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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Oh.I dun like macs...
  2. If you installed OpenRCT2 before installing the normal game, then you need to setup the path to RCT2 yourself, otherwise it should work. The path can be found by opening the properties of the RCT2 desktop shortcut.
  3. You need to install the game, run it, then run OpenRCT2
  4. Ride Designer DOSEN'T save the rides, you are supposed to save them by going into the ride's stats and clicking the clipboard to save them. ride designer is just meant to build a ride's track then save it for use later. So there is no glitch, it's how the game is supposed to be.
  5. Then maybe add it as a option?
  6. OH i just realised autosave saves as a seperate thing titled 'autosave' sorry about that. but maybe you could make it so that autosave saves to the last game loaded or dosen't work until the player has saved the game?
  7. Was Harmonic Hills that cruel in the original game? the little i played it, i never got that far...
  8. A lot of the time i do a lot of stuff.
  9. Hi there, this is a request for the ability to use steep hills on the Junior Roller Coaster like how it is in both RCT1 and 3
  10. Hi there, i noticed while playing that when exiting the game directly (By selecting the exit OpenRCT2 tab in game) doesn't prompt a save box asking about a alert to save. Also, in addition to this i'm not quite sure if auto-save works properly either. I've lost progress multiple times despite having it set to monthly
  11. The Micro Park scenario seems to have a few problems sadly. Specifically: it won't let you build on the ground, and you can't raise land. Also, isn't there supposed to be more instant crashes for Fiasco Forest? all i see is the death flume (Which kills about 6-8 people
  12. Hi, somtimes when i hit the 'Build Ride' button the game will crash, i have no idea why this happens, nor am i sure if it's just me.
  13. This is probably the cause of a misconception in PenutButterGamer's video on the game, where he says that his mechanic won't fix the ride despite apparently having been picked up and forced into the queue. The mechanic should indeed be zoned to go through the exit of the ride.
  14. I'm guessing by dragging paths, you mean by area, because you can already drag paths...
  15. I barely remember playing RCT, but it does seem like this is a cool idea... (Though if memory serves, you could only choose support and style, railing was part of the support)
  16. Is it possible they are trying to get to something that is not connected to that area? the AI is terrible, and sometimes you have to make parks streamlined in order to avoid this happening.
  17. I can't help myself, but, 3th?!
  18. He means the one for the OPENRCT2 version, not the default, BTW they appear to be completed versions of certain scenarios. Only one i can outright tell is the first one being Electric Fields.
  19. Oh, it has been a long time since i played. never actually did like that scenario either. (Lucky Lake)
  20. Sorry about the post. this was posted a day before my Win. XP started to fail. i should be getting a new usable PC so, this post has no meaning anymore. Sorry about that... Also, sorry about the late response.
  21. RCT2 has a similar 'Coaster for Transport' ride in one of it's scenarios; Leafy Lake.
  22. imlegos

    Ageing rides.

    Most people just save the ride design, then delete and replace it with the design.
  23. Maybe have this implemented in a way similar to OpenTTD but also with the option to select the tree types to randomly place?(OpenTTD has the area select function)
  24. So basically like what OpenTTD does and how it has the download menu in-game?
  25. And by 'normal game' i mean the actual game (RCT2TTP from Atari) (I also have RCT2Base disk)
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