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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. Good job finding it, @patk! I wan't even able to find it from my own searches.
  2. In case anyone was wondering, here is the github for RCTGL (the 3D viewer for RCT1). Unfortunately, the original creator died unexpectedly, and the coding was uploaded to github by a friend of his who doesn't understand the coding (this is explained in the description at the bottom of the page.) I haven't looked into it, but if I had to guess I'd say that the original owner probably made a completely new sprite for most sprites in the game (track pieces, scenery items, etc.), and that these sprites were made as 3d objects or simply planar sprites that could be read by the 3D renderer, which then constructed an RCT1 map based on the XYZ coordinates in its .sv4 file. Either way, my point is that it is impossible/extremely difficult to create a full-functioning 3D viewer for RCT1 or RCT2 that only uses the .dat files used by RCT1/RCT2. Any full-functioning 3D viewer that allows for free movement and perspective would need files for each object's polygons and textures. You cannot "simply show the map elements as 3D objects instead of simple sprites," because the .dat files do not contain enough information.
  3. You have got to be kidding me... did you just put the Aperture Science Edgeless Safety Weighted Merry-Go-Round onto the Aperture Science Ride Mode We-Don't-Know-What-It-Does and open it without testing?
  4. RCT2 is not "as 3D as RCT3". RCT2 thinks of each object as a set of 4 sprites (for each of the 4 isometric views north/south/east/west), while RCT3 thinks of each object as a set of polygons in space. That said, it would not necessarily make it harder to create an openRCT3. @Broxzier was correct that it woulr probably be easier to create an RCT3 "mimic" from scratch than to create an openRCT2. OpenRCT2 essentially works by changing the code that is used to run the game, in conjunction with the resource files. RCT3 is coded differently and would take much more time and effort to decompile and edit.
  5. I personally hate trying to build LIM launched coasters... it's not too hard to build a ride with good stats, but I'm more interested in realism than stats, and it's hard to make an LIM coaster look realistic/good.
  6. @Broxzier me and Ethiopian are actually pretty good friends with a few furries who are in a skype group with us. When we make fun of them, we're only teasing them, we don't actually hate them.
  7. Granted, but it also changes the game's physics properties of edited files, making it impossible to use. I wish I had rocket league.
  8. Granted, but they all consist of giant statues of Gulpee. I wish I had something better than an Iphone 4 so I could get Pokemon Go
  9. This feature can't be added in until some better way is devised for placing predesigned layouts. Currently it does not work because only the player who attempt to place the ride down is guarunteed to have the .td6 file for that design. Anyone who doesn't have it crashes because their game is told to use a nonexistent file.
  10. I had to look up Gulper... I'm assuming tyou mean the skylanders character? And what do you mean by "real mascot"?
  11. I was saving a link to a knex instructables page that listed the number of teeth on the different size gears used in knex because I wanted to figure out the total gear reduction in a gear train I made (if you don't know what knex are, they're similar to legos). The total reduction turned out to be (84*34*34*34*34)/(14*14*14*14*14)=112252224/537824=501126/2401 or about 208.7:1.
  12. @NejiHyuga900 I recognize that name, aren't you a mod on Silvarret's twitch?
  13. That's probably the issue, but your port doesn't actually have to be open for him to join your server if you're on the same network. Have your brother click "add server" from the server selection menu and enter the host's IP into the pop-up box. Opening ports is only required for people playing on different networks.
  14. I don't exactly understand the point of this thread. A place to report bugs inside of a place to report bugs? Bugs are reported in the very sub-forum this is posted in.
  15. Granted, but someone else hacks the gifter's computer, stealing and using the game key before you get to it. I wish for us not to go 7 days without any posts in here again
  16. Nope, item number 3 is false. (I don't have a half-sister, or any sisters in that case. Nor do I have any half-brothers.) My grandfather, Charles F Cichon, is, in fact, the head of the National Association of Drug Dispersion Investigators. And my grandfather fought for the allied powers in WWII. I have some medals that my grandfather got in the war (2 of them are from captured axis soldiers and have swasticas on them).
  17. Were you able to select all operating modes only on launched free fall mode? @imlegos was probably right, the server probably had "enable all operating modes" on
  18. I'm guessing you haven't been to Woodstock. My grandfather is the head of NADDI My great grandfather fought in WWII My half sister was a 2nd runner up in a state spelling bee in 2012
  19. We'll be sorry to see you leave us, but I understand that sometimes you have to give up certain liberties for your own well being. Although games are fun, we need to give our priorities in life to more important tasks, especially in times of troubling or uncertain choices. Good luck with whatever lies ahead of you.
  20. Oh jeez imlegos we're never gonna be able to sell the idea of an unfinished mine train attraction if it keeps popping up at every other park in the country. Now how are we supposed to lure people to Freedom Park?
  21. Oh I knew that but let's not let that stop it from being funny.
  22. Ha, the DAT still looks like it says "I'm terrible" if you read it out loud.
  23. I agree with Ziscor, I haven't been on in a while simply because I'm feeling burnt out. I used to run my servers a lot, but I kinda stopped doing that a while ago. Even with my server labeled as realism, I still dealt with many people who came to my server simply because there were no other good servers up, or who thought they were good at realism but really weren't. It was a hassle trying to deal with those types of people while still trying to keep an open eye out for realistic masterminds. Strangely tho I didn't really have any problems with trolls, other than nicman pestering me for perms or spam joining my server with loop codes, which really took the fun out of hosting.
  24. Granted, but they get so foggy you have to continually wipe them off every 5 minutes. I wish I could afford a steam machine (the steamOS computer, not the mechanical thing). Also: Just noticed, imlegos hasn't said a thing about yummy's profile pic being a pokemon, maybe my wish WAS granted after all!?
  25. Hehe, that's funny cause I have a Deal With It mlg version of my profile picture that I made a few months ago.
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