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Everything posted by Deurklink

  1. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    No offense, but that coaster looks really bad in my opinion (also in combination with the surrounding scenery and rides).. I know you can build something much better than this. If you feel like you have no inspiration or you got the park too early, you can always choose to skip your turn. Don't leave a failed bridge like that.. That looks horrible. You have 48 hours when you claim, I suggest you use that time until you end up with something nice. Also, this is OpenRCT2, remember you can always make tracks invisible. Effort guys, Effort!! Make something you're proud of!
  2. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    First off, happy new year everyone! Alright, here's my contribution: Seaplane tours, an attraction that allows guests to explore the park from above, in a sea plane! These planes are autopiloted and are perfectly safe(-ish). When you look around in the park now you can spot many small planes buzzing around. At one part of the tour, the planes dive down under the bridge. The planes then make a tour around the diphfjh radio tower. They dive through the loop of Illuminati Confirmed (because, why not ). They give the people in the Roto-drop something to look at before they plunge down . And finally to conclude the tour, they land in the water with a big splash. I made the invisible track mostly follow the river and i made it pretty high so it doesn't interfere with other attractions, if it is ever in the way, feel free to move it. Besides that, i made some extra paths behind @Broxzier's roller coaster. This should help people find their way in that area. The paths are mostly hidden among the trees. I deleted an invisible path piece because it made people clip through a fence at the plaza (at the yellow arrow): Some other changes i made: - Fixed vandalism - Hired a lot of new mechanics to combat down-time - Hired some new handymen The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.62.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: Leudimin, Broxzier, Wuis, saxman1089, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, giraty @Leudimin, your turn!
  3. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Claiming! Claimed: Deurklink Queue: Leudimin, Broxzier, Wuis, saxman1089 Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, giraty @saxman1089, you do realize there is another arrow looper close by, right? I really like your design though, I like the interlocking loops and the interaction with the path.
  4. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    I quickly fixed the path to the exit of the enterprise so mechanics will repair it again. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.60a.sv6
  5. Deurklink

    My Park!

    I think it needs more trees. And bushes. And some landscape (and height) variation. You should look at some of the other parks showcased on the forum for inspiration. I think it will look a whole lot better!
  6. Alright, time for another update! Overview: I started to work on the red quarter of the park. It will be an area with lots of high-rise buildings, and i tried to give it a bit of a patchy look. Also, i experimented a bit with using dinghy slide track pieces as pipes to connect the buildings. I really like how it's turning out so far, so I might copy these pipes to other areas of the park. First off, I did some work in the green area. I really liked the rockets flying above the park, so i decided to build another attraction like it. This one uses jet planes instead of rockets. The jets flying above the park look really cool. The building looks a bit empty but meh I don't care Now, for the red area. First off, I built two roller coasters. One of them is called Andromeda, and is a launched twister roller coaster that travels forwards and backwards through 2 giant loops, and has two big vertical spikes at the ends of its tracks. The other coaster is called Sputnik, and is a mini suspended roller coaster which travels around Andromeda and interacts a lot with the pipes and paths around the buildings. Inside view: And finally, I built an inverted impulse roller coaster called Impulsivator (Until i can come up with a better name) It is fully enclosed in a nicely shaped building. First, it is launched up and over a hill, after which it travels up a vertical twisting spike. After that, it travels backwards again over the hill, through the station and back up another vertical twisting spike. The suspended monorail travels under the building at some point. I think this one worked out really well! Inside view: Detail view from the other side: That's it for now, another update will follow soon! Here's the save, for people who are interested: Space Base 11.sv6
  7. Lol i found this on reddit: "Just looking at your cock makes me feel sick"
  8. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Banned: Wuis Queue: saxman1089, Deurklink, Leudimin, Broxzier Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, giraty
  9. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    FYI Monster Wheel's exit path is disconnected again, causing mechanics to not repair it. Maybe i didnt fix and then save it properly?
  10. Very nice and creative roller coaster! I especially like the part where it briefly reverses. Also, the scenery looks very good.
  11. I updated my design with some scenery (If that's okay). Track layout is unchanged. Merge.sv6
  12. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    OK, here's my contribution: I replaced Sputnik with a new suspended roller coaster. I think it looks okay, second half is a bit uneventful but at least it's better than what used to be in its place Also modified the hover car ride under it so it doesn't clip through any supports. I renamed some rides which had their standard name: Maze 1 -> Darth Maze (Named after original creator) ( @Darthyoda714 It looks like the lay-out may be a little bit too difficult for some guests, maybe you should consider making an easier path or an extra path to the exit) Twister Roller Coaster 1 -> Contortion (If you have better name just apply it). I also re-opened the ride. Anaconda ride 1 -> Anaconda (Very creative name indeed ) Log Flume 2 -> Darth Flume (Also named after its original creator) @saxman1089 I fixed the path to the exit of Monster wheel. One side wasn't connected, so mechanics refused to repair the ride. Fixed a path inside Contortion's building (and the monorail station) which trapped people upstairs (and park rating went to 0 again ). This path has been like this for a long time, but now people upstairs tried to get to the nearby roller coaster which recently opened so only now it gave problems. After i fixed the path, park rating shot up again. Besides that i did some more stuff: - Fixed vandalism. - Placed some extra trees. - Placed extra litterbins and benches. Here's the save: The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.57.sv6 @Leudimin, your turn. Queue: Leudimin, giraty, saxman1089, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, Broxzier, Wuis The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.57.sv6
  13. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Claiming! Claimed: Deurklink Queue: Leudimin, giraty, saxman1089 Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, Broxzier, Wuis
  14. Another update! Overview: I built a few more buildings, mostly to fill gaps. In one of the new buildings I put a swinging ship, and in the one next to it I put a simulator. I also put a small food court next to the pirate ship because i could find no other suitable space for it. On the other side of the water, in the orange area, i finally filled the area above the vertical air powered coaster. I built Gravity Pull there, a small but surprisingly fast mine ride, which completes 2 laps. I saw a gap in the green area, so I built a ride there especially for you It's called PRESERVE ALL HUMANITY <3 and is very intense I hope you like it. Here's the save, for the people who are interested: Space Base 10.sv6
  15. After last small update, today i have a big update! Overview: A whole lot of buildings, attractions, and an extra monorail got added! First off, the extra monorail. It is a suspended monorail situated just above the existing monorail. They move in opposite directions, and for some parts of the track they are situated right above each other. I like how these monorails make the city look more crowded and futuristic. I recolored the central building. Now each side matches the color of the respective quarter. Not sure what i'm going to do with the black edges. I created some buildings in the blue quarter with gentle rides. One contains space rings, and the other contains a hall of mirrors (from Time Twister). I found a good use for the biggest crater. I allow the guests to explore it in a Submarine! If this is your first time visiting the planet, this is a must ride! Don't ride it. It's a total cash grab. There's absolutely nothing to see here. And finally, i added a big amount of buildings to the blue quarter, which are connected to one another by covered bridges. The uncovered paths you see is an area where buildings still have to be made. And when we look inside, we find two dueling launched looping coasters, called Positron Annihilator and Electron Annihilator. These rides are very popular with the guests! I will probably raise those paths through the loops by one or two units to make it look like it has some more clearance. Allright, that was it for now! Here's the save, for the people who are interested: Space Base 09.sv6
  16. Well for the sake of this competition, if it were up to me I would allow stuff like holding brakes on twister coasters as long as you merge them in as you would have to resort to cheats to get them on your coaster anyway.
  17. Ok, but you have to switch ride type to vertical drop roller coaster midway through building to build those parts, right?
  18. Took me a while before i realised you use custom sprites for the track
  19. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    That river rapids has to be one of the nicest attractions in the park! Very cool! PS: I think the buildings will look nicer if you use smaller glass panels or a different shade of blue (but maybe it's just me nitpicking ). Example: EDIT: I love this little viewing area which guests use to look at the ride:
  20. Except level to steep track pieces, steep to level track pieces and holding brakes before drop. (unless you switch ride types midway through building, of course).
  21. What i meant here was that if you use a B&M track, like the steel twister coaster, and you want to merge with another B&M track(vertical drop roller coaster) you should only do it to get unique elements like the holding brake on your ride, and not just merge for the sake of merging (for example merging a steel twister with a floorless or standup twister makes no sense). Of course you can turn it halfway into a wooden roller coaster if you want. Go wild
  22. Small update today (but a really cool one I think!): First, i built a building with a flight deck. Then, i created an invisible mini roller coaster which takes guests high up into the air, circling around all the tallest attractions. Whenever the ride is running, there are now always many tiny rocket vehicles zooming around the park Maybe I'll make another one later with a different vehicle type. That was it for today! Here's the save, for people who want to see the rockets in action: Space Base 08.sv6
  23. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Relax, this is probably the fourth or fifth time the park rating hit zero It will recover soon enough.
  24. It's a popularity vote. Everyone on the forum can submit a vote for the coaster they like best. You can get a bonus vote by meeting the requirements specified in the first post. I didn't make the rules, but i think merging should only be done to get unique elements (like the holding brake from the vertical drop roller coaster or the steep lift hill). I think you should really splice the station if you want to call it a merge. "The coaster may not use more than 320 tiles. This is calculated by multiplying the numbers shown on the select coaster design screen (a rectangle without including entrance/exit)". Scenery changes these numbers as far as I know so it should be wholly inside.
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