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Everything posted by Deurklink

  1. There we go Soon to be found in a group park near you: It only uses 135 cars, lol
  2. That's something i will look into later.. I'm still pretty new to this. I'm already glad I got this to work (any tips on how to do this, though?)
  3. I'm almost getting there
  4. Hmm, strange indeed. I suggest opening an issue on our issue tracker: There, the developers may be able to help you.
  5. You should enable exporting plug-in objects and then save your park again, else we cannot open it unless we have all the custom scenery in your park.
  6. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Quickly claiming to fix 2 issues that i see. (Mountaineer and cornish tractor ride have 100% downtime) EDIT: Done. I reconnected the footpath to the exit of Cornish tractor ride so mechanics will fix it again. I freed the mechanics and handymen who were trapped under Mountaineer. I wonder how they got there in the first place though.. Claimed: - Queue: @Wuis, saxman1089, Deurklink, Leudimin, giraty, Broxzier, Jochem Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.66(2).sv6 PS: @Jochem I really like what you did here
  7. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    I'm curious to see what you can come up with good luck
  8. I played Parkitect for a bit, i like how you can take a part like a loop or a corkscrew there and then select the size you want. I guess by that you mean a hydraulic launch like the ones on Kingda Ka or Top Thrill Dragster. Would love to see those as well .
  9. And, just like that, you're already contributing to openRCT2 Awesome!
  10. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    I purposely put the coaster on a bit of higher ground, to make it more of an eyecatcher So I'd rather keep it intact, with minimal interaction with other rides. Maybe you should move your coaster to an area which has not been developed yet, there's still plenty of space left!
  11. Really cool idea, I actually saw a video with a water ride which contained that element today (not in-game though) Would be funny to see that in OpenRCT2.
  12. I'm assuming you are talking about this tutorial? I'll take a look later, this looks like fun to play with. To keep things simple i think i would use the normal corkscrew trains with forward facing trains. They also conveniently come with a piece of car on the end with just wheels. I would probably need an awful lot of those, though I could make the stations one tile shorter, besides that I think there's not much that can be done about the track. By the way, I'm not very serious about actually building this, I'm just playing around. It would look very cool in a group park, though! EDIT: I think track-wise(Not considering scenery or supports), this is the best thing one can do in RCT2: Now it just needs a train hack
  13. Let's pretend it's three years into the future, and in OpenRCT2, new ride elements are being implemented into existing roller coaster types. Which ride elements would you like to see? And why? Try to name stuff which hasn't been mentioned before. For me personally, these would be my favourites: - Corkscrews (But starting from diagonal track, so you can build them in parallel to the grid) - Zero G rolls (Because awesome and common element on real coasters) - Large Corkscrews (to make Immelman Loops) EDIT: You can also mention other rides than roller coasters
  14. Hmmmm... It would probably look somewhat like this
  15. I was wondering.. Would it be possible to make something like this in OpenRCT2? The track design is possible for sure. The trains would be a little more difficult... I guess it would involve some messing with the code. (Specifically looking at you, @X7123M3-256 )
  16. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    No. Don't do that. Try to make something nice. If you don't, I don't want to play with you anymore. I really don't like when I make effort to put up a nice looking roller coaster and someone else puts up some uninspired stuff next to it just because he really felt he needed to build something.
  17. Thanks, messed around a bit with tile inspector there and apparently missed that.
  18. Hello, welcome to our community Feel free to ask any questions or show off your parks.
  19. The cheat also affects hyper-twister roller coasters.. By default you cannot run those when there's an inversion on the track, however (Probably coded like that because they don't have sprites for inversions).
  20. 1. It is safe as far as I know. If you don't trust it, check it with an antivirus every time you update 2. I use the launcher. This automatically downloads the latest version for me (usually several times per day). You could also just download a stable version but you won't always have the newest features. There are sometimes bugs in the newest versions, however. 3. Don't worry, the game still has the feel of RCT2, it just has a lot more convenient tools and improvements to let us build what we imagine
  21. OpenRCT2 is based on the RCT2 engine, which didn't allow the steep pieces on a junior coaster. So in order to see them, you need to use a cheat. It's very easy to do this in OpenRCT2, however .
  22. Another update! This time, i decided to competely overhaul the center building! I may have overdone it a little.. I am proud of the result, though! Overview: Here it is.. A huge tower building, to replace the center plaza! I have given each side of the building the color of the corresponding area. Here you can see the other side: I have mostly kept the foothpaths and the shops on the lower area the same: Except now there is a huge vertical drop roller coaster above it! (Note that the huge vertical piece is actually the lift hill) First, the riders climb vertically all the way to the top of the building. During the climb, they can look outside through the black roof windows. Then, when they arrive on top, they will be briefly held in the first set of holding brakes... ... after which they fall down vertically to the third level of the building, where the cars will follow some twisty track. Finally they hit another set of brakes... ... And they move down vertically to the second level! Here is another piece of twisting track for the cars to follow, which ends with the final set of holding brakes... ... After which the guests drop down vertically to the ground floor, where they will follow a lap around the plaza, until finally returning to the station again! I made sure to keep the trains from going too fast, and to keep the G-forces in check. Normally I don't really care about stats in my parks, but this one is actually quite good. Building this tower was quite a lot of work, because i also had to reroute all the invisible coasters that used to fly over the plaza in its previous form, but I am very happy with how it turned out and i think it looks cool, especially with the roller coaster that is inside. Here's the save: Space Base 13.sv6 I recommend you to take a look! --------------------------------------------------------- Not sure if I'm going to add more color to the green area, I might play a bit with the color of the pipes.. However... maybe.... *brainfart* You can think of the orange area as sort of the 'standard' architecture. The red area is mostly high-rise buildings, with some slanted roofs that you will not find anywhere else in the park. It also has some short pipe sections. I think it will clearly have its own distinct feel when it's done.
  23. I just downloaded the file, becuse i was too curious (157 MB, yikes!) But yea, you should put it up on Youtube. Anyway, thats a really neat design! Did you come up with it yourself? It's like one of those skyloop coasters. EDIT: ah looks like the youtube video is up
  24. Another update! Overview: The park is nearing completion, just a few more areas to fill! While looking at the overview, i realised i don't really like the center building anymore. In the next update it will probably get a big overhaul.. It needs something big, something extravagant. Maybe a huge tiered tower Anyway, on to the stuff that I built in this update. In an effort to give the green quarter more of an own identity, i decided to build some long pipes between the buildings. I think it worked out quite well, and gives it a more distinct look from the other parts of the base. While going through the rides to built i saw a Hoverbike ride from Time Twister that i really liked. I decided to let them fly around the base as well, so now we have rockets, jet planes and hoverbikes buzzing around Unlike the jets and the rockets, the hoverbikes fly quite low and often disappear between the buildings. Here you can see one flying underneath an arch in the red quarter of the base: After that, i decided to build another roller coaster in the red area: It's an inverted vertical shuttle. I think this is the only roller coaster in my park to use an existing design. Next off, i built another building next to it with a second observation tower. I also built a food court next to it. And finally, I built my bread-and-butter triple launch floorless coaster that you may know from the group park I had enough space, and I like the design a lot so I just decided to build it. Inside view: At the final inversion, I made it briefly peek outside. My favourite part of the coaster That's it for today, here's the save for the people who want to take a closer look (I really like the hoverbikes) Space Base 12.sv6
  25. Wow, I'm impressed! I love the vertical drop and that typical banked hill. Are the grey parts part of the track sprites now? Too bad there's no inversions, but I guess that will be a headache for another time
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