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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Click on ride > Colouring options > Entrace selection > Pick "No entrance"Then after that simply disable clearance, and you can build whatever you want on there, just don't block the path or mechanics can't repair the ride.There are two ways of making paths invisible. One is by using custom scenery, there is a path without sprites, another way is by using a Hex Editor and finding the paths, then flagging the tile they are on as 'no more objects' right before the path part, and it will not be draws while it still exists. A much more detailed post of how to do it can be found here.For entrances parallel to the track the same thing can be done, since the exit/entrace way is just a flag somewhere. By changing it you can rotate it.
  2. Uhm, I said this morning that I would be back and claiming it in the evening, so that's what I'm doing now :P Don't get too hasty please, I already let UTMAN before me within the time I had to claim it.
  3. UTMAN, you can go before me, I'll not be home until tonight (~12 hours from now). I'll take a look at the changes later Philmon. :P The coater in the screenshot looks good.
  4. This scenario is actually the default "Build Your Own Six Flags Park" with a changed map and some extra rides and scenery. I couldn't bother selecting all styles and rides myself :P
  5. Probably, but then the gif would be too large since the station needed to be quite long to allow this many trains :PEdit: Or maybe I could use that clearance trick to create an infinite long track
  6. Seeing trains move while making the ground and and rides invisible - I can't be the only one doing this :PView image
  7. The railway only has two statsions now, and they are really close to each other. Also the part near the bridge is empty, guests are complaining about being hungry and thirsty, and people get lost all the time, we we need better roads too. Also I think by making some new thrilling rides the guests will be more likely to go to the empty-ish areas.
  8. Dominos is unreachable! D:When it's my turn I'll try moving the pier somewhere else where people won't get stuck, and probably do some scenery around the new area ^^
  9. Alright, I see.@benboy: Good luck!Current list: benboyrocks, AdamLambert, Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegosMissed turn: SnowMew (Derf, jensj12)
  10. Why did you wrap Derf and jensj12 with parentheses? Also the order should be in reverse I think, the last person who missed a turn should have the highest priority.
  11. No ofcourse not, what I thought of is that while you send a PM to someone, they receive an e-mail with the message, and a link to a page where they can respond. The website will mail them, and nobody sees an e-mail address. Though an embedded system would be really nice too :P
  12. Haven't thought of making it mail based, that would be much easier I guess :PAlso another idea: For each thread display the number of new messages since the last time reading it. I know some forums that do this, and I use this feature a lot :P when you click on "X new posts" you'll automatically go to the page with the first new post.
  13. Nice and quickly done! :DPMs: It would have been handy when imlegos didn't know how to use CC and would mail it to me, when someone wanted to add me on Skype, and when I wanted to help jamaka with his computer problem. So, handy for things you'd like to ask someone specific.Embedded search function: Fair enough :PCustom park logo: Yes, to replace the screenshot.First post edit: Would anyone really do that? Maybe if it's an issue, make a moderator approve of the change first.User locations: Oh no, now they can see I'm reading a topic about RCT! D:User stats: As for the time spend online, it's easiest to make it an approximation. For every time the user opens a webpage, check the last time they were online, if it was within the last X minutes, get the time difference and add this to the total. If it was more than X minutes, simply add X. The lower X is, the more precise the total time will be, however don't go too low because reading one page can take a few minutes in which case time is lost.I'm looking forward to seeing the restyled pages. :)
  14. There was a contest of making the longest Go-Karts ride in this scenario without changing the land :P
  15. Found this gem on my old hard drive:View imageIts total length is 10,3km :P
  16. Nuuuuuuu! How are guests going to get pizza now? D:
  17. ForumFirst post editAbility to edit the first post. (wanted to do this just now :P)Latest activity linksMake it link to the last page of a thread instead of the last.BB codes everywhereAdd the buttons for BB-codes to the page when you post a new thread or edit a post.Some ideas from UTMAN:User locationsA list of online users displaying who is viewing what.User statsTime spent on the forums (Just an estimation? refresh timer every time a page is loaded?), posts / day.
  18. ForumPM SystemMake users able to send each other private messages.Hide first postInstead of having the first post of a thread there at every page, hide it by default (and make it expandable), or remove it altogether. Possibly make it a toggle per thread. (I'm thinking they are separated from normal posts in the database)Amount of posts per pageMake the user able to select the amount of posts to display per page.Clickable avatarsLink to the user's profile.Embedded search functionTo replace the Google search.Coaster CloudSelecting parks enhancementWhen clicked on a park, make the information about it pop up right above it instead of at the top.Default messageWhen there are no parks listed, display some text for the user that explain how syncing works.Custom park logoMake the user able to upload a custom park logo for their saves (could be really small).General siteHome: Smaller download buttonSeriously, when I visited this the first time I thought it wasn't sure if it was fake :P Perhaps it's better to just make it say "Go to download page" or something similar, that looks more trustworthy.Content store: SearchDisplay a search bar by default. On addition on the search page make the user able to select what type they want, and how they want it sorted (name, date, download count, username).Content store: Object DataAn Object Data category where people can upload custom scenery, custom themes, complete packs, custom rides, and custom pallets.
  19. I think Runelaenen means where you extracted the OpenRCT2 zip.Beat me :P
  20. Welcome back imlegos, I hope you're feeling better now? ^^
  21. Yes, or the one that I converted to .7z since you can't open .zips for some reason.
  22. Here's some things that we found, without success, but it might be useful to someone:The .zip file that the launcher downloads into the bin folder cannot be opened by his computer. The zip file is there, it even has the right size so the download finished, but when opening it there's an error saying "Could not open file <filename> as archive".We then tried manually downloading the zip from this website, but we got the same error.I then changed it to a .7z format, send it to him, and he was able to open it, though when extracting the files into the /bin folder there was an error on openrct2.dll. All other files copied just fine.Most errors seem to seem to be related to permissions, though then it's still strange that it wouldn't work as administrator. This is where I didn't know anymore, so if someone else knows more let us know.
  23. Alright, I'll have time after ~30 minutes from now. I'll see you in the chat.
  24. Maaaaaybe? Edit: Added a new attraction, probably making the queue line shorter when the rest is filled.
  25. Added a maze, and some scenery changes. I tried building a small mine coaster, but it just doesn't fit nicely. I'm not sure what to do at the empty space.
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