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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. You're welcome! Glad to hear you got it working now.
  2. The path you mentioned is correct, and the plugin folder should've been created there by the game automatically when it boots. Since it's missing, I suspect that either you're running a very old build that doesn't have plug-in support, or for some reason your user-data-directory is set to some other folder. What version of the game are you running exactly?
  3. Way to talk about us spending our spare time to work on this project for free. It's not like we're investigating this very issue or anything.
  4. This error was fixed. The build you were using was unfortunately from between when this bug was introduced and when it was fixed. The attached park seems to be in this state already. Do you have a save from before it suddenly changed?
  5. The build was successful, but uploading to seems to have failed without a clear indication as to why. I've just restarted these 3 runs, hopefully they will be uploaded successfully this time.
  6. Just leave it up, because this is an annoying problem for new players. One questions that you hopefully remember: when the game first booted, did you see a window (not maximized), and was this tiny compared to your screen? Edit: I've made a discussion/feature request for it on GitHub:
  7. If you could upload a saved park that has this error, that'd be brill. Then I can hopefully reproduce it and find the cause.
  8. Your balance becoming even more negative sounds very odd, since the cheat simply adds money. Do you still have the affected save so we can debug it?
  9. We're from all over the world, but some places more dense than others. North America and Europe have the most members from this community, though there are also members from Indonesia, Australia, Philippines, China, and South Africa, and more. One interesting thing is that RCT2 is quite popular in the Netherlands. Just look at this map from the RC&F Discord server:
  10. You can adjust the scenario with the Scenario Editor too. Just open the editor, go to the floppy icon -> Load landscape, and browse to your scenario. Then adjust the invention list, and save it again.
  11. Back in 2017 I implemented a heightmap loader in the map generation window. It's as simple as selecting a heightmap and changing some settings to adjust the terrain style, min/max height, smoothing, and water level.
  12. That approach will work, but only help so much since there's now two loaded train waiting instead of one. If you can adjust the layout of the coaster slightly to have a block brake somewhere in the middle that will increase the throughput far more.
  13. Any update on this park? The giant screenshot looks so promising already!
  14. I see tht you sent a message at 2:25, but that one wasn't received by the server it seems, hence no audio gets played. Maybe you don't have permissions to use the chat as a spectator in that server? If so, this could be made more user friendly by not allowing you to type at all.
  15. This was happening because the build artifacts from the last release have been replaced, causing the launcher to think it wasn't the right one. Also note that the launcher you're using is not being maintained. I'd suggest using the launcher by IntelOrca instead. This launcher downloads the builds directly from GitHub, where the project is being developed. You can find the launcher here:
  16. The background is pretty much just a video. Maybe it's a setting that prevents video's from playing automatically?
  17. For someone who is not a coder or developer, your guess is spot on! The fix for this was merged into the project asap, to avoid affecting more park files. There's unfortunately not much we can do to automatically fix parks where this happened to. The money cheats are indeed the best way to save an affected park.
  18. The launcher you're using is not maintained, and this problem has been around for years. Try using the new (and more official) launcher by IntelOrca: It installs the game in the same directory. There are a few known bugs, and if you run into an issue it can get fixed since this one is being maintained.
  19. In your video, I don't see any chat activity except for the welcome message. I've also just verified that the beeping sound does happen on my end.
  20. I saw a few reports on GitHub for crashes that happen when loading the title sequence. It may have something to do with the title sequence not loading properly for you. Can you try opening a saved game directly with OpenRCT2.exe? And can you show the folders inside your Documents\OpenRCT2\bin\data ?
  21. @Alexkv There was absolutely no need to do this... You do realize that waking sleeping hounds is not a good idea, right? We've always kept this project free of funding, completely open source, and always tell people to get the original games in order to use OpenRCT2. With you contacting them, you have it in your hands that this entire project could be being taken down if they decide to take action, and thus ruining the fun for literally thousands of people.
  22. Don't promote piracy please. Just get the game files from legitimate source, such as GOG and Steam. OpenRCT2 can run natively on Mac, don't use WINE for that.
  23. You might have ran into the object issue. Try opening the saved game locally to make sure have all the required objects, then connect again.
  24. Game data cannot be distributed legally. You will have to copy over your own copy.
  25. I assume you're talking about the Launcher here. The launcher likely tries to download an update, but for some reason the request times out. Try launching the game directly (so not with the launcher, which is not officially part of OpenRCT2), and the game should open immediately. If you do experience the play button being greyed out, just wait for 30 seconds and it should be enabled, even if you get an error.
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