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Everything posted by Deurklink

  1. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    I found 3 issues (And i fixed them, save file attached below): In some tiles you used queue path instead of normal path. This confused the guests. Be careful with this kind of path as there is no visual difference between queue path and normal path (and you cannot really see on which sides the queue path is connected to other paths unless you use the tile inspector). On the place where i put the red wall, the path was not actually connected. There was probably still a fence here when you placed the path. Removing a fence does not automatically connect adjacent paths. Again, be careful with this kind of path. And finally, there was no easy path from the farm to the roller coaster. I re-built a path between the farm and the coaster. And so, the exodus begins: I would advise you to stick to using the normal paths, as these special paths require some skill to use and are easy to mess up. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.55-pathing fix.sv6
  2. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    It was probably a safety cut-out, since it has a chain lift somewhere in the middle of the track. Or maybe it just randomly stalled.. It had just barely enough speed to make it over some of the hills
  3. Alright, here's my (first) submission: Used track types: - Steel twister coaster - Vertical drop roller coaster (for the holding brake) - Heartline twister coaster - Wooden roller coaster (I also tried the water coaster but sadly it didnt slow down the cars at all) There is some hidden track so i could make a complete circuit but it is all within the alotted area (13 x 24) Merge.sv6
  4. Then you should either download the newest build or download the launcher so you always have the latest version
  5. Deurklink


    Hello, welcome to our community
  6. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    You only see one half of the roller coasters here. Just like in the current situation, there will be more track (and helices) behind the building. Anyway these are by no means the final designs, I was just playing around
  7. OK HERE ARE THE STEPS: 1. Open google 2. Type 'how to start openrct2 server' 3. Find following links: - - 4. You're welcome
  8. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Just experimenting a bit to see what i will eventually replace sputnik with.. I think i like the suspended swinging coaster most!
  9. Not sure. I advise you to play with it and find out
  10. In OpenRCT2, go to the cheat menu, then go the rides tab, and click the box 'Enable all drawable track pieces'
  11. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Alright, I think i'll replace sputnik with something else. It's been giving quite some problems lately. As for the laydown coaster, the only way i have seen something like that work was with a shoestring coaster. Those tend to desync after many rides though so that is not really an option for the group park.
  12. Yes they can Just look at any of the pre-made coasters in your game.
  13. Holy shit that 150m vertical drop coaster is insane I like how you merged a smooth transition at the bottom of the drop to keep the G-forces in check.
  14. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    If you're wondering why the G-forces are so high, they're mostly from the points i circled in the screenshot: Imagine this: You're dropping down vertically at 100 km/h and suddenly there is a quick change to horizontal track. This pushes you into your seat and is called positive G-force. The faster the change, the higher the force. After the first drop, there is a very abrupt change to horizontal track. You should make it smoother, like you did with the second drop. Later in the track, the opposite happens (second red circle). While going very fast, suddenly the train dives steeply downward. This pushes riders out of their cars and is called negative G-force. Negative G-force is less comfortable for riders and should be kept low. Solution: On places where the train is going fast, use smooth transitions from steep track to horizontal track.
  15. Yes, i meant the steam version. I don't know what causes this. You could check on the issue tracker if anyone is experiencing the same problem. If not you could open a new issue and then the developers will look into it. Issue tracker:
  16. Are the scenarios there when you start the original RCT2?
  17. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    What is wrong with it? I don't see the obvious reasons. And why do you complain now, long after it was built? Anyway, don't say stuff like this. How would it make you feel if we told your rides suck and we want to destroy them..
  18. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Alright, here's my contribution: Lots of landscaping and small changes, didn't build any rides this time. First off, i gave Monochromos a dedicated patrolling mechanic, because wandering mechanics had trouble finding it, causing lots of downtime. Some extra paths should probably be created, to make it easier to find for people coming from the space base area. Wandering mechanics would just walk back and forth on the area on the bottom of the following screenshot. Red lines are suggested paths, but I'll leave that up to @Broxzier. (Also, i noticed the cobra roll doesn't have any supports, i doubt that was intentional) I built a temporary path to @Darthyoda714's WIP coaster, as one mechanic kept walking in circles on the farm because he wanted to inspect it. I also recolored the grass tiles on the farm (Where the invisible ride entrances / exits are to make it less obvious that there is a path tile missing there. I also lowered the land around the farm to make the walls lower so it blends in with the area more. I think it looks a lot better this way. I took one of the small food courts (which was just a piece of path with a shop and some benches) and rebuilt it into a building with some trees and bushes around it. I also modified the jagged path next to it and turned it into a better looking diagonal path. I noticed many people were getting lost or couldn't find attractions behind the pirate kart track, so I built an extra path behind it, while trying to keep the style of the areas around it. I placed a tree. I'm not really happy about how it looks, so if anyone can improve it that would be nice: I restored the dirt path behind the pirate kart track. I also built a small path between three acorns and the bear and the kart track because i noticed people behind the kart track sometimes had trouble finding the entrance. I like how the path blends in with the scenery around it and is barely visible. And, finally I re-opened the monorail. I also extended one of the cliffs and made the monorail run through it. I think the newly created area is just screaming for a nice roller coaster to be built on top of it (Feel free to build something there if you have a nice idea!). I also painted the monorail supports in some areas (Around the farm and around the fort) to make it fit in the surroundings more. I think it looks better. I also gave the monorail trains some nicer colors. EDIT: And i connected the waterfall river with the main river I probably made some other small changes which i forgot about. Here's the save (First thing i typed when writing this post, so i could not forget it (again)): The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.52.sv6 @Leudimin, your turn! Claimed: - Queue: Leudimin, saxman1089, giraty, Darthyoda714, Broxzier, Wuis Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53
  19. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Claiming! Claimed: Deurklink Queue: Leudimin, saxman1089, giraty, Darthyoda714, Broxzier, Wuis Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53
  20. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Yeh yeh i won't touch it until somewhere in the coming day. If someone from the missed list feels like claiming it please go ahead.
  21. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Doesn't look like it stays
  22. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    That looks really cool! (Except the lamps on the path )
  23. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Well, you just complained that the chain didn't look good.. If you can solve that by moving the station, i think the overall design becomes better Issues with supports can be solved by putting scenery under them, or indeed by moving the track. You could also just go for the standard cars.
  24. Maybe for next contest it would be cool to do something with heartline-twister coasters. I think some cool stuff can be made with track merges.
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