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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I decided to cut my turn short. Here's the things I managed to do: Built a gentle car ride named Ol' Timers (more on this later in the post) Added 2 entertainers (One Pirate Guy that roams around the Pirate Ship and a Tiger at the entrance) Extended the main path around my Attraction, since I blocked the way ahead of the Merry-Go-Round (I apologize if it becomes an inconvenience at any point) Added a bunch of Mechanics, since a lot of messages of rides not getting fixed popped up frequently Added Handymen around the path I extended with a reasonable patrol area Extended the Monorail a teeny-tiny bit Here's the ride in all it's glory: Some one suggested we use parts of the European theming, so here is something that uses it heavily. I used way too much 0 Clearance Checks, but I tried to keep the graphical pop ups at a minimum. I also used a little custom object (the white fencing at some edges of the building). Please let me know if the scenery could be improved, since I've never used the European Theme before. We need some more restrooms in this park, but I didn't want to build anything anymore so I left that up to the next person in line. [EDIT: I noticed that the cars were popping through the ceiling in the picture, so I re-uploaded the park. No need to worry about that. There's still some glitching here and there, and if it becomes a nuisance you guys are welcome to demolish the ride or modify it in any way.] Claimed: -Queue: @qbbq, imlegos, Wuis, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, Broxzier, Dan, ziscorMissed: CoasterMaster, CAVIAR The OpenRCT Group Park 3.06
  2. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Is it okay to make something with Clearance Checks Disabled?
  3. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Well, crap. I let a Backdoor Bot into my computer. I'll have to install a fresh copy of Windows. Expect me to use the full 48 hours. I managed to go 3 years without any antivirus, BTW.
  4. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Wow, didn't expect you to complete your turn this soon. Claiming the park, but @Dan you might wanna take a longer turn
  5. The game objects are still attached to your game save file. Here is a list of them all: CURSTIL3 XXPATH01 XXWLEG03 XXWLEG01 XXWLEG06 XXWLCB10 4 (No idea what this might be, lol) AE-BUSST (I assume this is an Amazing Earl ride)
  6. Sorry to tell you, but the game file still has those game objects attached to it. Did you uncheck the boxes for those objects from the Debug Menu Object Selection? Simply deleting those objects while playing the game will not work.
  7. It seems you are using some game objects that my game installation doesn't have. You might want to remove those custom objects and upload the file then.
  8. I can't run your save file, @MetallicaXP. Could you upload another one perhaps? And as Broxzier stated, try rebuilding the station and reducing the number of ski cars operating. Another thing that helps is reducing the chain lift speed. Modify the track as well if nothing works.
  9. Are you using the latest develop build or the stable one? So far, the develop builds have fixed this issue. You should download that. (We are only 4 issues away from getting the 0.0.4 Third Stable Release so stability shouldn't be a problem)
  10. As far as I know, the track saving feature in this game is not working ideally yet. You can, however save the track as another extension and then change it over to a '.TD6' file. Try '.png', as a lot of people use that and it has proven to work.
  11. The Vanilla crazy pavement does not go to the very edges of the square. You'll need a variation of the crazy paving. You can download the one I have (which I got while playing multiplayer once). Hopefully it will work for you SFFTPCRZ.DAT
  12. I thought ISP's didn't give static IP's most of the time. Thank you for clearing this up for me.
  13. You have a valid point there, but we can always ask for allowing servers to choose whether verified accounts can join or regular ppl as well. I can certainly say most players won't have a static IP these days. Maybe where you live there might be a lot of people who have static ones, but to my knowledge, a massive amount of computers have a Dynamic IP by default. In fact, most times a person only begins using a static IP when they try setting up a server in this game; I should know I was one of them. An account login system has multiple benefits such as preventing impersonation, logging your time played (something PFCKrutonium's launcher used to have), integration with this forum's accounts, etc. The pro's outweigh the con's IMO.
  14. @CoasterMaster I was about to post the link to the park but I realized that you actually wanted to claim Group Park 2 previously, and Broxzier has already posted a link for you. Check his post again and you'll find the park link in there.
  15. I made another one from Group Park 2 showcasing Tritanus. The filter is supposed to show off the time of a sunset. BTW this is gonna be my desktop wallpaper for a while.
  16. Making this an option seems pointless to me. It's not a game changing difference for all people (although it does seem nice to have around, at least for the easier scenarios from RCT1), and it only 'heavily' effects those that exploit the wage system a lot (I used to be one of them ). Unless a really passionate person comes around asking for it to be optional, let's make this a permanent feature.
  17. Some of the things you said contradicted each other for me. For starters, Backstage Drop can only be above Peregrine in the one angle I took, and one at a 90 deg. anti-clockwise rotation. In the latter, the path behind Backstage Drop would go in the upper right corner, not the left (the spot I take for the logo). At this point, I assumed you were talking about the path in front of Peregrine, and at a 90 deg. clockwise rotation from my original position, the logo was going in the upper left corner. For this position, I made one wallpaper, and I think it came out nicely. I used a black fade-out for the edges as well, and the Gaussian was toned down from the original one. The text is white now, and I decided to stick to Fixedsys as the font, because it is very easily recognizable these days. Give me your feedback please. I'm having a great time making these, lol
  18. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    How about this: if that person lets us know a time frame within which they can claim it after having missed their turn, we don't remove their name off the missed turn list. If they can't claim within their own specified time frame... well, that's a good reason to remove their name I guess.
  19. I don't follow. Could you be more specific as to which angle you're talking about? Peregrine doesn't cover my entire monitor that nicely, but if you tell me the exact angle I'll make a Giant Screenshot and work on that. Much thanks on netgrouppark. I still think I overdid it though.
  20. As requested (I assumed), here's one of netgrouppark (I only made 1, I know there's a lot more in that park to capture, but the Go-Karts are really appealing to me I guess): This one is Peregrine from Group Park 2 (I did a Gaussian Blur in this one):
  21. @imlegos Do you want me to make wallpapers for those parks? I mean, I could certainly try; I know the best parts of those parks. Maybe let me know if you like them I guess. I'll try not to force the gradient overlay like I did with the photos in the first post. More subtle edits might be more appealing. Also, do you prefer the some-what transparent logo of ORCT2 in the wallpapers?
  22. @Broxzier In fact, I happened to download a pack that I played back since 0.0.2 up to 0.0.3 and when I installed 0.0.4 I noticed the scenarios were slightly different. Everything was the same to my knowledge except a few landscaping things, but one specific scenario Kart and Coasters was a bit too different than what I had played on and thus the save file didn't load up correctly. I was still surprised the other scenario save files loaded up nicely though. Did 0.0.4 actually bundle with RCT1 scenario remakes? The above is only an explanation of what I think happened. Maybe I forgot how the scenarios looked, and that one save file was always buggy or something...
  23. ziscor

    Kick Notes

    I want this implemented nonetheless obviously. Just wanted to point out the kind of stuff that you can expect to pop up.
  24. ziscor

    Kick Notes

    I like this idea a lot. But then again, if the host didn't care to know if you actually did something wrong while kicking you, they probably won't type in a specific reason either. Also, I expect this to be heavily exploited to make silly reasons. Kicked: "Danking" Rides! Kicked: Funny Name! Kicked: Wanking off! Kicked: 2SPOOKY4ME!
  25. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I see, my bad. Never would have made that connection.
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