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Everything posted by Deurklink

  1. Indeed, I once made a ride which consisted of a track which had a chainlift over its full length, which was set to around 60 km/h. When I set it to enterprise it broke down every few minutes which was really annoying.
  2. Welcome! For a moment i thought the log flume was going through that loop. Very nice work so far!
  3. EDIT: It looks like the ride stats are recalculated every once in a while, making your manually set stats disappear. There are ways to stop stats in your park from recalculating, check the bottom of this guide for a way to do this. Are you not happy with the stats of your ride? In OpenRCT2, there is a way to manually set the intensity, excitement and nausea ratings of your ride! Here's some hypothetical situations in which this may be useful: 1. You just created a cool ride of which you wanted to make the track invisible, so with the "allow arbitrary ride types" cheat, you set it to 'crooked house'. Result: Your ride is invisible! Side effect: Your ride gets the stats of a crooked house. People will look for something more thrilling... 2. You made a nice recreation of The Smiler in your park, with its 14 inversions. You test the coaster, only to find out it became ultra-extreme because that's what the game does when you keep adding inversions. Now no-one will ride it! 3. You used so many cheats and hacks on your ride that the game gets confused and doesn't calculate the ratings for your ride anymore. How to change the stats First, you need to enable debugging tools. To do this, click the Floppy disk icon on the top bar, and select Options. Then go to the wrench tab, and make sure the box Enable debugging tools has a checkmark in it. When you have done this, you should see an icon with 2 gears on the top bar. When you click it, you will see an option 'Show Console'. You will now see a big blue rectangle in the top half of your screen. In this console, type rides list and press enter. You will now see a list of all the rides in your park. If it doesn't work, first type clear and then press enter. Then try again. Now, for this example, let's assume I want to change the intensity of an attraction called Jet Plane tours. It has low intensity, so only few people will ride it. I typed rides list in the console, and found the attraction in the list. The number after the word ride: is the ID of the ride. This number will be important in the next step. In our example, the ride ID is 66. Now, to change the intensity of a ride, you have to use the following console command: rides set intensity <ID> <value> In our example, if we want to change the intensity to 5.00 we would have to type the following: rides set intensity 66 500 Note that I left out the dot in 5.00 and just typed 500. This has to do with how the variable is stored in the program. So for an intensity of 80.00, you would have to type 8000. And that is it! Your ride will now have the intensity you set in the console. To set the Excitement and Nausea values, you simply use the following commands: rides set excitement <ID> <value> rides set nausea <ID> <value> Again, you leave out the dot in the value you want to set. Another way to get the ride ID of your ride @LordMarcel96 pointed out to me that there is another, probably even easier way to find the ride ID of your ride. To do this, enable debugging tools like you did with the console. Then on the tab with the 2 gears, select Show Tile Inspector. With the tile inspector screen open, select a tile in the park which contains a part of the track of which you want to change the stats. Now when you select the piece of track in the list of Element types that appear, you will find more information about the ride, including the Ride ID. Remarks / bugs - When the rides list is too long, you may not be able to see all rides in the list. This is something that is being worked on. Expect a fix soon! - If the console is full of text, and you cannot see what is going on anymore, simply type clear and press enter. This will clear the console. -Building this ride in your park and putting it in test mode will freeze all stat calculations, making your stat changes permanent. As long as stat are frozen however, stats for new rides you build in the park will also not be calculated. Guide written for OpenRCT2 version 0.1.2
  4. Hmm, I remember getting a pirated version of RCT2 after not playing it for many years. However it kept crashing after a few years in any park so I bought a steam version (which sadly didnt help). Then later i somehow found out about OpenRCT2, so after having played OpenTTD i was immmediately hyped
  5. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    I would be willing to make changes to it, but they won't be small. Seriously though, if you don't like what you built don't share it with us.. Make something you're proud of. If you're unable to, just give your turn to the next person.
  6. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Tick tock tick tock tick tock...
  7. Park rating is one of the least explained features of Rollercoaster Tycoon, but quite an important one as you need it to complete some scenarios. In this guide I will explain what park rating does and how it is calculated. This guide is based on OpenRCT2 (version 0.1.2). The code can be found at: in the function calculate_park_rating(). What is park rating? Park rating is represented by the green bar in the bottom left of your screen. Clicking it brings up a graph which shows a history of your park rating. The park rating is always a number from 0 to 999. What does park rating do? Park rating does two things: 1. In many scenario goals, the park rating needs to be above a certain value next to the main goal of having a certain amount of guests in your park, for example. 2. It helps attract guests. The higher your park rating, the higher the probability of a new guest spawning. If your park rating goes down a lot, no more new guests will enter, and the number of guests in your park will drop. Which factors influence park rating? Park rating is influenced by the following things (number in brackets is amount of points gained or deducted): 1. Difficulty of the park - A park can be set to have a higher park rating difficulty. [+1150 or +1050] 2. Number of guests in the park. [-150 .. + 3] 3. Number of happy peeps. [-500 .. 0] 4. Number of peeps who are lost, and cannot find the park exit. [-infinity .. 0] 5. Ride uptime [-200 .. 0] 6. Average ride excitement and intensity. [-100 .. 0] 7. Total ride excitement and intensity. [-200 .. 0] 8. Litter. [-600 .. 0] 9. Deadly casualties. [-1000.. 0] How to calculate park rating? Here I will try to explain step by step how the park rating is calculated. It has some calculations and some code examples. Initial rating The rating calculation starts with a value of 1150. In parks with difficult park rating, the initial value is 1050. Number of guests in the park The number of guests in the park is counted, and divided by 13. If there are more than 2000 guests in the park, the function just uses the value 2000. This division will give a result from 0 to 153. This number is subtracted from 150, which gives a result from -150 to +3. In short, if you have 0 guests, 150 will be subtracted from the park rating. If you have over 2000 guests, 3 will be added to the park rating. Number of happy peeps After this, the game counts the number of peeps who have over 50% happiness, and the number of peeps who are lost AND cannot find the park exit. Every peep that has over 50% happiness is counted as a happy peep. First, the function will subtract 500 from the park rating. Then, the number of happy peeps is multiplied by 300, and then divided by the number of peeps in the park. If this value is higher than 250, the value 250 will instead be used. This value is multiplied by 2, and then added to the park rating. In short, if you have no happy peeps in your park, you will lose 500 points of park rating. If more than 83% of your peeps is happy, you will lose no points of park rating. Number of lost peeps As shown in the previous paragraph, the game counts the number of peeps who are lost AND leaving the park. Up to 25 guests can be lost and leaving the park without it affecting the park rating. For every guest above these 25 however, the function deducts 7 points from the park rating. There is no limit to this deduction, so this can take the park rating all the way to 0! This is probably done so players don't block their park exit with a banner. When your park rating suddenly drops to 0, most likely many guests are stuck somewhere. Ride uptime The average uptime is calculated for all rides. Uptime is calculated as 100 - Downtime (Can be seen in the maintenance tab of a ride). If the average uptime is 0 (all rides broken down), the park rating will lose 200 points. If the average uptime is 100, park rating will lose no points. When rides are broken down, you should always try to have them fixed quickly. Average ride excitement and intensity The game takes the average excitement and intensity of every ride (multiplied by 100, so excitement of 3.00 would be 300), and divides them by 8. The resulting excitement value should be as close to the number 46 as possible. This corresponds to an excitement value of 3.68. Resulting average intensity should be close to the number 65, which corresponds to an intensity of 5.20. The further away the excitement and intensity are away from these numbers, the higher the penalty. Basically, to get no penalty from average ride excitement and intensity, you should probably have a good mix of gentle rides and roller coasters. The effect of this calculation on the park rating is quite small however, as it is maximized to 100 points. Total ride excitement and intensity The game takes the excitement and intensity of every ride (multiplied by 100, so excitement of 3.00 would be 300), and divides them by 8. Then all intensities are added to one another and all excitement ratings are added to one another. These numbers must both be bigger than 1000 to get no penalty. In short, if the total excitement of your rides is more than 80.00, and total intensity is also more than 80.00, you get no penalty. If they are both 0.00, your park rating will lose 200 points. Litter The game counts all pieces of litter in the park, while ignoring litter that has very recently been dropped. For every piece of litter, the game subtracts 4 points from the park rating, with a maximum of 600 points. When your park becomes very big, litter will play a bigger role in the park rating as having more guests usually means more litter will be dropped. Deadly casualties Whenever a peep drowns in the park 25 points are subtracted from the park rating, with a maximum of 1000. For every vehicle that crashes with peeps in it, 200 are added to the casualty penalty, as long as it is below 500. This penalty slowly diminishes over time. In parks that use no money, the penalty dimishes a lot faster for some reason. Clamping Finally, if the result of above calculations is a value below 0, the park value will be set to 0. If it is bigger than 999, it will be set to 999. Cheating If you have trouble maintaining your park rating, or if you don't want to be bothered by it, you can force the park rating to a certain value by using the cheat menu. This cheat is found on the park cheats tab of the cheat menu. Conclusion It is essential to keep park rating high to attract more guests to your parks. This guide should help you pinpoint problems in your park. If you ever have trouble finding out what causes a park rating drop, feel free to ask for help. I have modified a version of the game so it tells me exactly how much each of the above mentioned factors affect the park rating
  8. I agree, it IS fun!
  9. The launcher should always (automagically) download the newest version for you.
  10. Sure, i don't mind waiting The more competition, the better.
  11. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    I don't know, hide it in a building (PS: it's spelled invisible, without the 'n')
  12. Just wondering, what happened to the 0.1.0 one?
  13. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    It's for cats.
  14. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    That ride looks really cool! I like that you didn't get scared and tried something out of your comfort zone. It would probably look better with the station invisible and first car invisible but i guess this took you long enough to get it to work properly By the way, to make the entrance and exit invisible, you used a corrupt element. It's better to simply select "No entrance" from the list in the paint menu. I couldn't really find anything wrong with the pathing.. Those peeps on top look weird, I'm sure you could come up with something better
  15. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Cool! I like the layout of that ride. This one has a bit of a deserted factory look to it. And a bit of Baron1898 mixed in as well
  16. Someone created a heightmap for Group Park 7. It's basically just an image, where the color tells the map generator how high every tile is. After that the map was painted with different colors of sand and rock, and trees were added. After that we just keep adding cool stuff and trying to impress one another until the park is full.
  17. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    There's several ways to do it. The simplest method does not involve any merging. 1. Keep building until the place where you want an inversion. Then enable the cheat Allow arbitrary ride type changes. 2. Select Twister Roller Coaster and press Apply 3. Build inversions. 4. Finish track, and change ride type back to vertical coaster. You should be able to test and open ride normally now. Good thing about this method is that it is considered 1 track and block brakes should work normally. If you want to do it by merging, you either have to add invisible track to complete the circuit around the merged parts or you have to use boat hire mode.
  18. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    With the arbitrary ride types cheat you can also change it into a twister coaster halfway through the track, and give it some inversions, without the need for a merge (if by "making it look more like baron at the efteling" you meant you wanted inversions in the ride .
  19. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Such a perfectionist
  20. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Ok cool, I can't wait!!
  21. New update! 95% complete! Overview: I built several more rides in the red area. I think next update will be the final one! First, I built some gentle rides which I hadn't built in the park yet, for the less daring people. After that, I built a roller coaster and the final station for the two monorails. The roller coaster is very compact, and has six inversions throughout its track. It uses sets of 2 cars (LIM launched roller coaster) so sadly, the capacity is quite low. The last ride that I built in this update is a roller coaster named Infinity. First, it gets launched to the roof of the building where it gently completes a figure eight track (or infinity sign). After that, it completes a large twisting track inside the building, which is basically a big knot. Alright, time to fill up the last few empty spaces! Here's the save: Space Base 14.sv6
  22. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Ehrmmm, how about no He will fix it at some point. Whoops! Want me to delete the kick-ass rollercoaster I built there? (Kidding, I won't).
  23. Updated version, now with spaced out trains. I think this is as good as it will get without custom trains. I could still replace them with trains from another type of coaster, like the LIM-launched one, but it didn't look as good.
  24. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    OKAY, I'm done for this turn! First off, something nobody saw coming: I built a Skyline Skywarp! This time, I spaced out the trains a bit more, so I only needed 39 (instead of 135). Whatever you do guys, DO NOT CLOSE THIS RIDE! Well, just make sure the train does not disappear Respawning those vehicles is a proverbial pain in the behind. Next off, I made some modifications on the monorail. Most importantly, I moved some slopes and made invisible chainlifts on them so it can climb those at regular speed. I made a path to the new area on the cliff. When you feel it's ready, just connect the path in the red circled area. Also @Jochem, I closed the shops you made because people cannot reach that area yet and ended up getting lost. I also made an underground path in the area where @Broxzier built a chairlift. I tried to make the path as straightforward as possible to ease pathfinding. Finally these windows have a use All the underground paths still need is a bridge at the bottom. When that is done, I think the area on top can be opened to guests. I think making a bridge will be a nice job for @saxman1089 when he works on his Arrow coaster Alright, that was it! The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.67.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @Leudimin , giraty, Broxzier, Jochem, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, Wuis, saxman1089
  25. Deurklink

    Group Park 7

    Will get to it after work EDIT: Claiming! Claimed: Deurklink Queue: Leudimin, giraty, Broxzier, Jochem Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, Wuis, saxman1089
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