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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Welcome back, Wobbly! Looking forward to seeing the new folks' creations.
  2. @SensualEthiopianPolice You posted Misirlou before I did. Oh well. At least here's something to +1 that:
  3. @SensualEthiopianPolice was talking about this as well.
  4. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Great turn, Wuis! I really like the fact that the area is very compact. You make amazing building structures, mate!
  5. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I saw it, and I'm rather disappointed the park didn't manage to get packed to the brim. @SensualEthiopianPolice: You made your Racer Woodie as usual, I see
  6. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Noice. I'd rather that you posted an image for all to see as well
  7. I'm sorry, what did you just say?
  8. @Duncans_pumpkin How about a button to put all rides in either column?
  9. I actually like that music. Not the video. Isn't it somewhat popular? The first time I got my smart phone I downloaded Asphalt 8 to see what the hype was about and this song was apparently in it.
  10. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @cascadia I've been wanting to do that for a long time. The only thing that stops me still is my high ping. I'm looking forward to see what the folks over at the MP scene did! Preferably, throw some names as well. Also, I won't be able to claim the park till coming Sunday, so no need to tag my name till then.
  11. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Well, I'll try to keep my word, lol Anyways, I will still check this website at least once every day so you have nothing to worry about, Brox.
  12. Well, ISP's only block certain ports (most commonly no. 80, which is the common HTTP port) so I don't see why they would block two such sophisticated ports as 25565 and 25566. It's very highly unlikely. Also, you never mentioned OpenTTD. Does hosting work on that too? By the way, I still recommend you go over to either of the ORCT2 chats to get better help. The non-dev one preferably.
  13. I'm sorry but I'm not directly involved with its development. All knowledge I have on hardware ID implementation in WolfMod is rather limited. I can certainly ask wolfreak_99 on his progress and how this feature is supposedly executed. I'll get back to you.
  14. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Nah, I'm good. Besides, I'm pretty much booked for the week.
  15. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I won't be able to claim it this time, sorry. Major test in coming. Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12, Cascadia, Philmon11, Wuis, Dan, Broxzier, ziscorMissed: Imlegos, SuperVarken
  16. Well, WolfMod does not require all clients to be running it to access most features. Only the server host requires to. Gymnasiast is one of those folk who said he knew this was possible before-hand, I think. Anyway, it's not a proposal per se, only what I've seen to be apparently the update to the only solution we've had for a month and a half now (before the long awaited login-system plus the unique server distributed keys proposal, both of which have been in the shipping line for a while now). Yes, that is very much possible, but the likely hood of that happening aren't very fat. People know about WolfMod but from what I've seen happen on Multiplayer no one is that serious. For it to be a thing of concern, this would have to be treated as a permanent solution (which it's still not supposed to be). People know that a better method is incoming, so no one cares to by-pass this (not so far at least). It's not like this is the main gaming scene where DRMs are by-passed in the same week as a game is released and the copy is distributed through P2P all over the world or anything. This is all hear say, but I do see your point. Look, I've followed most conversations that have been opened on GitHub about security measures for our Multiplayer. I've seen the faults in IP tracking (and hardware IDs for that matter), the pros in Login systems and I've also read about the unique-key-distribution-to-each-client also. The last two were proposed quite some time ago and while I agree they are rather though out ideas, the thing I see here is that something is better than having nothing for now. I never implied hardware ID tracking is the way we should go. It's only what I think is a decent 'quick' solution, one that's been almost implemented already (hardware ID tracking I mean; IP tracking is already a go), so no idea throwing going on. I'm starting to think my initial post was misread by you two. I can only hope it's not the case anymore.
  17. You're proving my point for me; this is only a temporary solution (one the main develop branch isn't even using I should stress) that's only there before the actual solution can be brought in place. I've already addressed why any current "solution" we have can be worked around but the point still remains that it's not supposed to be permanent. Only the server needs to have a different branch and all clients would be able to come under affect of the modified code (for a non-deviated build). It's meant to be used for those who are willing to get some protection (as short-lived as it may be) from the problems we currently face. In fact, do you expect 100% of impersonators and griefers to be capable of exploiting/ by-passing such measures? I certainly do not, and most servers would think the same. Again, this is not a permanent solution but only meant to fend off as much trouble as possible before an actual security barrier is in place. I might have said things multiple times, but that's only to stress my point. I can see one very important use of hardware-ID tracking for now in WolfMod: Auto-grouping. For example, you've got a certain bunch of people who you want to be instant Moderators or Admins when they join forever. Now, the person can't unknowingly change their hardware ID (unlike IP Addresses) unless they are motivated to do so for some reason. This should be great for AFK servers I imagine.
  18. I didn't say that's where main OpenRCT2 development is going. That's simply where wolfreak has decided to go with his fork. I was replying to the point that WolfMod has become useless because proxies are easy to use for anyone. Hardware ID changing is not as easy as changing the external IP or using a proxy. Even more important is the fact that the external IP changes involuntarily because of the ISP's preferences, and so a ban implemented on one day is useless on the next (if we were to go by IP tracking). It's more about what will be harder to get through. This is only a temporary solution until your method is implemented and you should know this at this point. I would not expect these ideas to be taken seriously by you guys because I clearly know your stance on this issue. It's always better to protect the hut when the winds are crashing rather than seeing it get blown away and making a better house when the winds are gone.
  19. Well then its good that I know WolfMod is about to incorporate hardware IDs in it's banning system. And unless you swap hard disks on a regular basis or do changes at the hardware level, I'd say that's almost the perfect parameter to identify a computer uniquely. I say almost, because UUIDs would be better, but this is the second best thing you can ask for.
  20. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    My clear guess would be that it's a duck.
  21. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Good idea. I was wishing someone would connect the two rivers, and it seems that can happen now. Great detailing on the banks of the river, btw! I tried your methods, but I couldn't nail it back then, so mostly gave up on it.
  22. The problem with that is, nekomaster's ports are, in fact, opening successfully so those prospects are out of the window. My only guess would still be that a third-party is blocking OpenRCT2 to communicate with the Master Server. @nekomaster Could you perhaps test any other applications you have and host a server on them? This should give some insight.
  23. Just met a Scottish person in the game. We can finally strike Scotland off the list. (I'm still surprised only one person told me they were from Scotland, considering Chris is Scottish)
  24. Try to ask here: And if no luck there, here (I wouldn't recommend this though): The first one is the Off-topic chat, and the second one is strictly OpenRCT2 development. On both you'll find the main developers of OpenRCT2, and sometimes the admins for this place ( They might help you with this issue because, quite frankly, I don't think anyone here has a clue on how to fix your issue at all (including me; you do seem like a strange case).
  25. What does randomly generated even mean? It's not classic organ songs being created on-the-go. It's simply several 'unique' .DAT files that are recognized as part of one style that are grouped together and one of them is picked out randomly *in a non-specific order*. Maybe you didn't understand my post correctly. It's just that you've said this before and I don't get what I'm saying that's different than what you are saying, lol.
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