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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Oh, i didn't know, what's your first language then?
  2. Shoulda had at least 1 guest on it.
  3. 'I want to get off Wooden RollerCoaster 1!'
  4. ^"I can't find the entrance to OpenRCT2!"
  5. The option idea seems the most helpful. But all in all, this does seem rather pointless, as most places that guests can't go into are just ride exists
  6. <- What i can use to describe it.
  7. That house, just, i have no words for how nice it looks.
  8. Does anyone have an answer to our problems?
  9. I'm trying to load the scenario, but it is also giving me the invalid checksum error, and i have it ticked in the menu...
  10. imlegos

    A few of my Ideas

    About the six flags parks, there's actually a interesting over site on Magic Mountain, where if you look by the Sky tower's base, you can see a ton of guests going back and forth in a small food area trying to find a ride behind the food area.
  11. imlegos

    A few of my Ideas

    South America - Oasis (WW) is what you are thinking of, there are several others, such as South America - Rio Carnival having a chairlift that goes on the boarder, and Alpine Heights(?) which's main flaw is a disconnected area reachable by chairlift. there are definitely several others as well.The second thing you mentioned about ride/entry fee will only be workable in new scenarios, and thus only playable in ORCT2.The third thing seems to be saying that if the goal is met before the time it needs to it should hand you the win, this could be a good idea, but in order for this to work well and not break the game would that the requirement would be higher for finishing early as having just 2000 guests in the park at once automatically winning could then change a second later to 1999
  12. A ninja cat holding a golden pistol riding a unicorn that breaths fire across a burning Minecraft plains biome in front of a flipped version of a level from Super Mario Bros. with a rainbow in the background being pursued by Nyan Cat.
  13. We don't have much to do at all...
  14. Not sure xbox would count as it's just a port of 1, and no, pinball and board game don't count or i would have counted those (I actually have the board game, though it was gotten from a goodwill)
  15. Check to see if the launcher is going to the place where the game is installed, it should be somewhere in options.
  16. It's not likely this would be done as it would require recreating every single frame in the game. There is a lot because of things like turning and just the sheer amount of rides, attractions, stalls, scenery, paths, people, and other things.
  17. You could try and do one of the infinite goal time scenarios (I.E. Infernal Views, Extreme Heights, Bumbly Bazzar, ETC) I myself have been working with one of em for awhile. on it i managed to get a junior with 6.01, which adds to the objective of the scenario.
  18. Bet this guy would be good at RCT1's Micro Park Scenario. If only the one converted to Tycoon 2 actually worked properly.
  19. Also, might i guess add 'all 3'? there's 5 games (Not counting expansion packs, but if so 11): RCT1, RCT2, RCT3, RCT3D (3DS) and 4:Mobile
  20. Alot of us are vets, i myself have played all 3 games, but only 2 and 3 with expansion packs.
  21. Too me, this could probably be the 'EA Star Wars Battlefrount' of RCT. atleast mobile had some of the feel of RCT1/2, but this looks like it's going to be diffrint from even 3.
  22. I think it could be rather interesting if a group of people decided to try and recreate Disneyland (California) in RCT2. As far as i know, not many people have really tried it, and there are several Disney CTRs and scenery on Amazing Earls' site that could be used for this project. (Yes, i know we can't redistribute his packs on this site)
  23. Sorting can be changed, by default it is sorted by downloads.
  24. Coaster cloud is Sync Saves
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