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Everything posted by Gymnasiast

  1. I have contacted Jarno, who maintains this site, so it should hopefully be solved soon.
  2. It is planned, but see here: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/wiki/Increasing-of-game-limits#can-openrct2-increase-the-number-of-
  3. Can you explain what you mean here? Perhaps a screenshot or a photo helps here. Yes, you can modify the path to the RCT2 files in Documents\OpenRCT2\config.ini , under the variable "game_path".
  4. The files are deep down in the (hidden) Library directory. Open the Finder, click "Go", hold down Alt and click Library. Then navigate to Application Support / Steam and go through its subfolders until you find the folder (it will probably have 285330 in its name). It's probably best to copy that folder to a place that is easier to locate, and then point OpenRCT2 to that folder.
  5. You really should have searched the forum, since this question has been asked a lot: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/wiki/FAQ-&-Common-Issues#why-does-my-virus-scanner-not-trust-openrct2 Also note that VirusTotal has 69 engines, including some very esoteric ones, so there are quite a few perfectly clean programs that might trigger one of those exotic ones.
  6. Open the Options window and navigate to the "Advanced" tab (the one with the wrench). It's the second option on this tab.
  7. Hm, I must have misread it then. I thought the OP wrote "RCT Deluxe". It is indeed possible to use RCTC assets - in fact, I wrote the wiki article I'm about to link to. In that case, you will need to follow the instructions outlined here: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/wiki/Required-RCT2-files#rct-classic--rct2-mini-game
  8. If there was a way to make it work without those files, we wouldn't say it _needs_ them. In other words: there is no other way than buying RCT2. It should only be a couple of bucks, and I would argue it's worth it.
  9. If the rest still has problems with this, please let me know.
  10. Didn't get a definitive answer from the rest of the team, so I will decide myself: try grouping the bug reports based on what you think has the same cause. When in doubt, it's better to have two reports about the same thing than one reports about two distinct problems.
  11. https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/wiki/FAQ-&-Common-Issues#i-loaded-an-rct1-savescenario-but-there-are-some-differences
  12. You need to enable the Cheats button in the Options window (5th tab). Scenario unlocking can be toggled on the 6th tab of that window ("Enable progressive unlocking")
  13. Calm down a bit. I agree not mention the actual solution is very unhelpful to future users, but please stay civil. In case anyone else would have this problem: "C:\GOG Games\RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe" is a folder for RCT1 files, while the game asks for RCT2.
  14. You're welcome! I probably shouldn't have put it like that.
  15. It sounds like you point OpenRCT2 to the CD of RCT2 (which is not correct), but since you refuse to provide the full path, I can't say for certain. What it asks for is the folder on your hard drive where RCT2 is installed, which will be a subfolder of "C:\Program Files (x86)".
  16. When OpenRCT2 asks for the RCT2 directory, which folder did you specify? (Can you give me the full path?)
  17. Yup, it will work fine with that. So far, it has worked with every edition I tried, even with some rare/unusual versions.
  18. Wacky Worlds and Time Twister have been put together with very little care. Luckily, we can fix this in our objects. I have reported the issue here: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/objects/issues/100
  19. We don't really plan what to work on. We all decide what we want to work on personally. An exception are breaking bugs - these need to be addressed before a new version can be released. There is a roadmap on our wiki, but it's outdated. Currently, the upcoming big thing is the plug-in system, which makes it easy to write new functionality for OpenRCT2. After that, we hope to release a new save format, which should help getting rid of several limits that are currently still enforced by the SV6 file format. Meanwhile, we're also busy refactoring the code, which should improve its structure and reduce the likelihood of bugs occurring in the future.
  20. Turn on sandbox mode. Then open the Map window and set the spawn point on the last piece of the bridge (with the arrow pointing towards the entrance).
  21. Your RCT2 is fine, but your OpenRCT2 install is incomplete. It lacks the so-called "JSON objects". It seems that both openrct2.org and openrct2.io have outdated build instructions for Fedora. Edit: also try running `make install` (using su/sudo if needed).
  22. It looks like you have an old version of the objects. You said you following "the" install guide, but which one are referring to specifically?
  23. Like janisozaur said, artifacts are only saved for a limited time. Depending on what you plan to use them for, you're probably best off learning how to compile the game, because you can then compile every version you want to. What do you plan to use them for? There might be a better solution, but that would of course depend on your use case.
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