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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 4

    Maybe make it a corkscrew coaster instead?
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 4

    Simply click anywhere on the quote box but the text area, and press delete or backspace. The box will then be removed. You can also move them by dragging the move icon on the top-left corner of a box once it's selected.
  3. Broxzier

    Group Park 4

    Changelog: [Fix] Connected path to Toilets 1 [Fix] Connected path to Fries Shop 1 [Fix] Connected path to Pizza Stall 1 [Fix] Connected path to Pizza Hut (be careful with clearance checks guys...) [Fix] Fixed vandalism (probably a result from all the angry guests not being able to reach those stalls) [Fix] Missing waterfall piece [Fix] Filled the corners of path tiles near the edges of the map [Fix] Removed park fences near map edge [Add] First station of the suspended monorail [Add] Twisted Mind - a thrilling Twist ride, built near the center square [Add] Filled up the empty space between some rides near the center [Add] Bridge from the chairlift over the water past the factory Claimed: - Queue: @SensualEthiopianPolice, imlegos, Redscope53, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRails, TCE, Wuis, Broxzier Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD The OpenRCT Group Park 4.17.sv6
  4. Or even better, use the launcher. This will make sure you have the latest version every time you start the game, and allows you to easily start it.
  5. The wooden one can be coloured. The standard flat walls do not have a diagonal one, but there's probably custom scenery for exactly that. Check out NeDesigns for some custom workbenches.
  6. The latter from the two you named, so RCT3. The tutorial would give very obvious hints to the player, explaining where they can find the things to build, and how to manage a park.
  7. Broxzier

    Group Park 4

    Claimed! Will start tomorrow morning though
  8. The scrolling is not a problem anymore, since you search by name in the object selection window.
  9. That wouldn't work, since the server will be placing the objects. It's only checked there.
  10. Broxzier

    Group Park 4

    I'm afraid that a space themed style next to an oldish environment conflicts.
  11. That all needs to be discussed. My approach would be the latter, to let the game guide the player taking the actions.
  12. Tutorials will be reimplemented at some point, but that will be after the refactoring. The main reason for this is because in RCT2 it only works in fullscreen at a certain resolution (640x480 if I remember correctly), which is not what we're at now. Personally I think it would be nice to have a list with functions that the game has, from easy to advanced, covering all aspects of the game, including OpenRCT2-only features.
  13. You can press and hold Ctrl on a path, or any other element, to build it at the same base height as that object. This way you can be sure it will be next to it.
  14. You need to place them so that they are next to a path, and point towards it. While building stalls, you can rotate them using the red arrow in the interface. The yellow arrow indicates which side is the side guests will buy items from.
  15. Yes, you will need the official assets of the game. We cannot simply distribute them for free... RCT2 Tripply Pack is on sale as we speak, you can get the game + expansions for only $1:
  16. Something OpenRCT2 related Needed this to check out a dump file
  17. Broxzier

    Group Park 4

    Oh, 'unread content' skipped past that post post.
  19. Broxzier

    Group Park 4

    But TCE is still working on it...
  20. Broxzier

    Group Park 4

    Yes, I'll edit the first post. Sorry about this @TCE, we should have been more clear about this.
  21. We've decided against that for a couple of reasons, but it was the idea for a while. Personally I see two major main problems with that is: Someone has to maintain the server, making sure it's always running, and that you also need to keep it running, even when only a few people are using it.
  22. This has been answered a couple of times in the past. Probably the most informative one:
  23. Hello everyone! I am no advertisement bot For everyone who is interested in making games and such, Game Maker Studio: Professional is on sale, and for a ridiculously low price. It's a HumbleBundle action, where you can decide how much you want to pay for it. You basically have those options: Pay anything between $1- ~$13 and get the minimum (would normally be $150!!) Pay anything between ~$13 - $14,99 and you'll get some extra content Pay $15 or more to get the full Pro version, including extra modules (mainly for exporting to different platforms) And of course if you feel generous you can pay more This sale ends within 4 days from now, so if you want to get it, you'd have to decide soon. I'm fairly sure you wont get a better offer for this software, ever. On the same webpage you can also enter your e-mail address, and receive a few (cheap) games for free. I have used Game Maker in the past and can confirm it's fun to play with, easy to learn, and certainly will teach you along the way. The spam ends here
  24. Broxzier

    Group Park 4

    I disagree, because that would mean someone from the missed turn list (who already lost a turn) could lose another by not being able to claim it in time, and someone went before them. Because you said you wanted to claim the park after _SpacE_. Next time please only say so when you're sure you can actually claim the park.
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