of the Coaster are now filled by wild Flora. Environmentalists are confused by recent developments due to no fore-warning signs of these changes. Park Authorities were forced to place fences outside the area in hope of containing the issue. Added two CC roofs: two types of Glass roof variations. Hired one extra Handyman to patrol the area Broxzier recently built. New Maze: SherbyWood Maze (how original amirite??). Located in top left corner of the image. Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12, Cascadia, Wuis, Dan, Broxzier, ziscorMissed: Philmon11, imlegos, SuperVarken The OpenRCT Group Park 3.35.sv6 (I think I may have spent equal amount of time making this post, if not more than, the time I spent on my actual turn)
  25. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: - ziscorQueue: jensj12, Cascadia, Wuis, Dan, BroxzierMissed: Philmon11, imlegos, SuperVarken
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