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Everything posted by SpiffyJack

  1. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    I haven't navigated file locations on here enough to know exactly where to look/search for what I want.. I've never seen GP2, GP3 or GP4. And to be honest when I take to long to find what I want, it makes me sad ..
  2. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    thanks... im trying to locate GP4 for reference prior to claiming. also if there's more reference files you think are useful to use. @Broxzier
  3. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Ok. we still cant merge Landscapes right? So we might have multiple initial files returned so then critique and decide which features to keep moving forward to the master landscape file? Obviously this is my first group event and I'm on the learning curve to completely understanding the standard protocol.
  4. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Is this a grab and go file for all or is it dictated by the Que and we're waiting for somebody to claim the file first?
  5. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Makes good sense... I'll reference the prior maps. I can't quite commit to the build team yet but would like help get the ball rolling if that's cool. Also, I noticed Terraforming mentioned above, would that be the literal definition of the term as to submit the map which would require little or no modifications .. aka not to include areas that are just going to be wiped out anyway?
  6. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    I guess the best thing i could do is package up the whole enchilada of my folders and let builders take what they like. My initial past mistakes in scenario building included incorrect file naming when doing conversions and allowing the scenario goal to match an existing scenario... if that makes sense. I didn't sweat the small things, when I should have.
  7. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    The last one has the entrance outside the city and peeps walk through the city to get to the extents of the map. I believe i have various stages of that map before it went to full scenario mode. As with most i'll upload, the land rights are still still nonnegotiable and can be what ever works for the your project. 03.sc6 03-Rollercoaster Heaven Simulation 1 r34 diff scenery.sv6
  8. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    I have many prelim terrains ... this is just 4 that may be of help or ideas whatever... i could bundle and share if there is any interest... None will be complete, but all have potential.
  9. Thanks for the Tip, time and effort on this post! @X7123M3-256 and @Broxzier although my TI has been crashing me a lot lately
  10. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 4

    Looking good Builders
  11. Thanks @imlegos I never realized that what I've have been doing because it can look good, also has a great benefit.
  12. If I may add a sincere tip regarding @Broxzier awsome circle rolling the mountains effect shown above. But more importantly prior to using the Slope tool however intended. I'm guessing for many builders this will make you chuckle... But unless it becomes second nature, the probability of a complete meltdown in the future is high. 1. Always save file first. Use a temp name if maybe you have something else going on elsewhere and you not sure if you are actually ready to over write the working file. 2. Be aware of all surrounding terrain heights and distance between heights when adding terrain. 3. As you can see from the checkered lift point, even the smallest adjustment can be devastating, and if you start the circular motion quickly, it's the beginning of a bad day. Hope this addition is useful for this post.
  13. @imlegos ... can you elaborate please? Much appreciated. What you said may have solved multiple questions I've been asking myself for a while...
  14. Agree @imlegos .... perhaps to see more platform action and entry/exits block some of it? idk... If thats the case, maybe consider the option - No Entry/Exits? Also..Rotating the buildings can be extremely useful
  15. I like the blackout idea... it instantly reminded me of "Total Annihilation" <~~~ another favorite legacy game I enjoyed in the past and present) and "Age of Empires" when the maps were blacked out until conquered and it always added the element of surprise. Which makes we want to propose an idea to make blacked out maps/scenarios that reveal when additional land is purchased to expand the existing land provided. Also as land is opened up you may come across a broken or to be finished coaster or stall or maybe a different type of theme or scenery to be utilized or sold for extra bank funds etc...
  16. Definitely a difference between empty and loaded. Also with Bobsleds and dingies... its the difference between going air born or not... On a side note, adding or subtracting cars on a train can work the same way... and of coarse never just open a new design without opening and drinking at least one whole beer before moving on
  17. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    LOL.. i do stand corrected... I based that number from when my oldest son also started playing RCT... i thought he was 5, but it must have been closer to 9... my 50 year old memory isn't always on par.
  18. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Been playing this game 20+ years... how do I not know this... ?
  19. Here's a very prelim Scenario I've started for anyone to play with.... This is for anyone who wants to mess with the terrain at present... i think the map has crazy potential and when I am done, It will be far from current file... Do what you want with this.. Ideally, If you want to expand this, Have at it. Prelim Worlds Colide at 5 percent 013117.sc6
  20. File stopped crashing after replacing a few Items
  21. Excellent changelog notes and Update !!! Much thank you's to all Developers, Contributors, question askers/suggesters and players too! This is a lot of work and I certainly appreciate it.
  22. I couldn't rep more than 10 today, so i"ll say it.... Great job Broxzier!
  23. Hey Broxzier here's the dump file. It was located in the root documents folder for some reason and since finding this file I've found numerous other dump files all over the place (wrong folders) I need to fix that. As far as the block counter.. its the boundary tool that outlines the space that all objects occupy. 00cee06a-5cec-4a84-8a24-2e0967a51e7f.sv6
  24. Also.. I cant locate the dump file to upload as well... trippy
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