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Everything posted by Broxzier
Randomized list of players: giraty Jochem RedScope53 Wuis Tune YoloSweggLord - didn't say you want to join, but I assume you want to TCE Cascadia - same for you jensj12 Philmon11 Broxzier Foxy UTMAN SpiffyJack @imlegos Not sure if you wanted to join or not. Claimed: Queue: @giraty, Jochem, RedScope53, Wuis, Tune, YoloSweggLord, TCE, Cascadia, jensj12, Philmon11, Broxzier, Foxy, UTMAN, SpiffyJack Missed: (Let's keep this empty ) The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.0.sv6
I like the middle one. Sounds useful for making roads. I think so, no one has claimed it since the last upload. 5.07a that should be called 5.08 is the one you should continue on.
The maximum number of map elements is 196096, this includes the surfaces outside of the map, and big elements like loopings and large scenery take up multiple tiles. I'm not sure if there is a limit for just scenery elements. For RCT1 the limit is only 49152.
Of course not everything is in proportions, but that seems very extreme. This is how it looks in-game: The guests are taller than the hedges.
I do use double railings a lot, like what we have in the parking lot now too. I think it looks nice to have a wooden fence, then a hedge next to it. @RedScope53 Please don't keep the map claimed for too long, during this phase it should just be claimed for a few hours. Another thing about version numbering, please always update the version by increasing the number, don't add a letter behind it. Only keep the number the same if you only made a small fix.
Tricks performed with clearance disabled will be just the same in vanilla RCT2, the 8cars trainer had a setting for it as well. To keep things vanilla-compatible, place everything you want to hide on an element at the top, as vanilla will hide everything after a corrupt element on a tile. Then please file an issue on Github with as much information as possible, so it can be debugged.
With clearance checks disabled, you can make it look like there are switches on the track, without empty parts. Just make sure to test the ride first, to make sure the trains are traveling on the right tracks.
For me it doesn't crash, but the cars teleport back to the first station when they leave the second station.
How is this different from simply selecting only the tracks that exist in RCT1 in the object selector? No idea what you mean here. Sounds like you're just trying to play RCT2. IF you're talking about the "RCT1 feel" or "nostalgia" reasons, there are some themes that can help you with that. Are the sounds different? Haven't played RCT1 in years.
I've flattened the land a bit near the bottom corner in the pictures, and built a parking lot and an entrance. I'd like to keep the new sandy area reserved for off-site buildings (think of a parking lot for staff, building for delivering food, replacement parts of rides, storage rooms). The entrance is super ugly now. If anyone wants to rebuild it, feel free to do so. The OpenRCT2 Landscape 5.5.sc6
Claiming. Going to work on the entrance area.
This is off-topic, but I'll answer here anyway. What I'm doing now is fairly simple, for each tile it checks the height of its neighbours, and saves the offset in an array, including diagonal ones. If any of the three tiles around a corner have a greater base height, it raises the slope. When 3 of the 4 corners are raised, it checks if the middle corner can be raised more, by checking if the base height of the diagonal tile from that one has a height offset of 4 units or more. I am planning at improving this further, by taking the other tile's slopes into account, but right now it's entirely based on their base height. You can find the relevant code here: https://github.com/Broxzier/OpenRCT2/blob/heightmap/src/openrct2/world/map_helpers.c#L329
I think the forums also download your image and store it themselves, so it doesn't get updated with your php script anymore. I was working on a heightmap loader yesterday. This image inspirit me to do so:
What about a map like this?
The area on the bottom-left of the screenshot is already quite flat, I think it will be easier to build the entrance there. I do love the idea of having a parking lot! I think the mountain area can be stretched a little bit bigger, it now fits 3 large rides at most.
My trees! It's okay I agree with Wuis. The sandy area shouldn't be next to the lake. I dislike the water in the mountain area, we're going to start this park with just one water area, which will be the lake. The lake can be made bigger if you think there isn't enough water yet.
@SpiffyJack This is how Group Park 4 looked when we began: For Group Park 3 we started with a flat area, the latest version can be found here: Same thing with Group Park 2, which latest version can be found here:
I don't understand what you're asking.
Before you start working on it, claim it here, and when you're done post it again. As there is no queue for this, only claim it when you can actually work on it, and post it as soon as you're done with it.
Anyone who wants to work on it can work on it now, until we start the scenario for real. This is just a landscape file.
So I made a start. The map size is 148x148 again, and there is a small lake. Feel free to make massive changes. The OpenRCT2 Landscape 5.0.sc6
While those landscapes do look good, I'd like to keep the amount of water to a minimum this time. In the past few group parks, the water areas have always been hard to build on, and in the end it's basically just an area cramped with different rides, not making it a single theme. The parks where we didn't start off with water (Group Park 2 and 3) were in my opinion the easiest to work with.
Feel free to make a start. The GP4 had a size of 148x148 tiles. I'd like to start off the same like last time, having a mild beginning, and rough area far away from the entrance.
Who wants to start building the landscape with me?